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Prepared By: James D.

Alas CR693 LEA


Chapter II:
History of
Security in the Phil. History Security in the Present Time
Security in Philippines History
Security in Philippines History
Pre Colonial Period
Sovereign monarchs called
Post WW II
“datu or lakan” had servants The Indian national or the
called aliping namamahay who Bombay pioneered as the
acted as their watchman or watchman, who protected a
protector. specific building or
commercial establishment.

Present Time
Spanish Colonial Era
Private security has a major role in the
Spanish colonial government
preservation and protection of peace
introduced the Guardia Civil in the
and order in the country. It
Philippines in1868. To serve as the
police force based on the Civil Guard complements police efforts by providing
additional security during emergency
of Spain.
responses and public events as well as
safety precaution and protection of
property assets.
Security in the
Present Time
Security in the Present Time
History shows how and private security
evolved from the same roots but eventually
took different directions.
The police served public's interest while the
security force served private interests.
Police departments who previously looked
down at private security are now beginning
to see the benefits of building a partnership
with them
Security and Police in the Present
According to Fay, 2006
I, a Private
I, as a police, I
served public's
serves private

As crime became a bigger problem especially in the urban areas,

police departments who previously looked down at private
security are now beginning to see the benefits of building a
partnership with them. Now, police functions that did not
involve enforcement, arrests or the use of force inside work
spaces are turned over to security. Traffic control around large
commercial properties and patrol functions around private
neighbor hoods are also now often provided by security officers
Security in the Present It becomes more important to build a strong
partnership between the police who
respond to terrorist acts and security
With the advent of terrorism in countries officers who respond on the private
around the globe and in Fast-paced premises that they protect.
technology, especially in the field of With the collaboration of all categories of
computer and information technology is securities available.
another issue affecting the security industry. This, of course entails a strong support and
commitment from the national government.

With the combination of rising technology and the security

industry's rapid growth and recognition in organizations
comes the necessary improvement in the professionalism
among security officer, the SECURITY IS ENSURED.
For Paying Attention

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