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Confined Space Entry

Sustainable Business Solutions (SBS)
H # 03, St # 19, Block - C, Eden Value Homes, Multan Road, Lahore, T: +92 42 37511573
Emergency Response Training E: [email protected] W: Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Domestic Arrangements

Please take care of your belongings (mobile, watch, laptop, wallet, keys etc.).
Any Special requirements ???
Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Delegates Introduction
◦ Name
◦ Education/Qualifications
◦ Position and Organization
◦ Experience (OHS)
◦ Anything special about yourself

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Introduction to SBS
Who We Are
We are occupational health & safety, environment,
energy and quality management advisors, trainers,
auditors and researchers
Our Goal
Our goal is to help our valued clients maximize their
productivity and profitability by introducing practicable,
integrated and cost effective occupational health &
safety, environment, energy and quality management
Our Vision
Becoming a partner of choice in sustainable business
development of your organization
Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Introduction to SBS
Our Mission
Providing economically viable, environmentally safe
and socially acceptable business solutions to our
Conducting our business in a way that promotes
sustainable development and brings about satisfaction
and prosperity to all stakeholders
Striving for continual improvement in our performance
Our Values
• Sustainability
• Professionalism
• Integrity
• Respect
• Innovation
Teamwork Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Services We Offer
Training &
Consulting Development Auditing &

Health & Safety,
Project Process Safety, Monitoring
Management Fire Safety, & Testing
Energy and
Research Development
Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
SBS Accreditations

Pakistan’s first ever IOSH Pakistan’s first ever CIEH

Pakistan’s first ever NEBOSH accredited centre accredited centre
accredited centre

Pakistan’s first ever IIRSM

accredited centre

Pakistan’s first ever HABC Pakistan’s first ever PECB

accredited centre accredited centre

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Trainer’s Introduction
(Emergency Response and Safety Professional)

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Duration: 01 Day

Timings: 09:00AM–05:00 PM

Lunch: 01:00 PM – 02:00PM

Tea / Coffee morning and afternoon: 15 minutes

Training will be delivered by using;
 Power Point Presentation
 Video Clips
 Group Discussions
 Practical Exercises
Training Objectives
Introduction to Emergency Response
Basic Terminology
Emergency Action Plan
What are Confined Spaces and their Characteristics?
Types of Confined Spaces
General Hazards associated to Confined Spaces
Confined Space Team and its Responsibilities

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Training Objectives
Confined Space Entry Procedures
Confined Space Rescue
What are Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT)
Hazard Identification for Hazardous Materials
Emergency Response for HAZMAT Emergencies
Scenario Based Drills

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Aim of Emergency Response Training

The  Emergency Response Training  program helps train

people to be better prepared to respond to emergency
situations on their worksites. It includes emergency
preparedness, towards fire emergencies, medical
emergencies natural disasters etc.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Introduction to Emergency
(Basic Terminologies)

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

The condition of body, mind and social well being.
•Good health
• Ill health
Not being exposed to danger or risk.
Freedom from unacceptable risk to harm.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


How Puma Energy defines Incident?

An involuntary non-desired event or operative failure which
causes an injury, damage to installations or equipment, material
losses, business interruption, adverse impact on environment
and / or customer / social complaints.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Near Miss

How Puma Energy defines Near Miss?

An involuntary non-desired event or operative failure which in
different conditions could have caused an injury, damage to
installations or equipment, material losses, business
interruption or adverse impact on environment.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Near Miss

How Puma Energy defines Unsafe Practice?

When a person does not act according to the accepted or
legislated safe practice and thus creates a hazard to him/herself,
another person, equipment or the environment.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Near Miss

How Puma Energy defines Unsafe Condition?

When the conditions to work safely (with respect to a person,
equipment or the environment) are not met.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Reactive Management:
Waiting for accidents to happen.

