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LAND NAVIGATION Navigate from One Point to Another During the Day and Night

Objective Requirements Misc Lane Information Task, Conditions, and Standards Map Reading and Land Nav Basics Negotiating Land Nav Course Tips for Success Questions Time to Practice

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AMEDDC&S Pam 350-10 FM 3-25.26 GTA 05-02-013

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The objective of the land navigation courses it to measure the candidates ability to navigate from a start point, through intermediate points, to an end point during daylight and darkness.

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The candidate must successfully complete the performance measures for both day and night courses to receive a GO. The tasks are tested in a field environment with the required equipment.

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Land Nav Misc.

The Land Nav Course will: Be verified using a satellite type navigational system Not use pre-established points and score sheets from previous EFMB tests. Have a minimum of five start points and end points.

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Land Nav Misc. Cont.

The host unit will: Run standardization week the same as test week. Ensure candidates, without assistance, are allowed only ONE OPPORTUNITY to complete the day and night courses during standardization week. Place observers on the course to enforce land navigation standards NOT review the points with the candidates upon completion of both the day and night courses during standardization and test weeks. Candidates will receive a GO or NO GO.
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Land Nav Misc. Cont.

Candidates will: Carry a red lens flashlight and a chemical light stick during the night course. The use of white light or chemical light stick is for EMERGENCIES ONLY. Be briefed, prior to testing, on their responsibility to provide first aid to other candidates if the need arises. Candidates are NOT penalized for providing assistance. They will be allowed to retake the test without penalty if they should fail as a result of rendering aid.

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Land Nav Misc. Cont.

Candidates will: Be checked by host units for unauthorized test aids before and after the start of both the day and night courses. Without assistance, must negotiate each course within the time specified in the respective standard. They will NOT be penalized for the time it takes to move from the end point to the score sheet collection point. Evaluators must be present at the end points to annotate the candidates end time.

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Land Nav Misc. Cont.

The equipment required for the day and night courses is stated in the conditions statements for the tasks. NO OTHER EQUIPMENT IS AUTHORIZED. The host unit will issue the topographic map, score sheet, and the eight digit coordinates of the five points to the candidates for both the day and night courses. The map and score sheet must be returned to the host unit upon completion of each course.

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Land Nav Signs

Each point will be marked with a sign. The sign will: Be constructed of metal or wood Measure 12 inches by 12 inches Be painted diagonally half-white and half-international orange Be staked into the ground so that its bottom is between 5 and 7 feet above the ground. It will not be mounted on vegetation Have a clearly identifiable, unique letter or number on it for identification. Other markings (grid coordinates, azimuths, directions) are not authorized.

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Navigate From One Point to Another During the Day

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Given a standard topographic map, scale 1:50,000; a lensatic compass; Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 05-02-012 (coordinate scale and protractor); a pencil; a score sheet; and the eight digit grid coordinates of the start point, three intermediate points, and end point.

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Plot the start point, intermediate points, and the end point on the map. Navigate from the start point, through each intermediate point, in order, to the end point, within 3 hours.

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Day Land Nav

The day course must measure between 3,500 and 4,000 meters. The course has three direction changes, the first at point one (not the start point). No point on the course, to include distractor points, will be closer than 100 meters to another point. Candidates must navigate the course IAW the task standards.

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Performance Steps
1. Plot all five points on the map. 2. Navigate from the start point, through the intermediate points, to the end point.

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Performance Measures
1. Navigated from the start point, through the intermediate points, in order, to the end point. 2. Correctly recorded the point number or letter of at least three points, excluding the start point. 3. Completed all performance measures within 3 hours. 4. Returned the map and score sheet.

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Navigate From One Point to Another During the Night

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Given a standard topographic map, scale 1:50,000; a lensatic compass; GTA 05-02-012 (coordinate scale and protractor); a pencil; a score sheet; a red-lens flashlight; a chemical light stick for emergency use; and the eight digit grid coordinates of the start point, three intermediate points, and end point.

