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History of Pakistan 1969-2019

Course Code: Min/B.Eds -Hist-204

Ms Lubna Shahzadi
Bs-II (2018-2022)
Topics to be discussed
• General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Islamization, Afghan Policy
• Referendum, Election of 1985, Junejos’s Ministry
• Dissolution of Assembly, Care Taker Government, Election 1988
• Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq (August 1924 – 17 August
1988) was a Pakistani four-star general
• who served as the 6th President of Pakistan from 1978 until his death in 1988,
after declaring martial law in 1977.
• He was Pakistan's longest-serving head of state.
• Educated at Delhi University, Zia saw action in World War II as a British
Indian Army officer, before opting for Pakistan in 1947 and fighting in the
war against India in 1965.
• Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto approved Zia's four-star appointment
and raised him as the Chief of Army Staff in 1976.
• Following civil disorder, Zia deposed Bhutto in a military coup and
declared martial law on 5 July 1977. Bhutto was controversially tried by
the Supreme Court and executed less than two years later, for authorizing
the murder of a political opponent.

• July 5, 1977 Gen Zia removes Bhutto in a bloodless coup, suspending the constitution and declaring
martial law.
• He announces elections will be held in 90 days.
• But simultaneously begins a censorship regime. Political activists and journalists are arrested and
flogged in public .
• On 18 March 1978, Bhutto was declared guilty of murder and was sentenced to death.
• He appointed Martial law judges and Martial law Governors.
• Despite the dismissal of most of the Bhutto government, President Fazal Ilahi Chaudhry was
persuaded to continue in office and despite Zia's insistence to accept an extension as President,
Chaudhry resigned, and Zia took the office of President of Pakistan on 16 September 1978
• Domestically, Zia passed broad- ranging legislation as part of Pakistan's Islamization, acts criticized for
provoking religious intolerance.
• Committed to enforce Nizam-e-Mustafa.
• May 26, 1980 Establishment of Federal Shariat Court is announced
• Islamisation was a sharp change from Bhutto’s slogan ROTI, KAPRA, MAKAN, In Zia's view, socialist
economics and a secular-socialist orientation served only to upset Pakistan's natural order and weaken
its moral fibre.
• Most controversial measures to Islamize Pakistani society was the replacement of parts of the Pakistan
Penal Code (PPC) with the 1979 Hudood Ordinance.
• He give Zakat and Ushr Ordinance and a 2.5% annual deduction from personal bank accounts on the
first day of Ramazan.
• Contact with Ulama and Mashaikh, prayer in congregation, respect for
Ramazan, better facilities for Hajj, reorientation of education policy,
making of International Islamic University Islamabad, enforcement of
Hudood ordinance, setting up of Sharia court, sharia bench of Supreme
court, Qazi courts, progress towards Islamic economic system, National
language and national dress, decisions about Qadianis, enforcement of
Sharia ordinance 1988.
Order for women to cover their heads while in public was implemented in public
schools, colleges and state television. Women's participation in sports and the
performing arts was severely restricted,
He expanded Madrissa, Their number grew from 893 to 2801. They received
funding from Zakat councils and provided free religious training, room and board
to impoverished Pakistanis.
In a 1979 address to the nation, Zia criticized the Western culture and music in the
country. Soon afterwards, PTV, the national television network ceased playing
music videos and only patriotic songs were broadcast.
• Zia ul haq supported the movement for Islamisation.
• Imposed Zakat and Ushr.
• Introduced Islamic punishments for all crimes except murder, since
Islamic laws would ensure Z.A Bhutto release .
• Give a boost to religious parties
• Banned political parties.
• This led to sectarian militancy and emergence of ethnic parties
• In December 1979, in the midst of the Cold War, the Soviet Army invaded
Afghanistan in order to prop up the communist government of the
People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) against a growing
• The Soviet Union feared the loss of its communist proxy in Afghanistan.
• At the end of December 1979, the Soviet Union sent thousands of troops
into Afghanistan and immediately assumed complete military and political
control of Kabul and large portions of the country.
Afghan Policy 