Action is only ever taken after an accident.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

active Management

Proactive Management:
Anticipate events
Manage change

IMPORTANT. Don’t Wait Until It Happens.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Source, situation or act with a potential for harm in terms of:
• Human injury
• Ill health
• Property loss
• Environmental loss
or combination of above.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous
event or exposure and severity of injury or ill health that can be
caused by the event or the exposure.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

What is Risk Assessment?
“A systematic review of premises”
Over all process of estimating the magnitude of risk and
deciding whether, the risk is tolerable or not.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


• A present or imminent event

• Requires prompt coordination or special regulation

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Action Plan

Written document that facilitates and organizes employer and

employee actions during workplace emergencies.
An emergency action plan must be in writing, kept in the
workplace, and available to employees for review.

However, an employer with 10 or fewer employees may

communicate the plan orally to employees.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Action Plan

Purpose of an EAP:
 Describes actions to be taken to ensure employee safety
during an emergency
 Uses floor plans / maps to show emergency escape routes
 Covers reasonably expected emergencies

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Action Plan

Benefits of an EAP:
 Fewer and less Severe Injuries

 Less Structural Damage

 Reduce Confusion

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Response Team

An Emergency Response Team (ERT) is a group of people who

prepare for and respond to any Emergency incident, such as a
Natural Disaster or an Manmade Emergencies.

Emergency Response Teams  are common in public service

organizations as well as in organizations.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Response Team

The number of personnel required to staff the Emergency

Response Team will depend on the size and complexity of the

Ideally on a worksite a Response Team should consist of

minimum 04 trained members. The first person on-scene will
typically serve as the Incident Commander (IC), until relieved
by a more senior person.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Response Team

Forming an Emergency Response Team and assigning

responsibilities is one of the crucial steps in Emergency
Response Planning. If emergency response team members are
not familiar with their roles and responsibilities, important
response actions may be missed.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Supervisory Personnel
(Chief Emergency Warden)

Emergency Supervisory Personnel

(Chief Emergency Warden)

Those who supervise emergency response and rescue

not necessarily the same as those who usually supervise
workers in the regular performance of their duties.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Warden

Emergency Warden

The supervisor or an individual who has been assigned, or

accepted voluntarily, to guide workers during an emergency
event, abiding by established procedures and protocols.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Emergency Response for
Confined Space Emergencies

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

What is Confined Space?
• Is not designed for continuous employee occupancy.
• A place with disturbed level of oxygen and potential of
toxic gases is called confined space.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

What is Confined Space?
Confined space means a space that:
• Is large enough and so configured that an employee can bodily
enter and perform assigned work.

• Has limited or restricted means for entry or exit (for example,

tanks, vessels, silos, storage bins, hoppers, vaults, and pits are
spaces that may have limited means of entry)

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Examples of Confined Spaces
 Tanks  Valut

 Manholes  Pipes

 Boilers  Tunnels

 Furnaces  Ducts

 Sewers  Bins

 Silos  Pits

 Hoppers  Excavation / Trenches

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Man Hole

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Tunnel and Pipelines

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Enclosed Water Tanks

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Fuel Tanks

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Chemical Storage Tanks

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Process Tanks

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Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Tanker Trucks

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Hazards Associated to Confined Spaces
Each Confined Space has different hazards.  Hazards can also change with
time and usage.
 Atmospheric Hazards
 Chemical Hazards
 Physical Hazards
 Mechanical Hazards
 Biological hazards
 Entrapment Hazards

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Atmospheric Hazards
Atmospheric Hazards
 Oxygen Deficiency / Enrichment
 Toxic Atmospheres
 Flammable / Explosive gases

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Oxygen Deficiency
 19.5 % is the minimum acceptable oxygen
level for work with out an air supplied

 When oxygen is present in concentrations

less than 19.5% the atmosphere is said to be
oxygen deficient.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Oxygen Deficiency
A number of processes consume O2 such as:
 Welding / Cutting
 Fire
 Bacterial action (as in the fermentation process)
 Chemical reaction (formation of rust)
 Number of people working in confined space
 Amount of physical activity
 Can be reduced as the result of oxygen displacement by
other gases.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Effects of Oxygen Deficiency
 19.5 % Minimum acceptable oxygen level.

 15 - 19% Decreased ability to work Impaired

coordination, early symptoms.

 12-14% Respiration increases, Poor judgment.

 10-12% Respiration increases, Lips blue.

