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“The Canterville Ghost

by Oscar Wilde
Chapter 1
.Who was Mr Otis?
Why did he come to England?
Did he want to live in the city?
What is Canterville Chase?
Did Mr Otis believe in ghosts?
Why not?...Because he comes from America and America is a modern

Who was Mrs Umney?

Chapter 2
Who was Lucretia?
Describe Mr Otis children.
Describe Mrs Umney.
What was there on the floor of the library?
Whose blood was it?
What happened to her?
Chapter 2
• What did Washington
What did Wasington do?do?

• What happened to Mrs Umney?

What happened to Mrs Umney?

• Why was she frightened? She was frightened because…………

Why was she frightened? She was frightened
Chapter 3
Did the blood stain reappeard the following morning?

What did Mr Otis hear when he was sleeping?

Who did he see when

he opened the door?
Chapter 3
What did Mr Otis offer the ghost for the metal chains?

Can you describe the ghost?

What did the twins throw at the ghost?

How did the ghost feel? He was……./ He felt……

Chapter 4
Did the stain reappear every morning?

What colour was it?

How did Virginia feel??? Did she laugh at

the ghost?
Chapter 5
What did the Otises hear one night?

What did the ghost try to do? He tried to put on the suit of armour but……….

What did Mr Otis offer the ghost

for his knee?

Where did the ghost go?

How did he feel?
Chapter 6
What plans did the ghost make to scare the
What did he see at the end
 of the corridor?
How did he react?
Was it a real ghost?
Chapter 7
How did the ghost feel after a week?
What did he do to scare the twins?
What happened when he opened the door of
the twins’ bedroom? A jug
of water fell on the ghost.

Was he happy?
Chapter 8
Who did Virginia see in the library?
What did the ghost want to do?
Describe “the Garden of Sleep”.
What did Virginia do to help him?
Can the darkness hurt Virginia? Why not?
Chapter 9
When did Virginia appear?
What did she have in her hands?
Whose jewells were these?
What did she show to her family?
Whose skeleton was these?
How did he die?
Chapter 10
What did the Otises do with the skeleton?

Why was Virginia happy in the end?

Personal Opinion- Did you like the story? Why?

I liked the story because

it’s interesting
it’s about adventure
it’s easy to read and understand
the characters are adventurous

I didn’t like the story because…

it ‘s boring
it isn’t interesting
the ending is sad.
Personal Opinion
Who is your favourite character? Why?

My favourite character is ………… because she/he is

adventurous / brave / funny/sweet / nice.

My favorite characters are the twins because they are funny/


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