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Climate change goals in the context of

the Green Deal policy

Ion Ana Maria


 Every day, we are seeing the growing impact of climate change.

 When we talk about fighting climate change, we always refer to cutting
greenhouse gas emissions.
 Becoming ‘climate neutral’ means reducing greenhouse gas emissions as much
as possible, but it also means compensating for any remaining emissions. This
is how a net-zero emissions balance can be achieved.
 A net-zero emissions balance is achieved when the amount of greenhouse gas
released into the atmosphere is neutralized
 To reduce emissions from energy-intensive industries, the EU has set up an
emissions trading system. The EU ETS is a market for carbon permits
establishing the amount of emissions which power stations, industrial plants
and airlines can release into the atmosphere.
 In 2019, EU leaders endorsed the objective of achieving a climate-neutral EU
by 2050. This followed the commitments made by the EU and its member
states on signing the Paris Agreement in 2015.
The Green Deal includes measures such as:
1. investing in environmentally-friendly technologies 
2. supporting innovation
3. helping the development of cleaner forms of transport
4. decarbonising the energy sector
5. ensuring buildings become more energy efficient 
6. working internationally to improve standards around the world
 What is new about the EU’s climate-neutrality goal and the Green Deal is
that they require action from all sectors of the economy and integrate
climate and environmental considerations across all EU policy areas. This is
known as climate mainstreaming. The energy sector in particular is one
which requires substantial transformation.  
Shifting towards a greener economy is a major element of the transition to a net-
zero emissions society, and it requires action on all fronts. For example: 
1. our buildings should be renovated to make them more energy efficient 
2. the ways we travel – by road, air and sea – need to become drastically more
environmentally friendly
3. our food production, which too often relies on pesticides and fertilisers that are
damaging for air, soil, water and wildlife, needs to become more
environmentally friendly
4. our carbon sinks, such as forests, are declining and the trend should be
reversed, including by managing forests in a more sustainable way
5. investments should increasingly help sustainable and climate-friendly projects
to develop

 All economic sectors can and must contribute to reducing greenhouse gas
emissions. For example, industry needs to continue to modernise and pollute
less. The aviation and maritime sectors, which are among the fastest-growing
sources of greenhouse gas emissions, should become more energy efficient
and shift towards alternative, greener fuels.
 I believe that the investing in new green jobs will be the future, because lots
of people are very dependent on fossil fuels and with the new changes they
risk losing their jobs.
 In my opinion, to make the transition to low-carbon technology attractive for
investments the government should provide loans and financial support to
innovate the oldest companies or to create a new one.

 We, as consumers, can also reduce our environmental footprint through our
behaviour and choices.
 The oceans and soil both absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but forests
represent the most effective way to make a difference. 
 Natural ecosystems which have the ability to absorb more carbon than they emit are
called ‘carbon sinks’. Actions to protect oceans, soil and forests are vital for
absorbing emissions
 By becoming climate neutral, the EU will be the first continent to reach a net-zero
emissions balance. Our ambitious goals will be a model for others. 
 For the EU economy, it is important that the climate-neutrality objective is
achieved in a way that preserves the EU’s competitiveness. This includes developing
effective measures to shield it from the competitive disadvantage compared to
other countries which do not have such ambitious climate policies.


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