 8-10% Mental failure, Fainting, Nausea,

Unconsciousness, Vomiting.

 6-8% 8 minutes - fatal, 6 minutes - 50% fatal,

4-5 minutes - possible recovery.
 4-6% Coma in 40 seconds, Death

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Oxygen Enrichment
Oxygen can also be present in concentrations that are too high.
Oxygen in concentrations greater than 23% is oxygen rich
atmosphere and can cause combustible materials to ignite very

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Toxic Atmospheres
Atmospheres inside confined spaces may contain Toxic gases
that may cause the entrant to be quickly overcome and cause

 The atmosphere may contain:

 Hydrogen Sulphide – H2S
 Carbon Monoxide – CO
 Chlorine – Cl2

Concentrations of Toxic gases are measured in Parts per

Million (PPM)

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
(Toxic Atmospheres)
H2S can be detected by smell in concentrations as low as 0.1
PPM. Although it is usually detected by smell, the nose cannot
be relied on as a dependable way of detection.

0-10 PPM Rotten Egg smell

20-100 PPM Sweeter metallic

> 100 PPM NO Smell

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S)
(Toxic Atmospheres)
Hydrogen Sulphide has a paralyzing effect on the olfactory
nerves which allow you to smell.

The Sense of smell should never be relied on to detect H2S

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Effects Hydrogen Sulphide

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(Toxic Atmospheres)
• It is an odorless, colorless gas.
• It is a combustion by-product.
• A person who is exposed can quickly collapse at high
PPM Effect Time
50 Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours
200 Slight headache, discomfort 3 Hours
600 Headache, discomfort 1 Hour
1000-2000 Slight heart palpitation 30 Min.
1000-2000 Tendency to stagger 1 1/2 Hours
1000-2000 Confusion, nausea, headache 2 Hours
2000-2500 Unconsciousness 30 Min.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
(Toxic Atmospheres)
• It is an odorless, colorless gas.
• It is a combustion by-product.
• A person who is exposed can quickly collapse at high
PPM Effect Time
50 Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours
200 Slight headache, discomfort 3 Hours
600 Headache, discomfort 1 Hour
1000-2000 Slight heart palpitation 30 Min.
1000-2000 Tendency to stagger 1 1/2 Hours
1000-2000 Confusion, nausea, headache 2 Hours
2000-2500 Unconsciousness 30 Min.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Chlorine – Cl2
Chlorine is a chemical element with symbol Cl and atomic
number 17. The second-lightest of the halogens, it appears
between fluorine and bromine in the periodic table and its
properties are mostly intermediate between them. Chlorine is
a greenish-yellow, non-combustible gas at atmospheric
pressure; it has a suffocating odour.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Chlorine – Cl2
•CHLORINE. The previous OSHA limit for chlorine was 1 ppm
as a ceiling limit.
•However, the final rule establishes a PEL of 0.5 ppm TWA with
a 15-minute short-term exposure limit of 1 ppm for chlorine.
Uses of Chlorine:
• Water Purification
• Sewage Treatment
• PVC Plastic Manufacture
• Metal Precipitate

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Flammable / Explosive Atmospheres
The range of concentration between which if a gas is present
then it can ignite causing a fire / explosion is called as its
Flammable / Explosive range.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Flammable / Explosive Atmospheres
 Common Types
 Methane, Acetylene Gas
 Vapour of Fuel, Solvent & Paint
 Coal or Grain Dust.
 Measured by LEL
 More than 10% LEL is a serious hazard
• LEL: Lower Explosive Limit.
• LFL: Lower Flammable Limit.
• UEL: Upper Explosive Limit.
• UFL: Upper Flammable Limit.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Chemical Hazards

 Other than being Flammable / Explosive chemicals may also

 Reactive
 Corrosive
 Carcinogenic
 Harmful for reproduction

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Chemical Hazards

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Physical Hazards
The use and shape of a space can create hazardous conditions;
 Fall from heights
 Temperature
 Noise
 Illumination
 Narrow areas
 Electricity etc.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

