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Enterprise System

Arfa Farheen - 394/FBAS/BSIT4/F19

• American Company, Founded in 1971

• Starbucks is a well-known premium coffee
• It's one of the most successful companies in
the world.
• Focuses on customer experience and quality.
• Starbucks has over 33,833 locations worldwide.
• It’s headquartered located in Seattle,
Why Starbucks implement ERP

• Starbucks has over 33,833 locations worldwide.

• Rapid growth and number of stores increases
• Were facing a lot of problems in
• Management of Data
• Data Security
• Customer Experience
• Supply chain cost
• Procurement process
• Inventory Management
• Integrate all the business processes
• To track and share information regarding its products, functions,
processes and activities.
• To improve the efficiency of the company by automating
processes, streamlining workflows, reducing costs, and increasing
• To have effective communication between branches.
• To improve inventory management.
• To manage data effectively and efficiently
• To enhance data security
• To improve Customer Relationship management and supply chain
• Able to overcome all the problems
• Improved Data Security and Accessibility
• Time saving
• Help the organization plan for future needs.
• Reduce supply chain and operating costs
• Reduce paper work
• Better Inventory management
• Effective Customer relationship management
• Improve finance, procurement, and project management.
• Improved coordination
• Able to take better decisions
“There’s a lot of confidence
that we now are focused on
service and quality to provide
what our stores need and
what our other business
customers need.”- Gibbons
ERP Package of Starbucks:-
Starbucks uses an Oracle ERP system to
automate administrative functions and
everyday business processes, including
supply chains, finance, procurement, and
project management.
The platform delivers real-time information,
such as:

• Operational reports
• Sales and revenue data
• Expense analysis
• Stock management metrics
ERP Implementation:-

• Competent with changes

• Implementation across other units
• It cost up to $175 a month.
• Implemented Service Management and Professional Advantage's web house
• Extremely easy and simple environment to implement solution
• Less time required to enter, update or fetch information.
• Prediction of future success through the ERP.
Business process redesigning:-

• Inefficient use of technology

• Lean management is missing from the value
• Flow of information with the better
communication plan .

• Package Selection.
• Security risks and issues.
• Increase in attacks.
• Data duplication.
• Business Process Redesigning.
• Increase in customers.
• Training in all units.
Anticipated improvements:-

• Improved visibility
• Security
• Reduced operating costs
• Customer service
• Better Management
• Data Integration
Supply Chain management:-

“Transform raw materials into final products”

What needed to be improved in Starbucks’ supply chain?
Gibbons and his team came across the following weak

• Huge transportation expenses.

• Delay in orders.
• Depend on outsourcing.
Transformation Plan

Gibbons and his team came across with

three -step supply chain transformation

• Supply chain reorganization

• Improving processes
• Looking into the future
Bean to cup
• Sourcing
• Supplier relationship management
• Manufacturing and distribution
• Delivery and sale
Customer Relationship management:-
“Build and establish a long-lasting relationship with their customers”

Starbucks CRM strategy

Various programs that are followed by Starbucks as a part of their

CRM are:

• Consona
• My Starbucks Rewards
• My Starbucks Idea

• It is the top CRM strategy used by

• It has a centralized application that
attains a 360-degree view.
• It allows Starbucks to get access to the
database of its customers.
• It helps Starbucks keep track of daily
activities, customer information,
business processes, and data collection
that can be used in decision-making
My Starbucks Rewards

The Starbucks Reward program includes three

reward levels:
• Welcome
• Green
• Gold

My Starbucks Idea

one way to gain access to customer

information is to offer programs that allows
users to directly interact with Starbucks such
as feedback programs.
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