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CDC Winnable Battles:

Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion
Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs)
 1 out of 20 hospitalized patients affected
 Associated with increased mortality
 Attributed costs: $26-33 billion annually
 HAIs occur in all types of facilities, including:
• Long-term care facilities
• Dialysis facilities
• Ambulatory surgical centers
• Hospitals
Outbreaks vs. Endemic Problems
 Outbreaks are the tip of the iceberg…but provide useful
 Dialysis – manufacturing flaws; procedural errors
 Laboratory personnel with tuberculosis
 Transplant recipients – amoebae, viral encephalitis, hepatitis,
 Sterilization errors and failures – endoscopes
 Syringe re-use transmitting hepatitis C virus
 Multi-drug resistant organisms (MDRO)
Outbreaks vs. Endemic Problems
Endemic problems represent the majority of HAIs
 Device-associated infections
• Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI)
• Central line-associated Blood stream infections (CLABSI)
• Ventilator-associated Pneumonia (VAP)
 Procedure-associated infections
• Surgical site infections (SSI)
 Adherence problems
• Antimicrobial stewardship, hand hygiene
Changing Landscape of Healthcare
 Organizational factors affect HAI prevention
• Administrative policies
• Antimicrobial utilization
• Staffing
• Education
 Increasing prevalence of antimicrobial-resistant
Changing Landscape of Healthcare
 Growing populations at risk
• Immunocompromised individuals
• Low birthweight, premature neonates
• Transplant recipients on immunosuppressive therapy
 Special environments
• Intensive care and burn units
• Long-term care
• Ambulatory surgery, endoscopy, and infusion services
Healthcare has moved beyond hospitals


Dialysis Ambulatory
Facilities Facilities

Surgical procedures are increasingly
performed in outpatient settings
All Outpatient
Procedures (millions)




1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005*
Source: Avalere Health analysis of Verispan’s Diagnostic Imaging Center Profiling Solution, 2004, and American Hospital Association
Annual Survey data for community hospitals, 1981-2004.
* 2005 values are estimates.
Outbreaks due to errors in
outpatient settings
 Endoscopy clinic (HCV): NYC 2001, NV 2008
 Private medical practice (HBV): NYC 2001
 Pain remediation clinic (HCV): Oklahoma 2002, NY
 Oncology clinic (HCV): Nebraska, 2002
• State authorities notified and tested thousands of patients
 Common themes
• “Obvious” violations in standard procedures
• Preventable with basic infection control practices
• HCWs not aware that practices were in error
Examples of multidrug resistance in
HAI pathogens
 Acinetobacter baumannii
• About 75% are multidrug resistant*
 10% increase from 2000
 Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• About 17% are multidrug resistant*
 Staphylococcus aureus
• MRSA causes about 55% of HAIs (Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens Associated
with Healthcare Associated Infections, Annual Summary of Data Reported to the NHSN at CDC, 2006-

* Percent Acinetobacter baumannii and P. aeruginosa in ICUs that are multidrug-resistant, NNIS and NHSN, 2000-2008.
Includes ICUs only (MICU, SICU, MSICU) and device-related infections only (CLABSI, CAUTI, VAP).
Estimated Clostridium difficile cases
by setting
Clostridium difficile hospitalizations  Hospital-acquired,
Any listed diagnoses hospital-onset cases
Primary diagnosis
• 165,000, $1.3 billion excess
300,000 costs, 9,000 deaths annually

