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Mechanical Principles-Dynamics

Dr. Hassan Ali

Lecture 12
Based on Materials of
Dr Meisam Abdi
School of Engineering and Sustainable Development
De Montfort University
[email protected]
Module contents (1)
• Kinematics of translational motion
– Displacement, velocity, acceleration, four kinematic equations of
constant acceleration motion
• Kinematics of rotational motion
– Angular displacement, velocity and acceleration; four kinematic
equations of constant acceleration motion for rotational motion
• Newton’s laws of motion
– Newton laws; conservation of linear momentum; impulse of force;
elastic, gravitational and friction forces
• Application of Newton’s law
– Different cases including inline surface with and without friction,
Atwood’s machine, …
Module contents (2)
• Dynamics of rigid body rotation
– Angular motion, the Newton’s law for rotational motion, moment of inertia,
radius of gyration, torque, angular momentum
• Mass, gravity, weightlessness
• Circular motion; centripetal acceleration and force
• Simple harmonic motion
– Frequency and periodic time; spring-mass system, simple pendulum
• Relative motion
– Relative velocity; relative acceleration; normal and tangential components of
acceleration; relative motion in mechanisms
• Simple gyroscope
– Gyroscope equation; right hand rules for angular momentum and vector
1D motion

• Kinematics : the description of motion
• One dimension : motion along a straight
line (e.g., the x-axis)

Examples - sprinter running 100 meters in a straight line

- ball falling straight down, and bouncing back

1-D motion can be described by scalars (real numbers
with units) as functions of time:

Position x(t) (displacement from the origin)

Velocity v(t) (rate of change of position)
Acceleration a(t) (rate of change of velocity)

•The sign (positive or negative) keeps track of direction (in 1-D).

• Algebraic relations involving position, velocity, and acceleration
come from calculus.
• The same relations can be seen from graphs of position, velocity,
and acceleration as functions of time.

Displacement : x  x 2  x 1

position x as a function of time t

t1 t2 t

Average velocity : v  x / t (slope of the line)

Instantaneous velocity is the average over an
‘infinitesimal’ time interval :
x dx
t 2  t 1 , t  0 and  v
t dt

t t

v is the slope of the tangent to the x vs. t graph.

Physically, v is the rate of change of x, hence dx/dt.
How do we describe acceleration?

• Acceleration occurs if an object’s velocity changes in

direction, changes in magnitude, or changes in both
magnitude and direction

Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity:
v v2  v1
Average Acceleration : a  
t t 2  t1
Instantane ous Acceleration : a 

Newton's laws of motion

Newton's first law of motion

• Newton's first law was actually discovered by Galileo and perfected by

Descartes (who added the crucial proviso ‘in a straight line’). This law
states that if the motion of a given body is not disturbed by external
influences then that body moves with constant velocity. In other words,
the displacement s of the body as a function of time t can be written

s  s0  v  t
where initial distance and velocity are constants.

Newton's second law of motion
Newton used the word ‘motion’ to mean what we nowadays call momentum.
The momentum p of a body is simply defined as the product of its mass m
and its velocity v: i.e.,

p  mv
Newton's second law of motion is summed up in the
equation dp
where the vector f represents the net influence,
or force, exerted on the object, whose motion is
under investigation, by other objects.

Newton's second law of motion

For the case of a object with constant mass, the above law reduces to
its more conventional form:
f  ma

Newton's third law of motion
Suppose that body b exerts a force fab on body a. According to
Newton's third law of motion, body a must exert an equal and opposite
force fba = -fab on body b. Thus, if we label fab the ‘action’, then, in
Newton's language, fba is the equal and opposed ‘reaction’.

Coulomb’s law for friction force
An eminent French physicist Charles Augustin de Coulomb 1736-1806

The friction phenomena described as the following model

became known as Coulomb friction (see figures)
  F n

Ff V

The friction force can be described as:

Ff    c Fn sign(V)

with  c the Coulomb friction coefficient.

Dependence on applied force

• Before start of sliding the friction force is

equal to the applied force compensating the
external action
Ff    c Fn sign(V) Ff


The Block on a Smooth Inclined Plane under
Action of External Force

The Block on a Rough Inclined Plane under
Action of External Force
NB! It is assumed that block is sliding along incline plane

The Atwood’s machine
The apparatus was designed by an English mathematician George Atwood (1746-1807) for
demonstration of a slowed-down free-falling motion.

