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By Samin
 Occupational noise exposure is the noise
and sound that is present in industry and in
the work place environment.
 Over exposure to noise can be hazardous to
a workers wellbeing and health in industry as
well as civilians in the surrounding
 Occupational noise can lead to permanent
hearing loss known as Noise Induced
Hearing Loss (NIHL)
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
 Noise induced hearing loss is the impairment
resulting from exposure to high decibels
sound leading to the ware and degradation of
a persons ability to hear.

 Noise induced hearing loss is permanent

and can have the potential to effect a
persons physical, mental, psychological
OSHA Noise Guidelines (PEL)
 29 CFR 1910.95 – Occupational Health and Environment

 1926.101 – Hearing Protection ( Ear Protection)

 PEL = 90 dBA for an 8-hr workday

 5 dBA exchange rate, up to 15 minutes

 No noise exposure for 140 dBA

 Action Levels are 85 dB (or 50% Dose) and 90 dB (or 100%

Permissible Noise Exposure
Permissible Exposure “Slow”
Duration Per Day, Response, (dBA)
 87
 16  90
 8  92
 6  95
 4  97
 3  100
 2  105
 1  110
 1/2  115
 1/4 or less
ACGIH Noise Guidelines (TLV)
 Hearing loss average of 2 dB at 500,
2000, and 3000 Hz

 85 dBA for an 8-hr


 3 dBA exchange
Permissible Noise Exposure
Permissible Exposure “Slow”
Duration Per Day, Response, dBA
 82
 16  85
 8  88
 6  91
 4  94
 3  97
 2  100
 1  103
 1/2  106
 1/4 or less
 Dose = C1/T1 + C2/T2 + … + Cn/Tn

 Dose % = (C1/T1 + C2/T2 + … + Cn/Tn)


 C = Time of exposure at a specific noise


 T = Duration of exposure allowed at the

noise level
Time Weighted Average (TWA)
 Time – Weighted Average (TWA): Average
exposure for an individual over a given working
period, as determined by sampling at given times
during the period. TWA for an 8-hr work shift is:

 OSHA: 90 dBA using a 5-decibel (dB) exchange rate

 ACGIH: 85 dBA using a 3-decibel (dB) exchange


 OSHA: Leq= 16.61 log10 (D/100) + 90

 NIOSH: Leq= 10.0 log10 (D/100) + 90

Finding Average Noise Levels
 Average Noise Levels: similar to TWA
t≠ 8 hours

 OSHA: La = 90 + 16.61 log (D%/12.5 t)

 NIOSH: La = 90 + 10 log (D%/12.5 t)

How to Evaluate Noise
1. Verify if you have a

2. Survey the areas

3. Perform work shift


4. Use instrumentation
1. Verify if you have a problem
 There are various factors that my indicate noise
is a problem in the work place.

 Noisy conditions can make conversations


 High noise levels can cause adverse reactions

or behavior.

 High noise levels can lead to NIHL (Noise

Induced Hearing Lose) or other negative health
2. Surveys
 Surveys should be performed to screen for
noise exposure and to determine if
additional monitoring is necessary.

 When screening for noise exposures,

sound level meter measurements and
estimates of the duration of exposure are
2. Surveys
 1. Tour the facility and develop a detailed
understanding of facility operations and
potential noise sources.

 2. Use a sound level meter to take spot

of operations that are in question.

 3. Estimate exposures by identifying workers and

their locations and estimate the length of time
they spend in different areas or how long they
operate particular equipment or tools.
Noise Survey Map
3. Work Shift Sampling
 When the results of the surveys indicate
that noise levels may exceed those outlined
in OSHA’s noise standard 29 CFR 191095,
additional monitoring is necessary.

 Sample of the noise exposures of

representative employees from each
job classification that may be potential
over exposed.
4. Instrumentation

 Sound Level Meter

 Dosimeter

 Octave – Band
4. Instrumentation
 Each noise instruments and devices must be
properly adjusted and calibrated.

 Employers are required to train employees

on how to properly use the instruments and

 Data and statistics from instruments

and devices must be properly stored
and accessible.
Hearing Conservation Program
 OSHA and NIOSH recommend that HCPs be implemented
for all workers whose unprotected 8-hr TWA exposures equal
or exceed 85 dBA:

 Initial and annual program audits of procedures

 Assessment of noise exposures

 Audiometric evaluation and monitoring

 Education and motivation of workers

 Recordkeeping
Initial and Annual Program
 An Initial audit should be conducted before
and HCP is implemented or any changes
are made to an existing program.

 This audit will serve as a basis for

assessing the effectiveness of an improved
Exposure Assessment
 Monitoring procedures should be specifically
defined to ensure consistency.

 Instrumentation, calibration, measurement

parameters, and methods for linking results
to worker records should be clearly

 Exposure assessment should be done

during typical work shift.
Exposure Assessment
 Intensity of the noise

 Potential changes in exposure due to changes in equipment

or production

 Rate of significant threshold shift noted among workers

 Requirements of various governmental regulations

 Workers’ compensation requirements of individual states

 Union contract stipulations

 Specific company policies

Workers Rights
 Workers shall be notified of the noise exposure
level determined for their particular job
classifications and the relative risk that such
an exposure poses to their hearing.