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Plot the start point, intermediate points, and the end point on the map. Navigate from the start point, through each intermediate point, in order, to the end point, within 4 hours.

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Night Land Nav

The night course must measure between 3,000 and 3,500 meters. The course has three direction changes, the first at point one, not the start point). No point on the course, to include distractor points, will be closer than 100 meters to another point. Candidates must navigate the course IAW the task standards.

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Night Land Nav Cont.

Artificial illumination (such as light sticks) may be used to mark the general boundaries of the course, but not the individual points. Candidates may NOT use artificial illumination or red-lens flashlight to MARK THEIR DIRECTION. The host unit may start the night course no earlier than 1 hour after sunset. The test board chairperson will determine the actual start time based on local conditions.

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Performance Steps
1. Plot all five points on the map. 2. Navigate from the start point, through the intermediate points, to the end point.

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Performance Measures
1. Navigated from the start point, through the intermediate points, in order, to the end point. 2. Correctly recorded the point number or letter of at least three points, excluding the start point. 3. Did not mark the route of travel with the redlens flashlight. 4. Completed all performance measures within 4 hours. 5. Returned the map and score sheet.

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Map Reading Basics

Prior to hitting the Land Navigation Course, there are some things you need to know or should refresh on. Map reading is no longer on the written test, but knowing the basics will assist you in effectively and efficiently negotiating the Land Navigation Courses.

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What is a Map?
A map is a graphic representation of a portion of the earths surface drawn to scale, as seen from above.

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Colors on a Map
Green: Vegetation Brown: Relief and elevation Black: Man-made features Red: Major roads, populated areas Blue: Water Red-Brown: Cultural features, all relief features, and elevation, such as contour lines on red-light readable maps
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Topographic Map
27 2 8 7 24 4 11 12 10 23 22 19
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31 41 51 61 71 81 02






3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 0 2

4 11 23 12 10 21 9 24 25 26 8 7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.

Sheet Name Sheet Number Series Name Scale Series Number Edition Number Index to Boundaries Adjoining Sheets Diagram Elevation Guide Declination Diagram Bar Scales Contour Interval Note Spheroid Note Grid Note Projection Note Vertical Datum Note Horizontal Datum Note Control Note Preparation Note Printing Note Grid Reference Box Unit Imprint and Symbol Legend

Parts of a Map
Name, series name, series number, etc. Scale Legend Contour interval Bar scale Declination diagram Grid reference box Additional information
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Contour Interval Grid Reference Box

This is where you find the contour interval

This is where you find Your Grid Zone Designators (the 2 letters)

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Bar Scale

Located in lower margin of map Can measure map distance in:

Statute miles Meters Yards Nautical miles

Each is broken into two scales

Primary (Right side) Extension (Left side)
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Scale of Map
Scale: 1:50,000. This means that one unit of measurement on the map is equal to fifty thousand of the same unit on the ground. 1 Inch on the map is 50,000 inches on the ground, 1 pencil on the map is 50,000 pencils on the ground etc.

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Declination Diagram
Declination Diagram
Three Types of North
Y or GN



GM Angle
Normally stated how to figure out Different dependent on which hemisphere you are

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Additional Information

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Terrain Features
Major Terrain Features Hill Saddle Supplementary Terrain Features Valley Cut Ridge Fill Depression Minor Terrain Features Draw Spur Cliff
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Notice the high ground on both sides

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Note: the V of the contour lines points up hill

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Note: the V of the contour lines points down hill

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Cut and Fill

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Terrain Features

1. Hill 2. Valley

3. Ridge 4. Saddle

5. Depression 6. Draw

7. Spur 8. Cliff

9. Cut 10. Fill

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Contour Lines
Thick dark contour line Every 5th contour line Shows elevation

Lay between the Index contour lines Thin contour lines

Dashed Show changes of elevation at least contour interval

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Determining Relief and Elevation

First, find the contour interval Contour lines
Find the elevation of the closest contour line (visible) Add the contour interval for each contour line

