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Frictional Forces..

or lack thereof

Definition: the force that

opposes the motion of one
surface past another

Dependent upon: 1) type of

2) how tightly pressed they are
together (more weight =more

It’s time to experience friction,

Why would a snowboarder wax the board?
What conditions would change the frictional
force as they move downhill?
Characteristics of friction
1) ALWAYS opposes motion
a) it will slow it
b) or prevent it from moving

2) Creates heat

3) Symbol is lowercase ‘f’…Ff

2 types of friction
Static Kinetic friction
1) prevents motion from 1) slows objects down.
2) occurs during motion
2) occurs before motion

Which is bigger…static or
It is easier to keep an object
kinetic? moving than start it from rest
New Symbol
• μ – Greek letter “Mu”

• Coefficient of friction.
– μs – coefficient of static friction
– μk – coefficient of kinetic friction
– depends on materials used and their surface conditions
• Coefficient of friction: Decimal between 0.0 and 1.0,

• Formula for solving friction: Ff = μ FN

Sand is often placed on an icy road
because the sand:
Decreases the coefficient of friction between the tires of a car
and the road
Increases the coefficient of friction between the tires of a car
and the road
Decrease the gravitational force on a car
Increases the normal force of a car on the road
An empty cart is being rolled across a
warehouse floor. If the cart was filled, the
force of kinetic friction between the cart
and the floor would

Remain the same
A 24 kg crate initially at rest on a horizontal
floor requires a 75N horizontal force to set it
in motion. Find the coefficient of static
friction between the crate and floor.
Once the crate is in motion, a horizontal
force of 53N keeps it moving with constant
velocity. Find the coefficient of kinetic
friction between the crate and floor.
A 55kg baseball player slides into third base
with an initial speed of 4.6 m/s. If the
coefficient of kinetic friction between the
player and the ground is 0.46, what is the
player’s acceleration? How far did he slide?

1) Always draw your FBD

2) Fnet= ma= Ff
3) Ff=µFN
= -248 N
4) F=ma
a= F/m
= -4.5 m/s²
Where does this apply?
To car tires in

By measuring the
length of skid marks,
police can calculate the
speed a car was going
before an accident.
Static and Kinetic Frictional Force

1) FN= mg = weight

2) fk = k FN

Known Variables Unknown Variables3) ΣF= max = k FN

= 0.0500 ax =
x = 4) max = k mg
vo = 4.00 m/s
vf = 0.00 m/s 5) (/m=>) ax= k g

6) ax = .05 (9.80m/s2)
Static and Kinetic Frictional Force

1) FN= mg = weight

2) ΣF= fk , fk = k FN

Known Variables Unknown Variables 3) ΣF= max = k FN

k = 0.0500 ax = 0.49 m/s2
vo = 4.00 m/s x =16.3m 4) max = k mg
vf = 0.00 m/s 5) (/m=>) ax= k g

6) ax = .05 (9.80m/s2)
Static and Kinetic Frictional Force

Did we need to know the mass of the 1) FN= mg = weight
sleder? No.
Why? It cancels out in the ax equation. 2) ΣF= fk , fk = k FN
Real Life Ap: This applies to car tires
in accidents. By measuring the length 3) ΣF= max = k FN
of skid marks, they can calculate the
4) max = k mg
speed a car was going before an
accident. k of a tire is the same for all 5) (/m=>) ax= k g
cars since it does not depend on car
mass or surface area of the tires. 6) ax = .05 (9.80m/s2)
Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
Static Frictional Force:

Reaction force to anything trying to

start motion.

•Equal and opposite to applied force.


but is equal to it.
Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
Static Frictional Force:

Reaction force to anything trying to

start motion.

Equal and opposite to applied force,

until reaches maximum value and motion

friction “breaks” when F is great enough

and motion begins.
Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
Static Frictional Force Breaks at a certain value:
fs = s FN
fs = force of static friction

s = coefficient of static friction

FN = Normal force
Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
Static Frictional Force Breaks at a certain value:
fs = s FN
fs = force of static friction

s = coefficient of static friction

FN = Normal force

s is a given value. It depends on the object and

the surface.
Static and Kinetic Frictional Forces
Static Frictional Force:
fs = force of static friction

s = coefficient of static friction

FN = Normal force (usually weight)

Normal force is usually just the

weight of the object.
FN = Mass* 9.80 m/s2


If the surface is not horizontal use trig.

Notes on friction
Almost always:
μs > μ k
It is easier to keep an object moving than it is to start
from rest. Think about pushing a car.

Both are almost always less than 1. If it was greater

than one, it would be easier to pick the object up
and carry it than it would be to push it across the flat
surface (something like velcro)

How much force is needed to “budge” this


If we keep pushing that hard, what will the

acceleration be?

fs = s FN = .4 (10kg) ( 9.80m/s2)
fs = 39 N (Breaking Force)

fk = k FN = .2 (10kg) ( 9.80m/s2)
fk = 19.5 N (Kinetic Force)
Net Force = Pushing Force – Kinetic Friction Force
Net Force = 39N – 19.5N = 19.5N
a = F / m = 19.5N / 10kg = 1.95 m/s2 = 2 m/s2
The Tension Force
The Tension Force
Tension is the force balanced
by a rope, cable or wire.

