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Accreditations & Approvals

TCIQ is an ISO (9001:2015) certified company that does business in

the areas of training, consulting, and service. We are one of the
fastest- growing businesses in India right now.
TCIQ is a well-known Training, Consulting, and Services company that
was founded in 2019. TCIQ wants to meet the ever-growing demand
for international training and consulting, and to produce highly
qualified professionals for all industries, especially for the safety,
quality, and logistics industries. Our foothold shows that we are
serious about the places where we work. TCIQ has become one of the
most trusted training providers because of providing the highest
quality standards in training.
To make a name for ourselves by training, auditing, consulting, and
qualifying professionals and businesses through new ideas, and to
grow with them in creativity, quality, productivity, teamwork, and
ethical values so that we can all be better at what we do.

To help people who want to get a good OHS degree.
To set and meet safety standards for different industries in different
regions of the world
What We Offering ?
TCIQ Engineering and consultant services put Silent features of Training modules
ltd headquarters at Kerala Cochin ( INDIA) Client site Training
Iis one of the most reputed organization tailored conducted by TCIQ
1- incorporate the specific need & purpose
capable of catering quality and sate of the of the client Tailored to Clients specific site conditions.-work
art services in the field of Environment 2- Adopt there existing Plans Procedure & process /equipment any special & typical site
Health & Safety we have emerged as India's work place environment problems being faced at work place.
Most preferred EHS SERVICE Provider due 3- A cost Effective competence building
to our in depth understanding Of EHS Option  Assessment process at the beginning & at the
Domain /research & technology Lead conclusion of training Program –feed the
solutions with unmatched expertise as a management with the information of existing caliber
& the enhanced knowledge of the participants.
leading fore runner voice its vast experience In house Training
and capabilities to deliver an extensive range 1-use of 3D Animations ,Practical and  Training Presentations takes helps from our in-
of global recognized EHS Courses software support for better understanding house animation scenarios for interaction discussion/
and concept . deliberations with the Participants .which enliven the
•We stand for building quality installing 2- Q&A Orientation close –interactive subject –matters in interesting & easily graspable way
Professionalism and creating comprehensive training approach with rich imports of technical and management
Packages' aiming at molding behavior of safety 3-Global Reorganization contents.
Personnel's 4-Flexbile Payment plans Considering Even
• we undertake & execute EHS Training Programs on Individual inconvenience & paucity of  Our training modules are scripted depicted
various industries I.e. (construction , Oil & gas , funds narrated and presented & presented by Field Experts
IT ,Hospitals, aviation) for workmen's , by multi- disciplinary Qualification and expertise at
supervisors ,Engineers ,Managers ,Medical Staff ,& typical hazardous work sites. Which had particular
top cadre of the management. Standard Training Programs nurture to the training Program.
• in Short TCIQ Has emerged as pool of talent we offer exciting ,Multi layered programs
Expertise Experience & Resourcefulness in EHS filed for those who want a fast , Effective route  Case Study Of Typical anticipated and actual
to there professional attainment at accidents /Incident situations with analysis of main
competitive rates with high-Profile Points benefits the participants from Practical Angle.
Faculty , focusing on improving individual  Field Training & Equipment Inspection-with tools
Competency .The More Traditional Chalk equipments & Gadgets are conducted along with the
&Talk methodology, Augment reality of participants to impart actual testing and inspection
learning & tailored for close interaction of Knowledge
trainers with curious participants
How we Deliver.
Our training program include classroom
session to practical sessions

 Class Room training session – we impart

training trough classroom lectures which are
inclined towards providing basic understanding
of the topic to the participants
This include - PPT (power point presentations)
3D Animation Movies
case study
 Behavior Modeling Method-our well
experienced team of trainers are qualified are
enough to assess trainees behavior during the
training program & then provide training inputs.
 Practical Training Session- Apart of class room
training we impart onsite /practical training to
develop Team Work Skills among them trainees
and help them to enhance there practical
Knowledge .
 Assessments –Pre & Post Assessment of
Trainees for identify gaps with there existing

For Hospitality Industries Safety Oil & Gas industries Onsite Training Off-site
Online Online/onsite/classroom training
1-IPC Infection Prevention & Control TRE-1 1- General Safety Awareness
2-Go data collection & Chain of transmission A-Mannul & mechanical handling
3-Ultra-low temperature vaccine management B-Ergnomical safety
4-Safety in administering medicines for neglected 2- Confined Space Awareness safety
tropical diseases 3- work at heights Awareness Safety
5-COVID -19 Respiratory Equipment. 4-first aid medic
6-Measles Outbreak Training 5-Vehicle Safety Management
7-The Public Health Emergency Operations Centre (PHEOC 6-Fire Safety Management.
8-Occupational health and safety for health workers in the 7-loto procedure
context of COVID-19 Specific training (Onsite/class room training)
9-MS Tier 2: Working in WHO’s Incident Management 1-Confined space rescue level-1
System 2-AGT-Authorised Gas Tester
(incident-management-system-tier2) 3-H2S Evacuation
Offline training 4-Disaster Management
1, fire safety management fire fighting 5-Chemical Spill & Control
2,eargnomical safety (manual and material handling) 6-Fire Fighting.
3,house keeping 7-Loto (Lockout and tagout- level01 handsoff
4,emergency management system
5,DSE (Display Screen Equipment)
Construction Industries
IT/BPO Industries Safety Onsite Safety Training .
1- General Safety Awareness
Office Safety Offline training A-Mannul & mechanical handling
1,-Healthy and safe telework B-Ergonomic safety
2- Confined Space Awareness safety
2,BBS Behavior Based Safety
3- work at heights Awareness Safety
3,Emergency and Fire Safety 4-first aid medic
4,DSE/Ergonomic Safety. 5-Vehicle Safety Management
5,Security Management 6-Fire Safety Management.
6,Stress Management 7-Basic Loto (Lockout and Tag Out
8,security management

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