Lecture 4 Seismic Interpretation

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Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Gravity

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Gravity

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Gravity

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Magnetic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Magnetic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Magnetic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Geophysics - Seismic
Seismic Interpretation
⦿ Seismic Interpretation - the science (and art) of inferring
the geology at some depth from the processed seismic
⦿ Seismic records contains :
1) time of arrival of any reflection (or refraction) from a
geological surface.
The actual depth to this surface is a function of the thickness
and velocity of overlying rock layers. 
2) shape of the reflection, which includes
a) strength of the signal
b) frequencies, and
c) frequencies distribution over the pulse.
- give conclusions about the lithology and fluid content of the
seismic reflector being evaluated.

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Categories of seismic interpretation

⦿ a) Structural seismic interpretation
⦿ b) Seismic sequence stratigraphic
⦿ c) Lithologie interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation


Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Applications of seismic attributes

⚫ 1)  Amplitude
⚫ 2) Phase
⚫ 3) Frequency
⦿ 1) Instantaneous amplitude -
Amplitude is related to reflectivity, which in turn is
related to subsurface impedance contrasts.
Amplitude attributes provide information about all the
a) rock, fluid
b) formation-pressure conditions listed in 
Table 1- Geological influences on acoustic impedance.

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Applications of seismic attributes 3

⦿ 3) Instantaneous frequency
⦿ - sometimes aids in recognizing changes in bed
thickness and bed spacing.
⦿ Anomalous values of Instantaneous frequency
 (negative values or unbelievably high positive
values) are particularly useful for recognizing:
⚫ Edges of reservoir compartments
⚫ Subtle faults
⚫ Stratigraphic pinchouts

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Seismic Stratigraphy
⦿ A siliciclastic rock deposited in a high-accommodation environment contains
numerous vertically stacked stratal surface.

⦿ A stratal surface is a depositional bedding plane: a depositional surface that

defines a fixed geologic time.

⦿A seismic reflection event follows an impedance contrast associated with a 

stratal surface; that is, a seismic reflection is a surface that represents a fixed
point in geologic time.[2][3] 
⦿ Chronostratigraphic defines this type of seismic reflection event. Because
lithology varies across the area spanned by a large depositional surface, the
implication of this interpretation principle is that a really pervasive seismic
reflection event does not necessarily mark an impedance contrast boundary
between two fixed rock types as that reflection traverses an area of interest.
⦿ Application of this fundamental concept about the genetic origin of seismic
reflections to seismic interpretation is referred to as stratal-surface seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Seismic data acquisition on land

⦿ There are four basic components of land
seismic acquisition:
⚫ Location—knowing where the line is to be shot
⚫ Source—some means of transmitting acoustic
energy into the subsurface
⚫ Receivers—a means of gathering the energy as it
is reflected by changes in rock properties in the
⚫ Recorder—a device for preserving the gathered
information for processing

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Seismic data acquisition on land 1

⦿ There are four basic components of land seismic
⚫ Location—knowing where the line is to be shot
⚫ Steps: 1) Lay out on a program map the location of a
seismic program.
- 2) Secure gov’t. permits
- fees are paid for tresspass and/or damages.
- 3) consider impassable terrain, areas restricted to vehicular

- However, in remote or previously unsurveyed areas, satellite stations

may be necessary to provide accurate points of reference. Above all,
reproducibility of the survey is necessary to be able to go back and
drill at the shotpoint interpreted as “the place to drill.

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic data acquisition on land

⦿There are four basic components of land
seismic acquisition:
⚫Source—some means of transmitting
acoustic energy into the subsurface
⚫ a) explosives
⚫ b) vibrators
⚫ c) gas or air guns
⚫ d) weight drop

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Applications of seismic attributes 2

⦿2) Instantaneous phase
useful for tracking reflection
continuity and stratal surfaces across low
amplitude areas where it is difficult to see
details of reflection waveform character.
- least used of the seismic attributes.

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic data acquisition on land

⦿There are four basic components of land
seismic acquisition:
⚫Receivers—a means of gathering the
energy as it is reflected by changes in rock
properties in the subsurface

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic data acquisition on land

⦿There are four basic components of land
seismic acquisition:
⚫Recorder—a device for preserving the
gathered information for processing

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿ Marine Seismic
⦿ Source
⦿ Air gun – most common
⦿ Water gun – a piston is driven through the water so
fast that a vacuum bubble is produced. When this
bubble collapses, acoustic energy is radiated. The
pressure signature from a water gun has pressure
variations ( a precursor) before the main pressure
pulse. This precursor is caused by the initial
acceleration of the water, and special water gun
processing (signature deconvolution) must be
Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor
20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic
⦿Quality Control

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Marine Seismic

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic Interpretation and Analyses


Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic Interpretation and Analyses

⦿What are the regional tectonic,
structural, and depositional trends?

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic Interpretation and Analyses

⦿What seismic patterns should I be
looking for?

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic Interpretation and Analyses

⦿ Step 2: Building & merging datasets

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019
Seismic Interpretation

⦿Seismic Interpretation and Analyses

⦿ Step 3: Interpretation

Seismic Interpretation Arnel M. Molina Instructor

20 Feb 2019

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