The Confined Space Team
Entry Supervisor


Entry Attendant

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Supervisor Responsibilities
 To ensure that all hazards associated with the confined
space have been identified and addressed.
 To assure adequate protection is provided to the
entrants by verifying adequate lock out/tag out when
 To support the entry attendant’s authority in controlling
access to a confined space.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Supervisor Responsibilities

 To assure that all personnel involved are aware of the

hazards associated with the space.
 To assure that rescue services are available prior to
 To verify that all personnel have exited prior to closing
the space.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Supervisor Responsibilities

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Supervisor Responsibilities

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Entrant Responsibilities
 To ensure that the space has been adequately ventilated,
isolated, emptied, or otherwise made safe for entry.
 To immediately exit a space, without question, upon
word of the attendant, no matter what the reason.
 To follow all safety rules and procedures that apply to
the job.
 To be familiar with the work to be performed and the
procedures that apply to the job.
 To use the appropriate PPE whenever necessary.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Entry Attendant Responsibilities

The Entry Attendant is trained on specific duties such as:

 To monitor and communicate with entrants during the
job and during entry & exit to help ensure their safety.
 The attendant may not abandon his post for any reason
while personnel are in the space unless relieved by
another qualified attendant.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Entry Attendant Responsibilities

 To summon emergency assistance as needed.

 To assess hazards in and around the space, and take
action on the same.
 To keep records of confined space work, such as air test
results, personnel entry/exit, etc.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Entry Requirements
General Requirements
• Recognition
• Preparation
• Safeguards

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Equipment Needed for Entries
Personal Protective Equipment
◦ Helmet
◦ Breathing Apparatus (APR,SCBA)
◦ Goggles
◦ Harness
◦ Safety Shoes
◦ Personal Gas Detector
◦ Life Line
◦ Torch
◦ Communication Device

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Equipment Needed for Entries

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Equipment Needed for Entries

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Entry Procedure
All entrants, supervisors and entry attendants must be
fully qualified / trained:

Confined Space Entry Permit

Conduct Pre-Entry Briefing
Assemble and Check Equipment
Conduct Initial Air Sampling

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Entry Procedure

Establish Acceptable Entry Conditions

Establish Continues Monitoring of Atmosphere
Rescue Team / ERT
Establish Communication
Post–entry debrief if problems were encountered

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Testing The Atmosphere

Verify presence of safe work atmosphere.

• Calibrate Air Monitoring Equipment before use
• Test all areas of a confined space
◦ Top, Middle, Bottom
◦ Check for Explosive & Toxic Gases
◦ Check Oxygen level
 Record all readings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Testing The Atmosphere

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Testing The Atmosphere
Testing order

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Exposure Limits
Exposure limits are established to protect workers from
airborne exposures, because these are the most common.
Permissible Exposure Limits:
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have set
permissible exposure limits (PELs).

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

IDLH (Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health)
IDLH is an acronym for Immediately Dangerous to Life and
Health. It is exposure to airborne contaminants that is "likely
to cause death or immediate or delayed permanent adverse
health effects or prevent escape from such an environment."

Sr Substance IDLH Values

1 Carbon dioxide 40000 ppm
2 Carbon monoxide 1200 ppm
3 Hydrogen sulfide 100 ppm

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

•Consider best of exhaust or supply or both
•Provide workzone exhaust if welding
•Plan ventilation supply and exhaust paths
•Ensure no “re-circulation” of air supply
•Use continuous ventilation
•Retest the confined space before and during

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

By lifeline (pulls and bells)
By radio set
By megaphone
By whistle

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Lock & tagging ALL electrical sources.
Blank & bleeding fluid lines
Disconnect mechanical drives & shafts.
Secure mechanical parts
Lock & Tag all valves

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response


Emergency Response Training Oil Spillage Response

In high risk confined spaces a fully equipped Ambulance shall
be stationed at all times during the activity to deal with any
medical emergencies and transport the ill or injured to the
hospital (If Necessary).