A “simple pulley” changes

direction without affecting

Tension is the same at every

point in a single rope.
Equilibrium Applications of
Newton’s Laws of Motion

An object is in equilibrium when it has zero acceleration

“equilibrium” refers to a lack of change, but in the sense
that the velocity of an object isn’t changing, i.e, there is no
Equilibrium: Constant Speed and Direction.
Fx = 0 and Fy = 0, ax = 0 m/s2 and ay = 0 m/s2
ax = 0 m/s2 and ay = 0 m/s2

Fx = 0 and Fy = 0
Reasoning Strategy
If F = 0, then Fx = 0 and Fy = 0.

• Draw a free-body diagram the object. Be sure to include only the

forces that act on the object; do not include forces that the object
exerts on its environment.

A jet plane is flying with a constant

speed along a straight line at an angle of
30.0o above the horizontal. The plane
has a weight W whose magnitude is
W=86,500 N and its engine provide a
forward thrust T of magnitude
T=103,000 N. In addition, the lift force
L (directed perpendicular to the wings)
and the force R of air resistance
(directed opposite to the motion)
act on the plane. Find L and R.
List our Forces:

Weight – 86,500 @ 270

Thrust - 103,000 @ 30
Lift - ??? @ 120
Drag - ??? @ 210
(drag is a friction)
List our Forces:

Weight – 86,500 @ 270

Thrust - 103,000 @ 30
Lift - ??? @ 120
Drag - ??? @ 210
(drag is a friction)

This looks really complicated.


Since 3 of our forces are

Perpendicular, lets change
The axes...

Weight – 86,500 @ 240

Thrust - 103,000 @ 0
Lift - ??? @ 90
Drag - ??? @ 180
(drag is a friction)

3 nice angles are better than 1.

x component
W: 86,500 cos 240
L: 0 (L cos 90)
T: +103,000N
R: -R (R cos 180)

y component
W: 86,500 sin 240
L: +L
T: 0
R: 0

Fx = W cos240.0o + T -R = 0 Fy = -Wcos30.0o + L= 0

R=59,800N and L = 74,900 N

Nonequilibriuium Applications of
Newton’s Laws of Motion
Non-equilibrium conditions occur when the object
is accelerating and the forces acting on it are not balanced
so the net force is not zero.
Non-equilibrium: Fx = max and Fy = may

Fx = max and Fy = may

A supertanker of mass m = 1.50 X 108 kg is being towed by two tugboats. The
tensions in the towing cables apply the forces T1 and T2 at equal angles of 30.0 o
with respect to the tanker’s axis. In addition, the tanker’s engines produce a
forward drive force D whose magnitude is D = 75.0 X 103 N. Moreover, the
water applies an opposing force R, whose magnitude is R = 40.0 X 10 3 N. The
tanker moves forward with an acceleration that points along the tanker’s axis and
has a magnitude of 2.00 X10-3 m/s2. Find the magnitudes of T1 and T2.
x component y component
T1: +T1cos30.0o T1: +T1sin30.0o
T2: +T2cos30.0o T2: -T2sin30.0o
D: +D = 75.0 X103 N D: 0
R: -R=-40.0 N R: 0
Fx = +T1cos30.0o + T2cos30.0o +D -R = max Fy = +T1cos30.0o – T2sin30.0o = 0
T=1.53 X 105 N
The figure shows a water skier at four different moments:
a) The skier is floating motionless in the water
b) The skier is being pulled out of the water and up onto the skis
c) The skier is moving at a constant speed along a straight line
d) The skier has let go of the tow rope and is slowing down
For each moment, explain whether the net force acting on the skier
is positive, negative, or zero.

A flatbed is carrying a crate up a 10.0o hill. the coefficient of

static friction between the truck bed and the crate is s = 0.350.
Find the maximum acceleration that the truck can attain before the
crate begins to slip backward relative to the track. (p. 114)
Free Body Diagram for X comp




x component givens
W: Fwx = -mgsin10.0o (gravity pulls backwards at10.0o )
s = 0.350 y component givens
W: -mgsin10.0 o
f s = s FN =.35 mgcos10.0o
FN: FN = mgsin10.0o
Ftruck = max = Fx
Equations y comp equations
Fx = -Gravity + Friction = Truck Engine Accel Fy = -mgsin10.0o + FN = 0
Fx = Fwx + sFN = max
Fx = -mgsin10.0o + .35 mgcos10.0o= max ax = 1.68 m/s2
(/m out)= -9.80sin10.0o +.35(9.8)cos10.0o =ax
Who uses this info? Not the driver. The engineers use it to figure out if
they need to add more tie downs to the truck bed design.
Block 1 (mass m1 = 8.00 kg) is moving n a frictionless 30.0o incline. This
block is connected to block 2 (mass m2 = 22.0 kg) by a cord that passes over
a massless and frictionless pulley, Find the acceleration of each block and the
tension in the cord. (p. 115)
x component y component
W1: -W1sin30.0o W2: -W2
T: T T: T

Fx = -W1sin30.0o + T = m1a Fy = T – W2 = m2(-a)

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