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Good Morning!

are you today?
Quarter 1: HEALTH 10
Learners are expected:
1. explain the guidelines and criteria in the selection and
evaluation of health information, products and services
(H10CH-Ia-b-20); and
2. discuss the various forms of health service providers and
healthcare plans (H10CH-Ia-b-21).
Specific Objectives
Learners are expected:
1. Define Consumer Health;
2. Identify terms related to Consumer Health;
3. Explain how to become a wise consumer.
PRE-TEST (Part 1)
Directions: Read the statement carefully and choose your answers from the box below. Write
your answers in your activity notebook.
Health Information Consumer Health Health Products

Health Services Unreliable Source of Reliable Source of

Information Information

1. These are data and facts about health products and services you can get from
media and people around you.
2. These are procedures, actions or work furnished or supplied to help satisfy
your needs and wants as consumer.
3. These are health information based on customs and superstitions.
PRE-TEST (Part 1)
Directions: Read the statement carefully and choose your answers from the box below.
Write your answers in your activity notebook.
Health Information Consumer Health Health Products

Health Services Unreliable Source of Reliable Source of

Information Information

4. These are health information based on educational institutions.

5. This refers to the decisions you make about the purchase and use of health
information on products and services.
Part 2: “True or False”.
Direction: Write True if the
statement is correct or False
if the statement is wrong.
Write your answers in your
1. A health consumer is someone who shares
the health products and services.

True False
2. Health information from Facebook is a
trusted source.

True False
3. When purchasing a health product,
comparing and contrasting the products of
similar kind is helpful.

True False
4. Information based on health magazines
and bulletin is considered reliable.

True False
5. Skin care products and grooming aides are
kinds of health information.

True False
Answer Key:

Part 1: Part 2
1. False
1. Health Information
2. False
2. Health Services
3. True
3. Unreliable Information
4. Reliable Information 4. True
5. Health Consumer 5. False
Which one you will you buy?
Which one you will you buy?
Which one you will you buy?
What is
What is the term used to a person who
purchases goods and services for
personal use?
All of us are consumers.
We acquire information,
purchase health products,
and avail of health services
to appraise, improve and
maintain our health.
❖ It is about buying health products and service; and
❖ It is about making decisions and having a clear and deeper
understanding to make wise choices.
❖ Consumer health has three components:
1. health information,
2. health products, and
3. health services.
Health information is an idea that we
hear from people around us, read from
books and other printed materials, or
from the media that influence our
Health products are items that we
consume to improve our well-being
such as medicine, food, clothes,
furniture, electronics, etc.
Health services are programs we avail from various
providers such as physicians, nurses, therapists,
health workers, hospitals, clinics, and the

Some examples of these health services are

insurance, treatment and cure, and complementary
and alternative medicine.
Some Tips on how to be a Wise Consumer
1. Gather correct and sufficient
information–get as much
information by reading critically
the details on the nutritional
quality of the food. Be aware
that being knowledgeable of
the laws will protect you as a
Some Tips on how to be a Wise Consumer
2. Compare and contrast details of
available products – compare and
contrast the products and services
available before you purchase. Judge
for yourself which among the
products are most effective. You can
use the questions in assessing the
health information as your initial
Some Tips on how to be a Wise Consumer
3. Inquire for more and review if
possible – ask direct questions from
sales personnel if there are things about
the product that are not clear to you
before buying it. Clarifying things will
make you more confident as a
consumer. You can also get some
information from other consumers
regarding the product.
Activity A: Let’s Go Shopping!
Directions: Write five
examples of health
products that people buy
and consume using the
web idea below. Write
your answers in your PRODUCTS
activity notebook.
Emphasis on today’s Activity:
As consumers, we must make
wise decisions in purchasing
health products and services by
checking them carefully
especially the informations
about it because they can
directly affect our health.
Directions: Answer the following questions in your activity notebook.
1. You are to buy a health product, specifically a beauty soap. However, you do not have
sufficient and accurate information about the product. What could possibly happen to
you if you buy this product without researching on its details?
2. Is there a need for you to know the guidelines in choosing products? Why?
Thank You!

God bless!

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