250,000  Hospital-acquired, post-

150,000 • 50,000, $0.3 billion excess costs,
3,000 deaths annually
 Nursing home-onset cases
• 263,000, $2.2 billion excess
0 costs, 16,500 deaths annually
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Campbell, Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2009 Dubberke, Emerg Infect Dis. 2008
Dubberke, Clin Infect Dis. 2008 Elixhauser et al. HCUP Statistical Brief #50. 2008
MRSA has moved beyond
hospital settings
 ~100,000 invasive MRSA
infections per year (normally
sterile site)
 25% were “nosocomial”
 60% identified before or in first
2 days of hospitalization
• But with contacts to healthcare
settings; healthcare-associated
 15% community-associated
Multidrug-resistant gram negative infections in
long-term care facilities
 In one study of 1,661 clinical
cultures from one LTCF
(Nov. ’03-Sept. ’05)*
• 180 (11%) MDR GNR
• 104 (6%) MRSA
• 11 (1%) VRE
 Number of reports of sporadic cases from as early as
2004 from LTAC and LTCF
 Similar thing had been recognized with ESBLs (e.g.,
movement for acute care into LTCF)
* O’Fallon E, et al. J Gerontol 2009; 64:138-41.
CDC’s role in HAI prevention
 Strengthen surveillance and epidemiology
 Support to state and local health departments
 Implement what works and identify gaps for
 Provide leadership in health policies
CDC’s role in HAI prevention
Data for action
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
 Internet based reporting system through CDC’s Secure
Data Network
 4500+ US healthcare facilities currently participate from
all 50 states
 Standard definitions, methods, and protocols used
 Data entry transitioning to automated electronic data
 National system for tracking and comparing HAI rates
 Minimize user burden
• Streamlines data reporting
• Uses existing electronic data (e.g., laboratory information systems,
operating room, pharmacy, clinical, administrative databases)
 Open to all: hospitals, health departments, ambulatory
care, dialysis facilities, etc.
Hospitals using NHSN are preventing
bloodstream infections
Trends in bloodstream infections* by ICU type, NHSN hospitals, 1997-2007
Pooled Mean Annual CLABSI Rate per 1,000 Central Line Days

5 Medical/Surgical--Major Teaching
Medical/Surgical--Non-Major Teaching
4 Pediatric

Burton DC, et al. Methicillin-
Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
1 Central Line-Associated Bloodstream
Infections in US Intensive Care Units,
1997-2007. JAMA. 2009;301(7):727-
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
CDC’s role in HAI prevention
Data for action
Emerging Infections Program
 Population based surveillance in 9 states
 Especially important for understanding the dynamic
epidemiology of healthcare-associated infections due to
MRSA and C. difficile, and other emerging multidrug
resistant bacteria causing HAIs
 HAI Prevalence Survey in 2011
Adherence to CDC guidelines reduces HAIs
Examples of Success: Pennsylvania, Michigan
ICUs at 103 Michigan
hospitals, 18 months

BSIs/1,000 catheter days


0 18

Pronovost P. New Engl J Med


MMWR 2005;54:1013-16.
State of prevention knowledge and science
 Guidelines developed for each type of infection and based
on systematic reviews of medical literature
• Prevention of central line-associated blood stream infections
• Prevention of catheter-associated urinary tract infections
• Prevention of surgical site infections
• Prevention of healthcare-associated pneumonia
• Management of multidrug-resistant organisms
 Recommendations graded according to evidence
 Guidelines contain many recommendations
 Current efforts to help prioritize interventions that are
most effective
Adherence to infection control guidelines is
 Many HAIs are preventable with current
 Failure to use proven interventions is unacceptable
 Only 30%-38% of U.S. hospitals are in full compliance
 Just 40% of healthcare personnel adhere to hand hygiene
 Insufficient infection control infrastructure in non-acute
care settings has allowed major lapses in safe care
Local success fuels national prevention

Unit Facility

CDC knowledge and data fuels National
local to national CLABSI expansion of
Regional CLABSI
prevention prevention
Subsequent 60% Reduction in
projects based CLABSI between
upon CDC 1999-2009
prevention: • State-based public
reporting using
Facility • Michigan
Keystone NHSN
Unit Pittsburgh • Institute for
• State/regional
Outbreak Regional prevention
Healthcare collaboratives
Investigations Healthcare Improvement
NHSN Data (CUSP, Recovery Act
Initiative • Others projects)
Prevention First successful,
large-scale CLABSI
Research (e.g. prevention hospitals report
chlorhexidine CDC Guidelines demonstration project CLABSIs for full
bathing) Medicare payment

