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Serial Presentasi

Filsafat Olahraga


Disarikan dari buku “Filsafat Ilmu Keolahragaan” (2015)

Dr. Made Pramono, M.Hum. 2/3/23

[email protected]
Philosophy of Sport
Mens sana in corpore sano (“a sound mind in a sound body”)

• a medium of self- or life-fulfillment

• excess strength and the root of creative living
• play
• an aesthetic phenomenon
• ethical training
• a model of an “achieving society”
• a reaction compensating for and adjusting to the conditions of
living in a world of industrial labor
• a sign-world
• a safety-value for aggression, instinctive reaction for the
preservation of the race, and discharge through appetency
• a means in the class struggle of increasing production and
overcoming alienation
• symbolized father-son conflict and substitute narcissistic

For further development of these ideas, see Philosophies of Sport.

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