Find the elevation of the closest contour line Add the contour interval

Find the elevation of the closest contour line below the depression Subtract the contour interval
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Determining Relief and Elevation

The closer the contour lines, the steeper the slope The farther they are apart, the more gradual the slope

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Relief and Elevation PE

Determine the elevation at each of the following:
Contour Interval: 10 meters

205 m

140 m

150 m
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Check on Learning
Utilizing the map in front of you, answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What is the scale of this map? What is the contour interval? What is the GM angle? What is the different types of north? Where are the different types of contour lines?
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Coordinate Scale and Protractor
GTA 5-2-12

Measuring azimuths
Outer Edge = Mils (6400 in a circle) Inside = Degrees (360 in a circle)

3 scales
1:50,000 1:100,000 1:25,000

Cross hairs
Used for plotting an azimuth
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Use this portion when plotting points on a 1:50,000 scale map

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Grid Coordinates
Grid Zone Designators
Two letter prefix prior to grid coordinate Found in the grid reference box

4 digit grid coordinate

Within 1,000 meters of your point

6 digit grid coordinate

Within 100 meters of your point

8 digit grid coordinate

Within 10 meters of your point
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1000 Meter Grid Square

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1000-Meter Reading
1000 Meters



15 01 02 03 04 05

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Golden Rule of Map Reading Always read RIGHT and UP

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Finding a 4 Digit
10 Meters

100 Meters

16 03
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Finding a 4 Digit
Plot your point Make a + Point in upper right portion of +

Go RIGHT, and UP

2 7 6 __ NH__ __ / __ 8

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Plotting a 4 Digit PE
Give the 4 digit grid coordinate for each of the following:
NH 4670 1. Coordinates_________ NH 4365 2. Coordinates_________ NH 3076 3. Coordinates_________

Object: BM 253 north of Castle Hills Object: Saint Andrew Church, SA Object: Convent in Grey Forest (left side)

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Finding a 6 Digit

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Finding a 6 Digit
Plot your point Make a + Point in upper right portion of +

Go RIGHT, and UP

2 7 6 8 NH__ __ __/ __ __ __

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Finding a 6 Digit
Place 1:50000 portion of protractor on left vertical line of grid square of point

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Finding a 6 Digit
Slide protractor to the right till the upper vertical portion of 1:50000 bisects point To get your 3rd number, use the horizontal numbers where they bisect the left grid line and round up or down. To get your 6th number, read up the vertical numbers where the point bisects the line and round up or down. Go RIGHT, and UP 2 7 6 6 __ 8 NH__ __ __ / __ 8 __

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Plotting a 6 Digit PE
Give the 6 digit grid coordinate for each of the following:
NH 465703 1. Coordinates_________ NH 437652 2. Coordinates_________ NH 303762 3. Coordinates_________

Object: BM 253 north of Castle Hills Object: Saint Andrew Church, SA Object: Convent in Grey Forest (left side)

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Finding an 8 Digit

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Finding a 8 Digit
You now take it one step farther from the 6 Digit Break each segment on the protractor (i.e. 0-1) into tenths. To get your 3rd and 4th numbers, use the horizontal numbers where they bisect the left grid line. To get your 7th and 8th numbers, read up the vertical numbers where the point bisects the line. Go RIGHT, and UP 2 __ 5 9 6 __ 7 8 NH__ 7 __ __ / __ 8 __ __
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Plotting an 8 Digit PE
Give the 8 digit grid coordinate for each of the following:
NH 46467034 1. Coordinates_________ NH 43656520 2. Coordinates_________ NH 30277624 3. Coordinates_________

Object: BM 253 north of Castle Hills Object: Saint Andrew Church, SA Object: Convent in Grey Forest (left side)

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Check on Learning
Utilizing the map in front of you, answer the following questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Where do you find the grid zone designators? How close will a 6 digit grid coordinate put you to your point? How close will an 8 digit grid coordinate put you to your point? What is the golden rule of map reading? Who is your favorite EFMB Train-Up Instructor?

