Roof Garden

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SEAWEED BAY HEALTH RESORT “POSITIVE OPEN In the coastal area, it was rainy and humid in summer and snowy and cold in
so the main consideration for the dwellings was to keep warm in winter and
SPACES”  Greyspace Architechture
design studio
protect them from rain and sun in summer.

1787 SQ.M.

Rongcheng City, Weihai City,

Shandong Province, China

The original building of 26 rooms was consolidated into 19 after the design was completed. The
roofs of the remaining 19 courtyards after the transformation were all continued as seagrass house
roofs, forming a complete seagrass house village.
Retaining nostalgia and allowing historical memories
to coexist with modern life is the starting point of this

• the existing house layout system is a functional,

barracks-style layout, land conservation, and
the hierarchy of the courtyard space.
• to adapt the space to meet the operational
functions of the hotel while preserving the
village fabric, courtyard space, and the pattern
of the original village houses;
• at the same time, preserving and extending the
openness of the public space and the continuity
of the overall space while protecting the
privacy of the hotel, is a major challenge for
this design.
Green positive spaces distributed in places.
The landscape elements are partially made of rusted steel plates and dark
grey stainless steel panels to set off the handmade feel with an industrial

Using 2:1 ratio of white ash to rammed earth and

using a special process technology to restore the
architectural texture of the old mud walls.
 The courtyards were combined, demolished and
expanded to change the way the original units were put
together and to better suit the needs of modern
The entrance is via a section of the light
grey stone path.

The three main roads and six courtyards form a network

The design widens part of the front road to form a
with easy access. Set up public buildings and supporting
unified open area with the front of the tea room to
facilities around the public courtyard and other open
increase the spatial hierarchy, with two bedrooms
on the north side and a new public area on the
east side.
 the courtyard and the street is resolved by means of a
gentle slope, which is combined with the difference in
height to deal with the drainage of the site
• Using of proper slope for water drainage as because of
climate it was rainy as well as humid . So, the pathways
and courtyard itself works both ways.
• Connection and privacy was maintained for the resort
rooms even if there were much more positive open spaces
given .
• Proper circulation with green spaces on each side of any
pathway can be seen.
• The main house which was given a huge space with
bifurcation of water body and pathways and green open
space at the center.

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