A system consisting of two bodies,

connected by a weightless string
slung over a weightless pulley ( W1  m1 g ,W2  m2 g )
What is the velocity of the system T T
after a given displacement?
m2 g  T  m2 x
T  m1 g  m1 x W2

The pair of equations has two unknowns, T and . Eliminating T by
adding the two and solving for x
leads to
m2  m1 m2  m1 2(m2  m1 ) gx
x  g V 2  2 xx  2 gx  V 
m2  m1 m1  m1 m1  m1

The Block on a Smooth Inclined Plane
The forces are not in equilibrium, and N
hence the block will not remain at rest. A
The Newton’s law equations: Wsin

In the x direction: W sin   mx Wcos h

B  W
In the y direction: N  W cos   my  0

2 h
V  2 ABa  2
B g sin   2hg ;
x  a  g sin  ; N  mg cos  sin 
VB  2hg
Conservation of energy method:

mgh   V B  2 gh
The Block on a Rough Inclined Plane
The friction force has been given the
magnitude F   k N and direction A
corresponding to a downward sliding W sin  F
motion. h
W cos

The Newton’s law equations:  W

In the X direction: W sin    k N  mx

In the Y direction: N  W cos   my  0 h
VB2  2 ABa  2 g (sin    k cos  );
sin 
x  a  g (sin    k cos ); N  mg cos
2hg (sin    k cos  )
VB 
a  0  sin  *   k cos *  0  tan  *   k sin 
Conservation of energy method:

mVB2 h (sin    k cos  )

mgh    k mg cos   VB  2 gh
2 sin  sin 
Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation

Mass vs Moment of inertia
Mass: is both a property of a physical body and a measure of its resistance to
acceleration when a net force is applied.

𝑭 =𝒎𝒂 F

Moment of inertia (I): a quantity expressing a body's tendency to resist angular

acceleration when a net torque is applied.

𝑻=𝑰 𝜶

Dynamics of Rigid Body Rotation
Kinetic Energy
mi  Vi 2 1 I 2
K 

2 
mi   2 ri2 

Moment of Inertia
I 
mi ri2

Power produced by applied force

 F V
dK I d ( 2 ) I d d
  2   I
dt 2 dt 2 dt dt
F  V  Fri I  Fri  T

I  T 28
Translational-Rotational Parallels

Translational motion characteristics Rotational motion characteristics

Linear displacement: m X Angular displacement : rad  

Linear velocity: m / s  V  X Angular velocity: rad / s   
Linear acceleration: m / s 2
a  V  X
 Angular acceleration: rad / s  2     
Measure of inertia: kg  m Measure of inertia: kg  m 2 I  r

 kg  m 2   kg  m 2 
Kinetic energy: J 2  mV 2 / 2 Kinetic energy: J 2 
I 2 / 2
 s   s 
 kg  m 2 
Force :  kg  m 
N 2  F  ma Torque :  2  T  F r
 s   s 
 kg  m 2   kg  m 2 
Power : W 3  P  W  F  V Power: W 3  T 
 s   s 
 kg  m 
Linear momentum:  s  L  m *V Angular momentum [kg*m2/s]: H  I 
 

Work :  kg  m 2 
J 2  W  FX Work :  kg  m 2 
J 2  T 
 s   s 

2nd Newton law :)

(m  const F  L  ma 2nd Newton law ( I  const:) T  H  I

Moments of Inertia for Different Shapes
Solid cylinder or Hoop about Solid sphere Thin spherical shell
disc, symmetry axis symmetry axis

Solid cylinder , Rod about center Rod about end

central diameter

Angular Momentum of a Flywheel

General Form of Dynamics Law
Translational motion

dp d mV  dV
 F if mass is constant m F
dt dt dt

Rotational motion

dL d I  d
 T if moment of inertia is I T
dt dt constant

Conservation of Angular Momentum
L1  L2  I11  I 22

According to the law of the conservation of angular momentum, the angular

momentum of an object will not change unless external torque is applied to the object.
When spinning, a figure skater will bring his or her arms closer to his or her body in order
to increase their angular velocity and rotate faster.
Mass, gravity, weightlessness