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Determining Distance
Straight Line Method Used to measure the straight line distance between two points 1. Take a piece of paper and line it up through your start and end points 2. Put a small tick mark on the paper at each point 3. Move the paper to the bar scale and determine the distance in meters between the two tick marks
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Straight Line Distance

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Straight Line Distance Check on Learning

BM 253 BM 269 NH 4269

NH 4670 4250

BM 301 BM 253 NH 4269

NH 4072 6400

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Determining Distance On a Map

Curved or Road Method Used to measure distance between two points, normally on a road Utilizing a Piece of Paper 1. Place a piece of paper next to your start point and put a small tick mark 2. Align the paper with the roads edge until you come to a curve and make another tick mark on the map and paper 3. Pivot the paper along the roads edge and repeat Step 2 until you reach the end point and mark it again 4. Move the paper to the bar scale and determine the distance Note: Always stay on the same side of the road!!!!
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Measuring a Curved Line Distance

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Determining Distance On a Map

Curved or Road Method Used to measure distance between two points, normally on a road Utilizing a Piece of Dental Floss or String 1. Place a piece of floss next to your start point and put a small tick mark on the floss 2. Align the floss with the roads edge until you come to a curve and then bend the floss along with the curvature of the road 3. Pivot the floss along the roads edge until you reach the end point and put a tick mark on the floss 4. Straighten the floss out and move the floss to the bar scale and determine the distance Note: Always stay on the same side of the road!!!!
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Curved Line Distance Check on Learning

Measure the road distance in the following:
NH 4282 1. From the road junction in grid square_______ NH 4083 2150 to the intersection in grid square______is_____ kilometers. NH 4775 2. From the intersection in grid square_______ NH 4274 5500 to the intersection in grid square______is_____ meters.

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Obtaining a Grid Azimuth

1. Plot your start and other points on the map 2. Center the cross hairs of your protractor on the start point
Ensure that the protractor is parallel with the map Use the lines on the protractor with the grid lines on the map

1. Take a piece of paper or a ruler and run it from the start point (cross hairs) through your end point
You can make a penciled in line on your map

1. Look on the inner circle (degrees), where the line crosses it. That is your grid azimuth
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Obtaining a Grid Azimuth

Plot your Start Point and End Point. EP


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Obtaining a Grid Azimuth

Place cross hairs of protractor over Start Point. EP


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Obtaining a Grid Azimuth

Draw a straight line from SP to EP. EP


Where the line bisects the degrees is your grid azimuth.

36 degrees

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Changing Grid Azimuth to Magnetic Azimuth

For land navigation, you must change your grid azimuths (from map) to magnetic azimuths (for your compass) 1. Look at your GM Angle on the map 2. Take your grid azimuths and Add or Subtract the GM Angle from it
Dependent on your location on earth Your map will tell you what to do

1. This will give you your magnetic azimuths to navigate the land navigation course
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GM Angle
The GM Angle for the map to the right is 8 degrees The GM Angle for the map you have is ___ degrees Magnetic=Major
Add GM Angle
Going Major to General is a adding rank

Grid= General

To convert magnetic to grid azimuth (In U.S.)

To convert grid to magnetic azimuth (In U.S.)

Subtract GM Angle
Going General to Major is losing rank Note: It is the opposite if you are on the other side of the earth (i.e. Germany)
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Using a Compass
Compass to Check Method Centerhold Method

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Compass to Cheek Method

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Compass to Cheek Method

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Center Hold Method

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Center Hold Method

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Shooting a Magnetic Azimuth with a Compass

To determine a direction, point the compass in the direction you want to go or want to determine. Look beneath the index line on the outer glass cover and estimate to the nearest 3 degrees or 10 mils the position of the index line over the red or black scale. Be careful to hold the compass still and level so that the dial remains stationary while you are reading the scale. If you understand these readings and can apply either of the holding and sighting techniques of shooting an azimuth, you will be proficient in performing this task.
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Shooting an Azimuth

