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Database Systems

Session 5
Chapter 2 - Relational Model of
Data - Part 4

1 Understand Constraints on Relations

2 Know how to express constrains by relational algebra


1 Defining different constraints on relations

2 Relational algebra as a constraint language

2.5. Constraints on Relations
How to express constraints via Relation Algebra

We now take up the third important aspect

of a data model: the ability to restrict the
data that may be stored in a database
In this section, we show how to express
both key constraints and “referential-
integrity” constraints

A constraint is a mechanism that may

be used to limit the values entered into
a column.


Attribute-based check
Tube-based check
2.5.1. Relation Algebra as a constraint Language

2 ways to express constraints with RA

Express Foreign Key Constraints
Express Key Constraints
Express Check Constraint
Two ways to express constraints with RA

2 statements following are the same:

 If R is an expression of relational algebra, then
is a constraint that says: “the value of RA must
be empty”, or equivalently “there are no tuples
in the result of R”
 If R and S are expressions of relational algebra,
then is constraint that says: “Every tuple in the
result of R must also be in the result of S”. Of
course the result of S may contain additional
tuples not produced by R

could also expressed as

Express Foreign Key Constraints

 Foreign key constraints (or referential integrity

constraint) asserts that a value appearing in one
context also appears in another related context.
 Example:
Classes(ClassID, ClassName, year)
Students(StudentID, Name, BirthDate, ClassID)
If we found a ClassID ‘SE1016’ in relation
Students, we would expect that ‘SE1016’ appears
as the ID of one class in relation ‘Classes’
Express Foreign Key Constraints

Suppose we have 2 relations R and S.

R contains an attribute A
S contains an attribute B

So, we say: “R references to S via A and

B” if: or
Example: Express Foreign Key Constraints

Sells( bar, beer, price ) Bars( bar, addr )

Joe’s Bud 2.50 Joe’s Maple St.
Joe’s Miller 2.75 Sue’s River Rd.
Sue’s Bud 2.50
Sue’s Coors 3.00

Express Primary Key Constraints

Suppose we have a schema R(A1,A2,A3)

A1 is the primary key of R means no two
tuples agree on the A1 component.
To express A1 as the primary key of R:

R1 and R2 are two new names of R.

Example: Express Primary Key Constraints

 δR1.OrderId = R2.OrderId AND R1.Customer≠R2.Customer(R1 x R2) = Φ

Express Check Constraints

 Give a schema:
EMPLOYEE(EmpId, Name, Sex)

 If we want to specify that the only legal values

for SEX attribute are ‘F’ and ‘M’, we can write:

δ sex <> ‘F’ and sex <> ‘M’ (EMPLOYEE) = Φ

3. Exercises 1

Give a schema:
PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)

Use Relational Algebra to express following


A PC with a processor speed less than 3.00

must not sell for more than $800
3. Exercises 2

Give a schema:
LAPTOP (Model, speed, RAM, HDD,
Screen, Price)

Use Relational Algebra to express following


A laptop with a screen size less than 15.4

inches must have at least a 120GB hard disk
or sell for less than $1000
3. Exercises 3

PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)

LAPTOP (Model, speed, RAM, HDD,
Screen, Price)

Use Relational Algebra to express following


If a laptop has a larger RAM than a PC, then

the laptop must also have a higher price
than the PC
3. Exercises 4

PC (Maker, Model)

PRINTER (Maker, Model)

Use Relational Algebra to express following


No manufacturer of PC’s may also make

3. Exercises 5

PRODUCT (Maker, model)

PC (Model, speed, ram, hd, price)
PRINTER (Model, color, type, price)

Use Relational Algebra to express following


No manufacturer of PC’s may also make

3. Exercises 6

PC (Model, Speed, RAM, HDD, Price)

Use Relational Algebra to express following

 Higher model, higher price
 With the same model, higher Speed and RAM
and HDD, higher price

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