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Rescue Team
A Qualified Rescue Team and Rescue Equipment must
be available for entry into all Permit Required Confined

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Rescue
Self Rescue: This is when the Entrant recognizes Hazards
before they overwhelm him and exits the Confined Space.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Rescue
Non Entry Rescue: Using the tripod Stand the Entrant is
Pulled out by the Attendant/Safety Watch and others.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Rescue
Entry Rescue: Performed by Highly Trained professionals
who enter the confined space and rescue the victim.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
1. Conduct Rescue Drills
One of the best ways to prepare is to practice.
Rescue drills provide personnel the experience of working
through different scenarios in order to familiarize themselves
with situations they could encounter in confined spaces.
Conducting rescue drills helps prepare teams for working in
confined spaces, and when necessary, rescuing co-workers.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Rescue Drills

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Rescue Drills

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Rescue Drills

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Rescue Drills

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
2. Understanding of Rescues Categories

There are time-sensitive and non-time-sensitive rescues.

Time-sensitive or “emergency” rescue typically involve

oxygen-deficient atmospheres where there is a small window of
time, typically six minutes, to get someone out.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
2. Understanding of Rescues Categories
An example of a non-time-sensitive rescue would be a situation
in which someone falls and breaks an ankle going into a confined
space. In these types of circumstances, there are sufficient O2
levels and, therefore, the rescue is not as time-sensitive and can
be conducted without the use of supplemental oxygen.

Understanding both types of rescues helps safety professionals

develop strategies for implementing and executing an
appropriate response.
Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Understanding of Rescues Categories

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Understanding of Rescues Categories

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Understanding of Rescues Categories

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
3. Make every entrant wear a full-body harness
Of all the equipment involved in confined space rescue, perhaps
the most important is the full-body harness.
Many rescues require lifting equipment to remove a person from
a confined space, and that lifting equipment will need to attach
to a full-body harness.
The harness plays an important role in both vertical rescues to
help lift a worker out of space, and horizontal rescues to help
place the worker on a stretcher or rescue board.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Make every entrant wear a full-body

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Make every entrant wear a full-body

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
4. Survey Confined Spaces for Rescue
Rescuing someone in a timely manner requires an in-depth
knowledge of the parameters of the confined space. Depending
on the configuration and location of a space, the OSH
professional may need to adjust the rescue strategy.
In the chemical industry, for instance, the traditional tripod used
to lift workers out may not be feasible in all confined spaces. As
such, anchor eyebolts may need to be installed over the confined
space entry points for vertical rescues. Surveying beforehand will
help determine the proper tools and techniques for working
within a confined space, and getting someone out in a rescue
Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response
Survey Confined Spaces for Rescue

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
5. Survey Openings
Along with surveying confined spaces, it’s also important to
survey and assess openings. Some may think that a rescue
person with a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) can fit
into any confined space, and/or be able to move freely within it.
In many instances, that is not the case.

Surveying openings provides an assessment of how much room

workers and/or rescuers will have to enter a confined space, and
what types of equipment they will be able to bring with them.

  Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Openings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Openings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Openings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Openings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Openings

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
6. Meet with Local Authorities about Rescue Capabilities
It is important to remember that it is not always possible to rely on
1122/ 15/ 911 for a confined space rescue solution. Depending on
the situation, authorities may not have the manpower or
capability to perform a rescue.
Understanding the capabilities of local authorities helps safety
professionals develop rescue plans suited to each particular
situation. If local authorities are not able to assist, the OSH
professional must adjust accordingly to ensure that the proper
personnel is in place to respond to an emergency.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Steps for Confined Space Rescue
7. Have a Rescue Team
Safety professionals need to ensure that they have fully equipped
and trained confined space rescue team (CSRT) ready to respond in
an emergency situation. Regardless of the confined space or
opening, a rescue team needs to be prepared and ready to
respond in a timely manner if someone is injured, trapped or
CSRTs could be qualified members of an employer’s own team,
local emergency response or an outside contractor. The team’s
makeup will depend on several factors including budget, local
resources and the availability of qualified personnel.

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Rescue Team

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Confined Space Rescue Team

Emergency Response Training Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

Any Question?

Sustainable Business Solutions (SBS)
H # 03, St # 19, Block - C, Eden Value Homes, Multan Road, Lahore, T: +92 42 37511573
Emergency Response Training
Confined Space Safety
E: [email protected] Training
W: Confined Space & HAZMAT Response

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