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Back Azimuth
A back azimuth is like doing an about face How do you get a back azimuth:

0 to 180 ADD 180


181 to 360 SUBTRACT 180

You are navigating to your point on an azimuth of 75. You cant find your point and want to go back and try again. Find the back azimuth of 75, which is 255. Shoot an azimuth of 255 and go back to your previous point. You are navigating to your point on an azimuth of 215. You cant find your point and want to go back and try again. Find the back azimuth of 215, which is 35. Shoot an azimuth of 35 and go back to your previous point.
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Pace Count
You learned how to figure the distance on the map, but to use that information on the course you need a pace count A pace count is the method used to determine distance as you walk on the land nav course The land nav site will have a 100 meter pace count for you
Some sites will have one over rough terrain and another for on flat terrain

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Determining Your 100 Meter Pace Count

At the start of the 100 meter pace count, step off with your left foot first and walk towards the end point of the pace count route Every time your right foot hits the ground COUNT
Walk like you will be on the course Dont take too long of steps

When you get to the end of the 100 meter pace count, the number you are on is your 100 meter pace count
i.e. 64

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Using Your 100 Meter Pace Count on the Course

Now that you know your 100 meter pace count (lets say it is 64) you can determine how far you travel on the actual course Lets say you had to go 450 meters from SP to 1st Pt

64, thats 100 meters

I found my first 32, thats 50 point. Time to More meters 64, thats 64, thats 64, thatsdown write it 450 total 200 meters 300 meters 400 meters 1st Pt 15

Walking on azimuth
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Time to Put it All Together

To navigate the Land Navigation Course, both at day and night, you will have to put all of the information we discussed together. The next slides will walk you through it.

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PCIs for Land Nav

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Listen closely to the cadres lane and safety briefing. Verify your pace count. Verify your compass and charge it if Night Land Nav. Go through the shake down for unauthorized items. Ensure you have all of your equipment.
Compass Protractor Mechanical pencil ** 3 x 5 cards ** Ziplock bag to store map and grade sheet so they dont get wet** Clipboard ** Piece of dental floss or the guts of 550 cord ** Weapon, Protective Mask, Kevlar, etc.

** : These are suggested items to make it easier for you to plot your points.
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Issue Map and Grade Sheet

6. 7. 8. Cadre will issue you your map and grade sheet. Cadre will take you or direct you to your start point. Cadre will tell you when to start and write a start time. You are now on the clock.


2 My2 0 3 a 05

C -6

NAVIGATE FROM ONE POINT TO ANOTHER DU CONDITIONS: Given a standard topographic map, Graphic Training Aid (GTA) Control Office 05-02-012 (coordinate Expert Field Medical Badge Test

Land Navigation Grade Sheet



2 My2 3 a 0

C -6


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Plot Your Points


Utilize the information on your grade sheet, plot the 8 digit grids for your points using your protractor
Label the points SP, 1, 2, 3, 4 (EP) while you plot them so you dont get confused


2 My2 0 3 a 05

C -6


CONDITIONS: Given a standard topograph

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Double Check Your Plotting

10. Double check your plotting.
This is important, because if you incorrectly plot your points, you wont find them!!!!!! You have time to reverify your plotting.

EP 3


2 1

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Negotiate In Order
AMEDDC&S Pam 350-10 states that you must navigate from the start point, through the intermediate points, in order, to the end point.


2 My2 0 3 a 05

C -6


CONDITIONS: Given a standard topogra

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Negotiating Your Course

11. There are two methods that are normally used to find your points (navigate to them). We will only discuss dead reckoning in depth. Dead reckoning
Finding the straight line distance and direction from one point to the next Using terrain features and man made features to find your points.
Using the roads

Terrain Association

Terrain association is NOT RECOMMENDED as the primary method for navigating to your points. Features may not be the same as what is on the map.
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Terrain Association
Candidates use this one so they dont have to be in the woods. They just follow the roads, if possible. Major problem is that roads may not be current to FOR EXAMPLE: what is depicted on the map
SP - 1: Walk south on road to 4th intersection turn right. Pt on corner at end of road
SP 2 1 3 EP

WARNING Terrain association is not recommended as the primary method for negotiating your course. Man made features change. Many maps are old and not up to date.

