Safe Mlotherhood Lec 2

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Judith Anaman-Torgbor
Topic: Safe Motherhood
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
 Explain safe Motherhood
 State the goal and objectives of safe Motherhood
 Explain why safe motherhood
 Describe the six Pillars of Safe Motherhood
 List the major factors contributing to morbidity and
mortality during motherhood
 Explain the strategies to reduce maternal mortality

Brief Background
Why safe motherhood?
 In 2007 there were at least 3.2 million stillborn babies,
4 million neonatal deaths and more than half a million
maternal deaths globally.
 Every day in 2015, about 830 women died due to
complications of pregnancy and child birth.
 Most of these could have been prevented.
Brief History
Why safe motherhood?
 Maternal and neonatal deaths are still high and
 Over half of maternal deaths are due
to preventable or treatable conditions.
 For newborns, most deaths are due to
premature birth, infections and complications of
asphyxia, again all preventable or treatable
Brief History
Any Remedy?
 The maternal morbidity and mortality can be reduced
through preventive and promotive activities, by
addressing avoidable factors that cause death.
 These are are included in safe motherhood initiatives.
Safe Motherhood
So….What is Safe Motherhood?
 It is a global effort that aim to reduce deaths and
illnesses among women and infants, especially in
developing countries
 It is an important component of Reproductive Health.
 It was launched in 1987 to improve maternal health and
reduce the number of maternal deaths by half by the
year 2000.
Safe Motherhood
What is Safe Motherhood?...cont’d
 It also means ensuring that all women receive the care
they need, to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy
and childbirth.
 It is the ability of a mother to have safe & healthy
pregnancy & child birth.
Safe Motherhood

What is Safe Motherhood?....cont’d

 Safe motherhood covers a broad range of direct and indirect efforts
to reduce deaths and disabilities resulting from pregnancy and
 The direct efforts ensure that every woman has access to a full range
of high-quality, affordable sexual and reproductive health services,
especially maternal care and treatment of obstetric emergencies.
 The indirect efforts include addressing social and other conditions
that may affect women’s health.
Safe Motherhood
What is the GOAL of Safe Motherhood?
 To improve the well being of mothers through a
comprehensive approach of providing,
preventing, promotive, curative and
rehabilitative health care
Safe Motherhood
Objectives of Safe Motherhood
 To improve quality and increase access to family
planning and maternal health care services

 To educate couples to ensure they have the best chance

for a wanted and safe pregnancy

 To promote improvement of health systems for

monitoring maternal and newborn health services
Safe Motherhood
 Objectives of Safe Motherhood….cont’d
 To promote the implementation of evidence based
integrated cost-effective reproductive health
interventions with a focus on maternal and newborn
health within primary health care approach

 To conduct operations research to generate best

practices and evidence for addressing priority
reproductive health problems.
The Six Pillars of Safe Motherhood
Family Planning--- Information &
services to plan the timing, number &
spacing of Pregnancies

Antenatal Care--- For early detection &

treatment of complications of pregnancy.
Providing pregnant women with vitamin
supplements, iron tablets and vaccinations so
that they can have a healthy and strong
Six Pillars of Safe Motherhood…
Obstetric Care---
Provide proper knowledge & equipment to the birth
attendants & ensure emergency care for high risk and
complicated pregnancy.
Essential Obstetric and Newborn Care (EONC). Two levels:
o Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
o  Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
The Six Pillars of Safe Motherhood
Postnatal Care
 For both mother & her baby.
 Includes lactation assistance, FP services &
 management of complications of delivery
 counselling mothers about child handling, exclusive breast
feeding, etc.
 managing the danger signs and symptoms seen in both mother
and child
The Six Pillars of Safe Motherhood
Post Abortion Care--- Management of complications
& FP consultation and service
 An essential element of post abortion care services is providing
the woman with a family planning method before she leaves the
 Essential Elements of Post Abortion Care (PAC) services are:
 Emergency treatment of incomplete abortion and potentially life-
threatening complications .
 Post abortion family planning counseling and services.
Six Pillars of Safe Motherhood…
 Voluntary Counseling &
 Testing (VCT), Prevention of
 Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)
 Assess risk for future infection
Factors Contributing to Maternal Morbidity
and Mortality
Direct causes
 Severe bleeding
o Mostly bleeding after childbirth
o Includes antepartum, postpartum, abortion, and ectopic
 Infections (Usually after childbirth)
o Includes infection of the uterus, tubes, urinary system and fetal
o Due to unhygienic delivery site and practice
Factors Contributing to Maternal Morbidity
and Mortality
Direct causes….cont’d
 High blood pressure during pregnancy
o Includes pre-eclampsia and eclampsia
 Complications from delivery
o Several complications can arise during the pregnancy
o Teenage pregnancy, advanced maternal age, parity, etc and
many other factors can cause complications
Factors Contributing to Maternal Morbidity
and Mortality
Direct causes….cont’d
 Unsafe abortion
o Common cause of maternal death
o Unsafe abortions are high in countries where abortion is not
o These factors contribute to nearly 75% of all maternal deaths.
Factors Contributing to Maternal
Morbidity and Mortality
Indirect causes
 Delays
o Delay in the decision to seek care (seeking care)
o Delay arrival at a health facility (reaching care)
o Delay in obtaining the adequate treatment (receiving

 These delays contribute to increase the complication in

pregnancy and are determined by the educational status,
financial status, accessibility of health care and services, etc.
Factors Contributing to Maternal Morbidity
and Mortality
Indirect causes
 Accessibility
o Health services and facilities are still not
available in every knock and corner of many
o Reaching health facility is often riskier in some
o Lack of accessibility promotes the delay
Factors Contributing to Maternal
Morbidity and Mortality
Indirect causes
 Poverty
o Poverty is the other important factor
contributing to maternal deaths
o People of rural areas do not fancy health
o Seeking health services often is not the
priority to those people who have to worry
about hands to mouth
Factors Contributing to Maternal Morbidity
and Mortality
Indirect causes
 Cultural practices
o Traditional practices often prevent individual
from seeking health care
o Cultural practices also determine the care
given to pregnant women, food practices, etc.,
o Unsafe abortion is also an example of cultural
• Women and Health Learning Package: Safe

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