• Zia chaired a meeting and was asked by several cabinet members to

refrain from interfering in the war, owing to the vastly superior military
power of the USSR.
• He was ideologically opposed to the idea of communism taking over a
neighbouring country, supported by the fear of Soviet advancement into
Pakistan, particularly Balochistan, in search of warm waters, and made no
secret about his intentions of monetarily and militarily aiding the Afghan
resistance (the Mujahideen) with major assistance from the United States.
• Assuming the presidency in 1978, Zia played a major role in the Soviet
war in Afghanistan. Aided by the United States and Saudi Arabia, Zia
systematically coordinated the Afghan mujahideen against the Soviet
occupation throughout the 1980s. This culminated in the Soviet Union's
withdrawal in 1989, but also led to the proliferation of millions of
refugees, with heroin and weaponry into Pakistan's frontier province.
• ISI chief advocate that Pakistan should participate in more and I should
fight a proxy wars against USSR to save their country.
• Afghan refugees flooded pakistan after soviet invasion.
• Society was brutalized.
• Introduction of klashinkov and drug cultures.
Events occur after soviet invasion
• Under cover of afghan crisis Ziaul Haq was able to replenish both funds
and arsenals of Pakistan. He continued the nuclear program. He allowed to
given Siachen to India. In 1983,crushed the movement for Democracy
MRD .  Held referendum to give 5 year term as a president .
• After Bhutto's execution, momentum to hold elections began to mount both
internationally and within Pakistan.
• But before handing over power to elected representatives, Zia-ul-Haq attempted to
secure his position as the head of state.
• A referendum was held on 19 December 1984 with the option being to elect or reject
the General as the future President, the wording of the referendum making a vote
against Zia appear to be a vote against Islam.
• According to official figures 95% of votes were cast in favour of Zia, however only
10% of the electorate participated in the referendum.

• Held in 1985 February.

• A non party parliament was introduced.
• Muhammad khan Junejo a Prime Minister.
• He made the passing of Eight Amendment essential for the restoration of
parliament, which gave constitutional cover to Martial law
• 58(2)(B) clause allowed to dismiss the prime minister.
• 31 December 1985 Martial law was lifted, but Zia remained President and chief of
Army staff.
Muhammad Khan Junejo
• Junejo acted in an independent manner and displayed an admirable character.
• He signed an accord in Geneva which paved the way for soviet withdrawal from
• He put both military and civil officers in small cars.
• In April1988,ojhri munitions camp blew up, and Junejo launched an inquiry .
• On may 29 1988, Zia dismissed Prime Minister Junejo and dissolved the Assembly.
• On 17 August 1988,Zia was killed in an aircrash.
• The chairman of the senate, Ghulam Ishaq khan became president.
• It is said by some that Zia-Junejo rift was encouraged by Mahboob-ul-Haq
and Junejo's insistence on signing Geneva pact without deciding the
composition of next government of Afghanistan before Soviet withdrawal.
• Junejo also gave Benazir a seat next to him in parleys before that.
• Junejo did not strengthen the Islamization drive and rather weakened it.
• His era led to serious disturbances in Karachi and ultimately Karachi went
into the secular control of MQM from the clutches of Sunnis Jamaat-e-Islami.
Ojhri Camp blast had irreversibly weakened Zia.
• On 29 May 1988, Zia dissolved the National Assembly and removed the Prime Minister under article
58(2)b of the amended Constitution.
• Apart from many other reasons, Prime Minister Junejo's decision to sign the Geneva Accord against
the wishes of Zia
• Zia promised to hold elections in 1988 after the dismissal of Junejo government.
• He said that he would hold elections within the next 90 days.
• The late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's daughter Benazir Bhutto had returned from exile earlier in 1986, and
had announced that she would be contesting the elections. W
• ith Bhutto's popularity somewhat growing, and a decrease in international aid following the Soviet
withdrawal from Afghanistan, Zia was in an increasingly difficult political situation.
Care Taker Government
• The purpose of the caretaker cabinet in Pakistan is to create a conducive
environment for genuine elections, ensuring the neutrality of the
government to facilitate a smooth transfer of power from one elected
government to another
Process to appoint/select‘ Caretaker Prime
Minister’ and ‘Caretaker Chief Ministers
• The care-taker Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President in consultation
with the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the outgoing National
• and a care-taker Chief Minister shall be appointed by the Governor in consultation
with the Chief Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the outgoing
Provincial Assembly.
• • Chief Minister and the Leader of the Opposition in the outgoing Provisional
Assembly do not agree on any person to be appointed as the care-taker Chief
Minister, within three days of the dissolution of that Assembly
Functions of the Caretaker Government
• perform its functions to attend to day-to-day matters which are necessary
to run the affairs of the Government;
• assist the Commission to hold elections in accordance with law;
• restrict itself to activities that are of routine, non- controversial and urgent,
in the public interest and reversible by the future Government elected after
the elections;
Election 1988
• Bhutto’s PPP won the largest bloc of seats in the National Assembly.
• Bhutto was sworn in as Prime Minister of a coalition government on
December 2, becoming at age 35 the youngest
• and the first woman—to head the government of a Muslim-majority state
in modern times
• She participated in the SAARC ( South Asian Association ofRegional
Cooperation) summit conference in 1988.
• She signed 3 Peace Agreements with India.
• She made Sindhi as compulsory subject till secondary level. She reserved
the seats for Sindhies in civil services.
• She also made the Sindhi as Court language in province Sindh.
• Her govt. was dismissed by Ghulam ishaq Khan because of Corruption.

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