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What is an Open Minor?

- Open Minor electives is a set of elective courses in an unrelated area to develop additional skills enhancing
employment opportunities. It is an opportunity for a student to explore a secondary area of undergraduate
study either for personal interest beyond a student's degree program, or as an area of specific expertise
(skillset) related to the student's degree program that will serve the student's career choice.
- Minors allow students to gain interdisciplinary experience and exposure to concepts and perspectives that
may not be a part of their degree program—thus widening their understanding of the profession
How Open Minor can help the students?

- To enable student’s to pursue allied academic interest in contemporary areas.

- To provide an academic mechanism for fulfilling multidisciplinary demands of industries.
- To provide effective yet flexible options for students to achieve basic to intermediate level competence in the
Minor area.
Brief description Outcome
Are you a Youtuber? Learn the art of developing
multimedia content on the web. This minor covers Student will be able to develop multimedia content
everything from beginner to expert level of by using different tools like Unity 3D, Flash player and
multimedia and web development. Bring customers many more.
for your business!.
Course name LTP Credi Description Outcome

CONTENT Skill enhancement for CO1: Student will be able to apply Open Source Content Management System.
MANAGEMENT designing online CO2: Student will be able to develop Word Press site.
TOOL 003 2 content CO3: Student will be able to compile and reorganize site content.
(CAP807) management. CO4: Student will be able to employ Widgets, Plugins and Menus.
CO1: Student will be able to illustrate some basics about the origins of HTML in
HTML 5 order to understand HTML5
003 2 Designing of we sites CO2: Student will be able to analyse and explore the Web page content.
(CAP808) using HTML 5.0
CO3: Student will be able to compose powerful Web applications .
CO4: Student will be able to manipulate images and text .
CO1: Student will be able to explore with the basic building blocks of JavaScript
JAVA SCRIPT Create dynamic web CO2: Student will be able to write the script element for including JavaScript in
(CAP809) 003 2
sites using JavaScript. a web page.
CO3: Student will be able to understand all the basic programming concepts.

CO1: Student will be able to sketch images in photoshop GUI from scratch.
CO2: Student will be able to observe and work with different layers in images.
PHOTOSHOP 003 2 GUI CO3: Student will be able to paint and stylize images by combining filters with
(CAP806) blending and masks.
CO4: Student will be able to manipulate typography using type tools
Special Requirement
 LAPTOP is required for practical.
Doubt Clearing

Name UID Email ID Location

Pallavi Vyas 18751 [email protected] SCA (Blk-38)
Thank you

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