Newton’s law of universal gravitation

Isaac Newton's theory of universal gravitation states the following:

Every single point mass attracts every other point mass by a force heading along the line
combining the two. The force is proportional to the product of the two masses and
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the point masses:
                 m1m 2
FG 2  F  m1g(r)
F is the magnitude of the gravitational force between the two point masses
G  6.67 10-11 N  m 2 iskgthe
2 gravitational constant

m1 is the first point mass

m2 is the second point mass
r is the distance between the two point masses

Mass and Weight (cont.)

Suppose that the downward acceleration of

the elevator matches the acceleration due to
gravity: i.e., a = -g. In this case, W = 0. In other
words, the block becomes weightless!

Mass and Weight (cont.)

T - mg  ma
T  m(g  a)

Suppose that the downward acceleration of the suspended block

matches the acceleration due to gravity: i.e., a = -g. In this case, T = 0.
In other words, the block becomes weightless!

Circular motion

Centripetal Acceleration

• The acceleration arising from the change in direction of

the velocity vector is called the centripetal acceleration
and is determined mathematically by:

ac 
Centripetal Acceleration
Centripetal Force
• Newton’s Second Law explains that an object
undergoing acceleration is experiencing a net
force. The net force on an object undergoing
uniform circular motion is called the centripetal
force Fc.
• The centripetal force necessary for an object of
mass m to travel with constant speed v in a circle
of radius r is given by:

m  r  
2 2
mv 2
Fc  but v  r   so Fc   m  r 
r r
Simple harmonic motion

Simple Harmonic Motion (1)
• Motion that repeats in a regular pattern over and over again is called periodic
motion. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) means that the displacement of the
oscillating mass varies periodically as a function of time
y  y 0  Asin(2f  t)  y 0  Asin(t)
• Amplitude (A): The amplitude of the oscillation is the maximum distance
that the oscillating object moves away from the equilibrium position, units
– meter (m). 

Simple Harmonic Motion (1)
• Motion that repeats in a regular pattern over and over again is called periodic
motion. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) means that the displacement of the
oscillating mass varies periodically as a function of time
y  y 0  Asin(2f  t)  y 0  Asin(t)
• Frequency (f): The frequency of the oscillation is the number of oscillations
per second. An oscillation is one complete cycle of the oscillator, units –
Hertz (Hz).

Simple Harmonic Motion (1)
• Motion that repeats in a regular pattern over and over again is called periodic
motion. Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM) means that the displacement of the
oscillating mass varies periodically as a function of time
y  y 0  Asin(2f  t)  y 0  Asin(t)
• Period (T): The period is the time for the oscillator to complete one cycle,
units – seconds (s).  The frequency and period are related as:
f  ;   2f - circular frequency

Simple Harmonic Motion (2)
• The acceleration of the body is proportional to its displacement
from its equilibrium position
• The acceleration of the body is always directed towards the
equilibrium position

dy d2y 2
 A  cost; 2
  A sin t
dt dt
d y
a  2   2 ( y - y 0 )

Uniform Circular Motion
Uniform circular motion describes motion in which an object moves with
constant speed along a circular path.
R  cost a cp   2 R   2 R  sin t

 y  y 0  R  sin t

V  R
  t
y  y0


Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration in
Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple Pendulum

mL2   mg sin  * L (1)

m 2
FT  mg cos   (2)

  g sin   0

Free Oscillations of a Mass on a Vertical Spring
Equilibrium Position: downward force exerted by the mass = upward restoring force in the spring

Equilibrium condition: mg  k
d x
2 Newton’s Law: ma  Fspring  m
 mg  k(x  )  -kx

mx  kx  0  x  x  0
k g
x   x  0; n 
n  - natural frequency
m 
2018/2019 DMU ENGD1005 50
Conservation of linear momentum

Conservation of Linear Momentum

• The principle that the linear momentum of a

system has constant magnitude and direction
if the system is subjected to no external force.

d  
dt  
miVi   F  0

Conservation of Kinetic Energy
for Elastic Collisions

d   2
mi vi
dt  
Ki  

f  v
i i  0; where K i 
Rocket science
Rocket Science
Let M be the fixed mass of the rocket engine and the payload, and m(t) the total mass
of the propellant contained in the rocket's fuel tanks at time t. Suppose that the rocket
engine ejects the propellant at some fixed velocity u relative to the rocket.