 This information should also be cross-

to individual worker records.

 Notification should include a description of the

specific hazardous noise sources in the workers’
area, the purpose and proper use of any noise
control devices, and equipments of hearing
protectors, if appropriate.
Hierarchy of Controls

Engineering Controls
 “Any modification or replacement of equipment,
or related physical change at the noise source or
along the transmission path (with the exception of
hearing protectors) that reduces the noise level at
the employee’s ear”.

 The most effective way to prevent Noise Induced

Hearing Loss (NIHL) is to remove the hazardous
noise from the work place or to remove the
worker from the hazardous noise.
Engineering Controls
 Reducing noise at the source

 Altering the noise path

 Reducing reverberation

 Reducing equipment
Engineering Controls
 Any reduction in noise serves to make the
noise hazard more manageable, reduces the
risk of hearing loss, improves communication,
and lowers annoyance and related extra-
auditory problems associated with high noise

 When the noise can be reduced to acceptable

levels through engineering controls, employers
may forego some of the additional difficulties
and expenses related to provide hearing
protectors, education and motivation program
and program evolutions.
“Buy Quiet”
 “Buy Quiet” is the initiative to purchase the
quietest noise emitting equipment, tools,
and machinery in order to reduce
occupational noise and sound exposures.

 Create a “Buy Quiet” agenda and program.

 “Buy Quiet” may initially cost more in the

beginning but will ultimately save costs for
the future.
Administrative Controls
 Creating policies, procedures, rules, regulations,
to minimize noise and sound intensity or
duration of exposure.

 Posting hazards signs and warnings in effected


 Worker and associates training to understand

noise hazards and how to use proper PPE.

 Routinely changing worker schedule.

Audiometric Evaluation
 Because occupational hearing loss occurs
gradually, affected employees often notice no
change in hearing ability until a relatively
large change in their hearing sensitivity has

 The annual comparison of audiometric tests

can trigger prompt hearing loss program
interventions, initiating protective measures
and motivating employees to prevent
further hearing loss.
Audiometric Evaluation
 Audiometry shall, at a minimum, consist of pure-tone air
conduction threshold of each ear at 500, 1000, 2000, 3000,
4000, and 6000 Hz.

 Although this entire frequency range is not used in the

assessment of OSHA’s standard threshold shift (STS), all of
these frequencies are important in deciding the probable
etiology of a hearing loss.

 To enhance the decision about probable etiology, testing

at 8000 Hz should also be considered.

 Sufficient time should be taken to conduct the test

 Testing too quickly sacrifices accuracy and gives the worker
the impression that audiometry.
Education and Motivation
 29 CFR 1910.1200

 Under the standard, employers in the

manufacturing sector must establish
in comprehensive hazard
communication program.

 The hazard communication program is to

be written and made available to workers
and their designated representatives.
Employee Training
 Annual training shall be provided to employees
exposed to noise levels at or above 85 dBA as
an 8-hr TWA.

 Workers must be informed of the possible

consequences of noise exposure and of the
various control methods available to protect their
hearing. When an HCP is implemented, workers
should be informed of the provisions of the
program and the benefits of their full
and cooperation in the program.
Employee Training
 The employer must institute a training
program for all the employees with noise
exposures at or above the action level and
ensure employee participation.

 Training must be repeated annually for each

employee in the hearing conservation

 Information must be updated to be consistent

work any
with processes.
changes in protective equipment
Employee Training

 Requirements of and rationale for the occupational noise standard

 Effects of noise on hearing

 Company policy for the elimination of noise as a hazard

 Hazardous noise sources at the work site

 Training in the use of hearing protectors

 Audiometry

 Individual responsibilities for preventing hearing loss

 1. Pre-employment (Baseline Audiogram)

 2. Prior to initial assignment in a hearing hazardous work

area (Baseline Audiogram)

 3. Annually as long as the employee is assigned to a noisy

job ( a time-weighted average exposure level equal to or
greater than 85 dBA) (Monitoring Audiogram)

 4. At the time of reassignment out of a hearing hazardous job

(Exit Audiogram)

 5. At the termination of employment (Exit Audiogram)

Hearing Protection Devices
 A hearing protection device is any device
designed to reduce the level of sound
reaching the eardrum.

 Hearing protectors should be used when

engineering and administrative controls are
not feasible for reducing noise exposures
to safe levels.

 Earmuffs, earplugs, ear canal caps,

Hearing Protection (PPE)
 PPE is considered the last resort in controlling hazardous
because it puts the reasonability on the worker.

 Ear protection provides protection and defense from

noise and sound hazards.

 Ear protection provides protection against occupational

noise exposures and NIHL (noise induced hearing lose).
 The purpose of OSHA recordkeeping
regulations is to assist employers in recognizing
and correcting workplace hazards by tracking
work- related injuries/illnesses and their causes.

 The most important features of good records

should be accuracy, thoroughness,
organization and legibility.

 Records should be consistent with the

company's policies.

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