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Reading and

Writing Skills
Week 5-8
Most Essential Learning
Identify claims explicitly or implicitly made in a
written text
a. Claim of fact
b. Claim of policy
c. Claim of value

Is It a

1.Philippines is the Pearl of the Orie
nt Seas
2.The largest lake in the Philippines i
s Taal lake.
3.Red pepper is the most popular spi
ce in the world.
The Taal Volcano erupted last Janu
ary 12, 2020
. Every child has the right to be born
whether he/she is made out of love
or anything else.
It is a FACT
• The Philippines was first dubbed as “Perla del Mar
de Oriente” (Pearl of the Orient Seas) in 1751 by a
Spanish Jesuit missionary, Father Juan J. Delgado. 
• Became more popular because of the Philippine National
hero Jose Rizal in his last poem “Mi ultimo adios” before
he died in 1896.
• The Philippines is known as the Pearl of Orient Seas
because of its rare scenic views and tourist attractions.
It is a BLUFF
• Taal Lake is the third largest lake in the Philippines and is
the second largest on the island of Luzon.  

• Taal Lake ( Lawa ng Taal), formerly known as Bombón

Lake,is a freshwater volcanic crater lake in the province of 
Batangas, on the island of Luzon in the Philippines.

• Laguna de Baý is the largest lake in the

Philippines. Located east of Metro Manila and covering an
area of 949 sq km, the lake has an average depth of is 2.8 m.
It is a BLUFF
• Cumin is the most popular spice in the
• Cumin is a spice made from the dried
seed of a plant known as Cuminum
cyminum, which is a member of the
parsley family. Cumin is one of the most
popular spices and is commonly used in
Latin American, Middle Eastern, North
African, and Indian cuisines, among
many others. It is available both as
whole seeds as well as in ground form.
It is a FACT

The volcano erupted on

the afternoon of January
12, 2020, 43 years after
previous eruption in 1977.
It is a FACT
• Presidential Decree No. 603: The Child and Youth
Welfare Code
• Art. 3. Rights of the Child. – 
(1) Every child is endowed with the dignity and worth
of a human being from the moment of his conception,
as generally accepted in medical parlance, and has,
therefore, the right to be born well.
It is a BLUFF
• United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) report stated that
the Philippines has the highest number of teen pregnancies
across Asia.
• Back in November 2020, a Social Weather Stations (SWS)
survey found that Filipinos think that teenage pregnancy is
the “most important problem of women today” in the
Philippines. The data showed that 59 percent believed that
early adolescent pregnancy was the most important
problem, followed by physical violence at 11 percent and
unexpected pregnancy at 11 percent.
•-Claim of Fact-
•-Claim of Value-
•-Claim of Policy-
is a
•Claim is an
assertion of
the truth of
1. Claim of 2. Claim of 3. Claim of
Fact Value Policy
•Claims of Fact
•Claims of fact are pieces
of information which are
grounded on reliable
authority such as science or
•asserts that something has
existed, does exist, or will exist
•an assertion of the past, present,
or future.
•debates whether it is true or false
•Did it happen?
•Is it True?
•How do we know this?
•The devastation experienced by
the Philippines during Typhoon
Yolanda shows the readiness of
disaster relief protocols
established by the government.
•This claim can be defended or refuted
using events as proof, and the existence
or non-existence of the protocols may
be discussed using specific incidences
as evidence.
•The ozone layer is becoming
•Neil Armstrong made a
history as the first man to
walk on the moon.
Expected Output for Week 5
a. Claim of fact
There will be a short introduction in the module about the lesson topic. (See p.42)

Learning Task 1: What’s New (See p.43)

-There will be a comprehensive lecture/ readings about “Claim of Fact” (See pp. 42-

Learning Task 2: What’s More (See pp. 43-44)

Learning Task 4(Performance Task) (See complete instruction on p. 44)
•Claims of Policy
•Claims of policy are specific
statements on procedures or laws that
need to be modified based on certain
issues or conditions. Most of the time,
claims of policy ask for plans of action to
solve current problems.
•It calls for a specific course of action
and focus on whether a change in
policy or behavior should take place.
•The modal “should,” “ought to,” or
“must.” are present in the sentence.
• What should we do?
• How should we act?
• How can we solve this problem?
• What course of action should we
• Example:
• Censorship in the Philippines must be

• Explanation:
• This claim demands that additional
amendments on a specific policy be
adopted because present circumstances
are no longer sufficient.
• Example:
• Childhood obesity in our country has more than tripled
in the past 30 years. Today, one in six children in our
country is obese. This is unacceptable. As parents, we
try to provide a better future for our children, better
than we’ve ever had. We need to stand up and do
what we can. We can start by supporting the passing
of the anti-junk food bill in schools and other child-
friendly areas.

• Adapted from Sample Op-Ed on Childhood Obesity

• Explanation:
• Information such as the tripling of the amount of obesity is used
in an explicit manner. Also, the author uses this claim of fact to
base his ideas on reliable authority, which, in this instance is a
statistic. The author also uses the standard of providing a better
life to children as a claim of value before leveraging a change in
policy as stated in this sentence “supporting the passing of the
anti-junk food bill in schools and other child-friendly areas. “
These pieces of information explicitly tell us that obesity is a
problem, and this passage is implicitly informing us that we can
contribute to solving this issue.
Expected Outputs for Week 6

B.Claim of policy
There will be a short introduction in the module about the lesson topic. (See p.45)

Learning Task 1: What’s New (See p. 45)

-There will be a comprehensive lecture/ readings about “Claim of Policy” (See pp. 46)

Learning Task 2: What’s More (see p.46)

Learning Task 4: (Performance Task) (See p.47)
Learning Task 5: Additional Activity (See p.48)

•Claims of Value
•Claims of value are pieces of
information that are focused on
relative judgment such as goodness
or badness, morality, beauty, merit
or wisdom and these are usually
addressed based on standards.
• A statement about which is better, more
important, more desirable, more needed,
or more useful
• It is claiming whether something is good
or bad or the other thing is better than the
other one.
• How bad is it? How good?
• How moral or immoral?
• Of what worth is it?
• Who says so?
• What do these people value?
• What values or criteria should I use to determine its goodness
or badness?
• Example:
• Stem cell research is wrong.

• Explanation:
• This claim attempts to prove the badness of one
idea based on a moral judgment as specified by
various standards (may be religious or even
•Public schools are better than private
• Science Fiction novels are more
interesting to read than romance
•Computers are a valuable addition to
modern society.
C. Claim of Value
INTRODUCTION There will be a short introduction in the module
about the lesson topic. (See p.48)
DEVELOPMENT -There will be a comprehensive lecture/ readings
about “Claim of Value” (See pp. 48)

Learning Task 1: What’s More(See p.49)

ASSIMILATION Learning Task 3: (Performance Task) (See pp.49-

Learning Task 4: Additional Activity (See pp. 50-52)
•Thank You!
•God Bless!

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