1 - 2: Follow road to the NW around curve for 400 meters. Pt on SE corner 2 - 3: Follow roads. Pt is on North side of unimproved road near a windmill. 3 EP: Walk 800 meters at 93 to the east. Pt is on east side of a saddle between two hilltops.

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Plotting Your Course

11. Now that your points are plotted, its time to figure out the distance and direction (azimuth) for your course.
Determine the distance and direction from SP to 1st, 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, and 3rd to EP. We will start with the SP to 1st Point

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Take one blank 3 x 5 card and write the information like on the example below.
You could also do this on the back of your grade sheet. This will help you in plotting your course.
Distance SP 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 EP: Azimuth

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Determine the distance from SP to 1st Point
Place other 3 x 5 card so that it bisects the two points Place a small tick on the 3 x 5 card at the middle of each point
Distance Azimuth SP 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 EP:

EP 3


2 1

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Move to the bar scale and determine the distance in meters between the ticks on the 3x 5 card Then write it down on the 3 x 5 card next to SP - 1
Distance Azimuth SP 1: 1,050 m 1 2: 2 3: 3 EP:

EP 3


2 1

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Now, determine the grid azimuth from SP to 1st Point using protractor
Draw a thin, light line through SP and 1st Point Place crosshairs on SP and align protractor so its parallel Look at degrees (inner reading on protractor) and locate degrees that run through 1st Point That is your grid azimuth, write in bottom of 3 x 5

Distance Azimuth SP 1: 1,050 m 1 2: 2 3: 3 EP:


EP 3


2 1

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Now, convert it to magnetic azimuth using GM Angle Do the math on the bottom of 3 x 5 card or back of paper Once you have the magnetic azimuth, line through it Then write the magnetic azimuth on your 3 x 5 card or paper

Distance Azimuth 173 SP 1: 990 m 1 2: 2 3: 3 EP:

181 - 8 = 173

EP 3


2 1

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Plotting Your Course Cont.

Now do the same thing (find the distance and direction) for:
1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to EP

Distance Azimuth 173 SP 1: 990 m 35 1 2: 400 m 284 2 3: 525 m 330 3 EP: 330 m
338 - 8 = 330 181 - 8 = 173 43 - 8 = 35292 - 8 = 284

EP 3


2 1

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Securing Your Equipment

Ensure that you have all of your equipment secured prior to navigating your course:
Weapon and Protective Mask Map, grade sheet, protractor, mechanical pencil, 3 x 5 cards, etc are secured somewhere where you wont lose them. PUT THEM IN A ZIPLOCK BAG. i.e. ammo pouch, cargo pocket, etc.


2 My2 0 3 a 05


C -6



CONDITIONS: Given a standard topographic map, sc Graphic Training Aid (GTA) 05-02-012 (coordinate sca
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Navigating to Your Point

Navigate from your SP to the 1st point using the distance and magnetic azimuth you determined.
Use compass to cheek method during day Use centerhold method during night

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Navigating to Your Point

When you shoot your azimuth, pick a tree or something that is in the direct line of your azimuth and begin walking to it using your pace count
Dont take your eyes off of it while your walking If you fall, youll be all right! Pick a tree top out at night due to limited visibility Try not to forget your pace count Use your pace count beads or tie a knot in a piece of 550 cord after every 100 meters of your pace count

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Searching for Your Point

When you get to the end of your pace count for the distance you determined, look around for your point:
If you see it, verify it using your map and terrain association If you dont see it, utilize your map, determine where the point should be using terrain association and move to it

WARNING Be careful when using man made features (i.e. roads). Man made features can change.

