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Guide Questions
• What is the Local Government Code?

• What is the structure of local government in the Philippines?

• What are the powers/responsibilities of local governments?

• What are some key provisions of the code?

• Brief History of Local Governments

• Structure of Local Government Units

• Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao

• Decentralization
What is Local Government Code?

Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the

Local Government Code was enacted into law,
transferring control and responsibility of
delivering basic services to the hands of local
government units (LGU). It aimed to enhance
provision of services in the grass roots level as
well as improve the efficiency in resource
• How many Regions does
the Philippines have?

• Provinces?
• Cities?
• Municipalities?
• Barangays?
History of Local Government
• The cities, municipalities,
and provinces of today:

- evolved from the

Barangays of the pre-spanish
- the Pueblos and Cabildos
of Spanish colonial days
- the Townships of the
American regime.
History of Local Government
• The Barangays
- the Pre-Spanish were the first political and social
organizations of the Philippines. A barangay was a settlement
of some 30 to 100 families and government unit in itself.
Spanish Conquest
• The lack of unity among
the warring barangays
made conquest easier for
the Spaniards.
• Gradually, the datus were
shorn of their powers.
• The Spaniards organized
pueblos (municipalities),
cabildos (cities), and
provincias (provinces).
• The provinces were established “for the convenience of
administration and constituted the immediate agencies
through which the central government could extend its
authority on numerous villages.”
• In place of the barangays, barrios were established, and the
datus were made into cabezas de barangay.
History of Local Government
• Local Government at present

• On October 10, 1991 - the local government code

1991 (RA 7160) was signed into law. This Code
ordained an authentic and workable local autonomy
through the devolution of certain powers from the
national to the local governments

• The Local Government Code of 1991 provides the

overarching framework of legal governance in the
Structure of Local Government

• Province
• City
• Municipality
• Barangay

• Local Government Units are created on the basis of income,

population and land area.
Structure of Local Governments
Structure of Local Governments
Structure of Local Government
• Barangay
- Population of 2,000
- In high urbanized areas: 5,000

• Municipality
- Land area 50 km(2)
- Population 25,000
- Annual Income of Php 2.5 Million
• City
- Land area 100 km(2)
- Population 150,000
- Annual Income of Php 20 Million

• Province
- Land area 200 km(2)
- Population 200,000
- Annual Income of Php 20 Million
Local Officials
• Local elected officials have three-year terms (five for
barangay officials)

• Each elected official can have no more than three

consecutive terms

• Local Chief Executives:

- Province = Governor
- City = Mayor
- Municipality = Mayor
Local Government Units
• Barangay
- it is the smallest administrative division in the
Philippines and is the native Filipino term for a village,
district or ward.
• Barangays may be further subdivided into smaller areas
called: purok and sitio, which is territorial enclave insde a
barangay, especially in rural areas.
• As of March 2021, there are 42,046 barangays throughout
the Philippines.
• Role of the Barangay

- The Barangay serves as the primary planning and

implementing unit of government policies, plans, programs,
projects, and activities in the community, and as a forum
wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed
and consideres, and where disputes may be amicably settled.
Local Government Units
• Municipalities
- a municipality is a local government unit in the
Philippines. Municipalities are also called towns.
• They have been granted corporate personality enabling
them to enact local policies and laws, enforce them, and
govern their jurisdictions

• Local Governments have their own executive and

legislative branches and the check and balances between
these two major branches.

• Local governmentns, such as municipalities, do not have

their own judicial branch.
• A municipality, upon reaching a certain requirements may
opt to become a city.

• First, a bill must be passed in Congress, then signed into law

by the President and then the residents would vote to accept
or reject its cityhood.

• One benefit in being a city is that the city government gets

more budget, but taxes are much higher.

• As of 7 September 2019, there are 1,488

municipalities across the country.
• Role of the Municipality

- It serves primarily as a general purpose government for

the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct
services and effective governance of the inhabitants within
its territorial jurisdiction.
Local Government Units
• City
- a city is a tier of local government in the Philippines. All
Philippine cities are chartered cities, whose existence as corporate
and administrative entities is governed by their own specific
policies/charters in addition to the Local Government Code of
• Income Classification
- Cities are classified according to average annual income
based on the previous 3 calendar years.

Class Average Annual Income

- First - Php 400 million and above
- Second - Php 320M to 400M
-Third - Php 240M to 320M
-Fourth - Php 160M to 240M
-Fifth - Php 80M to 160M
-Sixth - Php 80M and below
• Role of the City

- The city, consisting of more urbanized and developed

barangays, serves as a general purpose government for the
coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct
services and effective governance of the inhabitants within
its territorial jurisdiction.
Local Government Units
• Province
- the Provinces of the Philippines are the primary political
and administrative divisions of the Philippines. Each province
is adminitered by an elected governor who oversees various
local government entities.
• Income Classification
- Provices are classified according to average annual
income based on the previous 3 calendar years.

Class Average Annual Income

- First - Php 450 million and above
- Second - Php 360M to 450M
-Third - Php 270M to 360M
-Fourth - Php 180M to 270M
-Fifth - Php 90M to 180M
-Sixth - Php 90M and below
• Role of the Province

- The province, composed of a cluster of municipalities,

and as a political and corporate unit of government, serves as
a dynamic mechanism for developmental processes and
effective governance of local government units within its
territorial jurisdiction.
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao
- is the region, located in the Mindanao island group of the
Philippines, namely: Basilan (except Isabela city), Lanao del
Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi. It is the only region
that has its own government.
- Regional capital: Cotabato city
(although this city is outside of its jurisdiction)

- The ARMM was officially inaugurated on November

1990 in Cotabato, which was designated as its provincial

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