Inputs Outputs
Increasing adherence to CDC guidelines
Recent successes
 58% reduction in central line-associated bloodstream infections
(CLABSI) for ICU patients between 2001 and 2009
 In 2009 alone: 3,000-6000 lives saved; $414 million in costs averted
 Since 2001: 27,000 lives saved; $1.8 billion in costs averted
 More needs to be done
• 41,000 CLABSI in non-ICU hospital patients
• 37,000 in dialysis centers
 This is a model for other infections
• MRSA, Clostridium difficile, surgical-site infections, catheter-associated
urinary tract infections, ventilator-associated pneumonia
States with legislation for public
HAI reporting



States required to publicly report some

healthcare-associated infections

States required to publicly report some

healthcare-associated infections
HAI in New York State hospitals, 2008
A state report utilizing NHSN
 Report includes
• Bloodstream infections
in ICU patients
• Surgical site infections
 From 2007 to 2008
• Bloodstream infection
rates increasing
• Surgical site infection
rates decreasing
• Targeted prevention
Health reform
 Congress
• Bills proposing mandatory national public reporting
• HAI prevention tied to Medicare/Medicaid payment
 Affordable Care Act
• Section 3001 – Hospital Value Based Purchasing Program “…
value-based incentive payments are made in a fiscal year to
hospitals that meet the performance standards.”
CMS Inpatient Prospective Payment System
(IPPS) Rule
 Requires national public reporting of HAIs
• CLABSI starting in 2011, SSI in 2012
• Full HHS HAI Action Plan over time
• NHSN – public health surveillance system
 Links reduction of HAIs to federal payment
• Uses NHSN to report quality measure data
HHS Action Plan 5-year Goals
Metric National 5-year Source
Prevention Target
Central line-associated bloodstream 50% reduction NHSN
Adherence to central-line insertion practices 100% adherence NHSN
Clostridium difficile infections and 30% reduction NHSN, NHDS, HCUP
Catheter-associated urinary tract infections 25% reduction NHSN
MRSA invasive infections (population) 50% reduction EIP

Surgical site infections 25% reduction NHSN

Surgical Care Improvement Project
measures 95% adherence SCIP

NHSN – CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network EIP – CDC’s Emerging Infections Program
NHDS – CDC’s National Hospital Discharge Survey SCIP – CMS’s Surgical Care Improvement Project
HCUP – AHRQ’s Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Tracking state-level progress
National impact of HAI prevention
 18% reduction of standardized infection ratio (SIR) of central-line
associated bloodstream infections in 2009 (NHSN data)
 5% reduction of surgical site infection SIR in 2009 (NHSN data)
 10% reduction per year of hospital-onset invasive MRSA
incidence rate from 2005 through 2008 (EIP data)
 March 2011 Vital Signs: CLABSI prevention between 2001 and
• 58% reduction in ICU patients
• In 2009 alone: 3,000-6000 lives saved; $414 million in costs averted
• Since 2001: 27,000 lives saved; $1.8 billion in costs averted
The need for HAI prevention research


 Need for complete


implementation of practices
Preventable known to prevent HAIs

Approach  Need for ongoing research
to identify new strategies
to prevent the remaining
Culture change
“Many infections are inevitable;
some might be preventable”

“Each infection is potentially preventable,

unless proven otherwise”
Consumers Medical
Public Health

Safe Healthcare is Everyone’s Responsibility

Patients Payors

For more information:

For more information please contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333

Telephone, 1-800-CDC-INFO (232-4636)/TTY: 1-888-232-6348
E-mail: [email protected] Web:

The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention.

National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases

Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion

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