Pt 1: 150 meters north west of a hilltop


Pt 2: In a valley on the west side of a creek EP: North side of a road

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Searching for Your Point

When you get to the end of your pace count for the distance you determined:
Look around for a point If you dont see it, mark your current location and move in a box or circle for the point in 10 meter increments to search for your point


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Cant Find Your Point or Forget Your Pace Count

If you are walking on your pace count and lose track totally, do a back azimuth to where you had come from If you get to the end of your pace count and cant find your point anywhere, do a back azimuth and return to the point you were and try again



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Boxing an Obstacle
Sometimes you might come across an obstacle that you cant go over or through. This is when you would need to box the obstacle.


s ter me 0 15 long

10 meters high BOX IT

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

How to Box an Obstacle

Take a look at the obstacle and see if it is easier to go to the left or right (i.e. right) Pull out a 3 x 5 card, draw a sketch of how youll box the obstacle Write your current pace count (i.e. 400 meters and 20 paces) [A]
s ter e 0 m ng 15 lo

10 meters high

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

How to Box an Obstacle Cont.

Write the azimuth you are currently on (i.e. 225) [A] Now do a right/left face in the direction that you will box the obstacle. Add or subtract 90 to original azimuth (i.e. 315) Start walking on that azimuth keeping a new pace count (starting at 1), until you are clear of the obstacle and write it down on the card (i.e. 10 paces) [A] to [B]
IM AT 400 METERS AND 20 PACES. 225 Azimuth A 315 10 PACES B
s ter e 0 m ng 15 lo

10 meters high

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

How to Box an Obstacle Cont.

Do a left face, shoot your original azimuth (i.e. 225) and walk continuing your pace count that you had when you stopped at the obstacle [A] until clear past obstacle [B] to [C]. Write your pace count total down (i.e. 400 meters and 45 paces). Now do a left face, subtract or add 90 from your original azimuth (i.e. 135), shoot that azimuth, and walk the same number of paces that you did when you first boxed the obstacle (i.e. 10 paces) [C] to [D] Do a right face. Now you can continue on your course. [D]
s ter e 0 m ng 15 lo

THATS 400 METERS AND 20 PACES. 225 Azimuth A 315 10 PACES B



10 meters high


135 C 10 PACES



Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

Recording Your Point

When you do find your point, write the number or letter of your point on your grade sheet
Make sure you write it on the correct line


1025 3

2M 3

C -6


Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

CONDITIONS : G Graphic Training A

Continue Navigating to Your Other Points

Follow the same procedures until you reach your EP After recording it, a cadre member will be there to record your end time and direct you to the turn-in point


1025 1245 3 14

2 My20 3 a 05

C -6




CONDITIONS : Given a stan

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

Receive Your Go or No Go
Only the Land Nav NCOIC will tell you if you received a Go or No Go, not cadre at End Point


1025 1245 3 14

2 3

C -6



GO 4 for 4

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

CONDITIONS : Graphic Training

Tips For Success

Bring a clipboard to use when you plot your points Use a mechanical pencil to plot your points
The smaller, but visible, you plot your point, the more accurate Bring at least two mechanical pencils

Bring a protractor that is cut correctly Bring an extra compass in case yours breaks on the course
Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

Tips For Success Cont.

Verify your pace count prior to going on course Perform a compass check prior to going on course Listen closely to the lane and safety briefing Double check the plotting of your points Dont cheat Write the position stake number/letter on the correct line on your grade sheet
Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

Tips For Success Cont.

Dont lose your map and/or grade sheet
Automatic No Go!!!!!!!!

Carry your map and grade sheet somewhere where you wont lose them
i.e. Ammo pouch. Not in your helmet name band!!!!!!

Keep your weapon slung across your back so you dont lose it
Dont take it off and set it against a tree. Youll forget!

Even though it may seem easier, dont use terrain association as your primary method of navigating to your points. You may be setting yourself up for failure. Give yourself plenty of time to get back to a turn in table so you dont go over time
Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office


Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

Time to Practice

Expert Field Medical Badge Test Control Office

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