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Sardar Patel College Of

Book Review On ‘The 7 Habit Of Highly Effective People’
By Stephen R.Covey

• Prepared By : Om Raval • Guided By : Miss Heena Solanki

• Enrollment Number : 221243106009 • Designation: Assistant Professor
• Department : Civil Engineering • Department : H&AS
Overview of the Presentation:
Title of the book A Brief Summary Of the Book
Name of the author Your Review
Publication Detail What did you learn from this book?
Brief Introduction About Author Recommendation
Achievement Conclusion
Character References
 Major character Thank You
 Minor Character
The 7th Habit Of Highly Effective People
Publication Detail:
Author :Stephen R. Covey
Publisher :Free PressPublication
Date :1989
Media Type : Hardcover, Paperback
Introduction (About Author)
 Stephen Richards Covey (October 24, 1932 – July 16, 2012) was an American educator,
author, businessman, and keynote speaker.
 His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. His other books include
First Things First, Principle-Centered Leadership, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families,
The 8th Habit, and The Leader In Me: How Schools and Parents Around the World Are
Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time.
 In 1996, Time magazine named him one of the 25 most influential people. He was a
professor at the Jon M. Huntsman School of Business at Utah State University at the time
of his death.
Achievement Of Stephen R. Covey:
 Stephen R. Covey is founder and chairman of the Covey Leadership Center, a
200-plus member international firm whose mission is to empower people and
organizations to significantly increase their performance capability in order to
achieve worthwhile purposes through understanding and living principle-
centered leadership.
 He is also founder of The Institute for Principle Centered Leadership, a non-profit
research group dedicated to transforming education and improving the quality of
community life.
Dr. Covey has taught leadership principles and management skills for more than
25 years to leaders in business, government, and education.
His consulting portfolio contains more than 150 of the Fortune 500 companies
Covey Children
Albert Einsten
 Nicolaus Copernicus
About the Book:
 Habit 1 :"Be proactive
Proactivity is about taking responsibility for one's reaction to one's own experiences,
taking the initiative to respond positively and improve the situation. He postulates
that "between stimulus and response lies your ability to choose" how to react, and
that nothing can hurt you without your consent. Covey discusses recognizing one's
circle of influence and circle of concern. Covey discusses focusing one's responses
and focusing on the center of one's influence.
Habit 2 : Begin With The End In Mind
In his second habit, Covey is really encouraging us to think of the end-game, the big
goals that we are trying to achieve for ourselves. While you are focusing on the goal,
you will develop the habit of concentrating on relevant activities which will build up
your ability to avoid distractions. You will become more productive and successful.
Covey calls this the habit of ‘personal leadership’, that is, leading ourselves towards
our goals.
 Habit 3 - Put First Things First
I personally love this particular habit as it encourages us to focus on taking relevant
action. Covey calls this the habit of ‘personal management’. This is about organising
and implementing activities in line with the goals outlined in habit 2. Covey says that
habit 2 is the first or mental creation while habit 3 is the second or physical creation.
Let me share an example relevant to my work. When I decided to set up my own
business I could see the end goal (habit 2), however that wasn’t enough to make it
Habit 4 - Think Win-Win
Covey calls this the habit of ‘interpersonal leadership’. In his view it is necessary
because so many achievements are dependent on the co-operative efforts and
engagement of others. The habit of win-win is based on the assumption that there is
plenty for everyone. Success follows a co-operative approach more naturally than the
win-or-lose approach. Whenever you have found yourself negotiating either at home
or in work, you will remember the good feeling when you achieved a win-win for both
parties .
 Habit 5 - Seek First To Understand And Then To Be Understood
This, in my view, is an extremely powerful habit. It’s simple and incredibly effective and will
improve all relationships in your life. If you listen intently and ask questions to clarify your
understanding, you are then in a position to be understood by the other person. If you went to
your doctor complaining of back pain, you expect to have the time and space to tell them about
your discomfort without interruption. First, they listen. They then begin to ask open, probing
questions. They are trying to gain deeper understanding. They keep listening. They are constantly
gathering more and more information and insight.
Habit 6 – Synergize
We all know the benefits (and challenges) that come from working in teams. When we work
together in a collaborative and creative way, the outcomes are far greater than the sum of the
parts. Covey calls this the habit of ‘creative co-operation’. Everybody has something to contribute
and we need to step back and see that everybody has a voice and a contribution to make.
Habit 7 - Sharpen The Saw
This is the habit of self renewal which Covey divides into four components – the spiritual, mental,
physical and the social/emotional. It surrounds all the other habits and encourages and enables
them to grow. We cannot achieve success in our lives if we are not nurturing the four parts. It
makes sense. So many entrepreneurs burn-out on the road to commercial success by not looking
after themselves. We must take care of our wellbeing if we are to have the stamina needed for the
Learning experience from this Book
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is the proven individual effectiveness operating
system. Participants develop increased maturity, greater productivity, and the ability to
manage themselves. They will come away with the ability to execute critical priorities
with laser-like focus and careful planning .
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a life-changing experience. The book has guided
a diverse generation of readers for the last twenty-five-plus years. Presidents and CEOs
have kept it by their bedsides. Students have underlined and studied passages from it.
Educators and parents have drawn inspiration from it.
Individuals of all ages and occupations have used its step-by-step framework to adapt to
the demands of the 21st century and achieve personal effectiveness in all areas of their
life—both professional and personal.
 The thing I really like about these seven habits is that they are universal. You can apply
them to your goals in business and your relationships with your co-workers. You can also
use them at home.
You can use them to strengthen your relationship with your parents, spouse or children.
Whatever you are trying to achieve in life
. Whoever you want to be. The seven habits will help you on hour journey. You will
become highly effective.
Let's live life to the fullest!
 Author Information detail - From Google Wikipedia
Author and book cover photo - From Google
Book reading – From Online

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