The total momentum of the system is a constant of the motion. Hence, we can
equate the momentum evaluated at times t and t + dt:

Neglecting second order quantities (i.e., dmdv), the above expression yields:

Rocket Science (cont.)
Rearranging, we obtain

Let us integrate the above equation between an initial time at which the rocket
is fully fueled, i.e., m = mp, where mp is the maximum mass of propellant that
the rocket can carry, but stationary, and a final time at which the mass of the
fuel is m and the velocity of the rocket is v. Hence,

which yields


u  5000m/s - ordinary chemical rocket; m p  5M; Vf  8.96km/s

The Physics of Billiards

When two billiard balls collide the collision is nearly elastic. An elastic
collision is one in which the kinetic energy of the system is conserved
before and after impact. Therefore, for simplicity one can assume that
for collisions involving billiard balls, the collision is perfectly elastic.

Perfectly Elastic Collisions in 1-dimension
m1 Vi1 Vi2 m2
Time of collision?
Vf1 m1 m2 Vf2

The total momentum of the system is a conserved quantity. Equating the total momentum
before and after the collision, we obtain

An elastic collision is one in which the total kinetic energy of the two colliding objects is the
same before and after the collision.

Perfectly Elastic Collisions in 1-dimension (cont.)

If m1 = m2 then

Suppose that the second object is much more massive than the first and is initially at rest
(i.e., vi2 = 0)

Relative motion

Kinematics in One Dimension

 The main concepts of translational linear motion

 Displacement
V A  VB  V A / B
 Velocity
 Acceleration


What is the magnitude of velocity of the green car relative to the red car?

a) 60 VGreen/Red = VGreen – VRed

b) 43
c) 10
d) 24

The principal of relative motion

Rigid body motion AB  A' B ' is decomposed on

on translation AB  A" B ' rB
" ' ' '
and rotation A B  A B rA / B

Relative velocity equation

V A  VB  V A / B where VA / B    r or V A / B  r

Relative acceleration (B is a fixed point)

Relative acceleration (B is a fixed point)

The relative-acceleration relationship may be obtained from the equation for

relative velocities using non-rotating reference axes by differentiation with
respect to time

V A  VB  V A / B  a A  aB  a A / B

The relative acceleration can be decomposed on the radial and tangential ones

v 2A / B
(a A / B ) n   r 2
a A  a B  (a A / B ) n  (a A / B ) t where r
(a A / B ) t  v A / B  r

Two moving objects (2D or 3D space)

 Consider graphical solution (analytical solution using cartesian coordinates

x,y,z are also possible and the answer will be identical)

a) The velocity (magnitude and direction)

of object A relative to object B?

b) The shortest distance BC between

the two objects as they continue
moving from their initial position?

c) The time required to travel from

y their initial position to the point of
the closest proximity C:

Two moving objects (2D space)

 First we draw the vector of relative velocity VA/B of object A with respect to
object B:
a) The velocity (magnitude and direction)
of object A relative to object B?

b) The shortest distance BC between

the two objects as they continue
moving from their initial position?

c) The time required to travel from

their initial position to the point of
the closest proximity C:

Hint: a) draw graphically the space and velocity diagrams to scale
b) measure distances AC and BC, and also relative velocity VA/B

ENGD2005 De Montfort University 70

What is gyroscope

A gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaining orientation and angular

velocity. It is a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation (spin axis) is free
to assume any orientation by itself.
Right hand rule- angular momentum

The direction of angular velocity and angular momentum are perpendicular

to the plane of rotation. Using the right hand rule, the direction of
both angular velocity and angular momentum is defined as the direction in
which the thumb of your right hand points when you curl your fingers in
the direction of rotation.
The Simple Gyroscope Theory (3)
• Consider this gyroscopic formulae in a vector form

Right hand rule for Applied Torque

Applied Torque – Reaction Torque


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