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Part I - Tutorial 1

Answer to Q1: Comparison
between OSI and TCP/IP Models
• The OSI model has 7 layers.
The TCP/IP model has 5 layers.

• The upper three layers in the OSI model is combined

as the application layer in the TCP/IP model.

• The OSI model is a conceptual model in theory.

The TCP/IP model is implemented in practice.

Additional Comments to Q1
(not Required in the Answer):
OSI 7-Layer Model
Layer Name Function
7 Application Allows applications to request network services.
6 Presentation Converts data so that systems that use different data
formats can exchange information.
5 Session Establishes sessions between network applications.
4 Transport Provides for reliable delivery of packets.
3 Network Handles routing of data across network segments.
2 Data Link Provides MAC addresses to uniquely identify
network nodes and a means for data to be sent over
the Physical layer in the form of packets. Bridges and
switches are layer 2 devices.
1 Physical Governs the layout of cables (media) and devices
such as repeaters and hubs.
Additional Comments to Q1
(not Required in the Answer):
Internet TCP/IP Model
Layer Name Function
5 Application Acts as final endpoints at either end of a
communication session between two network hosts
4 Transport Manages the flow of traffic between two hosts or
devices, ensuring that data arrives at the application
on the host for which it is targeted
3 Internet Contains all functionality that manages the
(Network) movement of data between two network devices over
a routed network
2 Link and Media Deals with the network connectivity among
Access neighboring devices.
1 Physical Handles physical media and devices

Additional Comments to Q1
(not Required in the Answer):
Comparison between OSI and TCP/IP Models

Answer to Q2:
Header Processing in a Network
• At the sender, as the message moves down the OSI layers, each layer
adds a header to it.

• By default, a switching node has only three layers: network, data link,
and physical layers since a switching node does not need to have
higher layers to process the message (e.g., a switching node just needs
to forward the message without knowing the meaningful content).
Hence, at a switching node, the message first travels up the layers and
then travels down the layers. When the message travels up the layers,
headers are stripped by the layers. When the message travels down the
layers, headers are added by the layers.

Additional Illustrations to Q2
(not Required in the Answer):
Header Processing in a Network

Packet Switched
A Network B
1 Packet Switched 3
2 Receiving
Process Process

Application Application
Presentation Presentation
Session Session
Transport Transport
Network Network Network Network Network
Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link Data Link
Physical Physical Physical Physical Physical

Node 1 Node 2 Node 3

Additional Illustrations to Q2
Sending (not Required in the Answer):
Process Header Processing at the Sender
Application layer

Application layer header AH Data

Presentation layer
PH Data
layer header
Session layer
SH Data
layer header
Transport layer
layer header TH Data
Network layer
layer header NH Data
Data link layer Data link
Data link
layer header DH Data T layer trailer:
for error
Physical Layer correction
bits 8
Additional Illustrations to Q2
(not Required in the Answer):
Sending Header Processing at the Switching Nodes





Network NH NH Network NH

Node 2
Data link DH T DH T Data Link DH T

Physical Bits Bits Physical Bits

Node 1
Q3: 6-9’s Reliability

• In network resilience, the link failure probability can

be interpreted as the percentage of the time that the
link goes down during a time window. In a carrier-
grade network, it is often required that the network
should have 6 9’s (i.e, 99.9999%) reliability. Please
calculate the duration of allowable downtime per year
for this network?

Q3: 6-9’s Reliability
• In this case, reliability r = 99.9999%
• Failure probability b=1-r = 10-6
The notation b means “broken”.
Failure probability means the probability that the link is
broken; i.e., the percentage of link downtime.
• Assume a regular year (365 days)
• The allowable downtime per year is
T = 365D × 24H/D × 60M/H × 60 S/M × 10-6
= 31.5 seconds
Q4: Network Resilience
Singapore (SG) is connected to San Francisco (SF), via an
intermediate node at Hawaii (HW). Two independent links
connect between Singapore and Hawaii, and a long-range link
connects between Singapore and San Francisco. Assume that
each link fails independently with probability of 0.05. Calculate
the probability in which SG is disconnected from SF.


Q4: Network Resilience


Step 1: Calculate the resilience between SG and HW

bSG-HW = Pr[both upper and lower links fail]
= 0.05 × 0.05 = 0.0025
Step 2: Calculate the resilience between SG and SF
thru indirect link
rSG-HW-SF = Pr[both SG-HW and HW-SF survive]
= (1-0.0025) × (1-0.05) = 0.947625
Note that we use b and r to denote the “broken” and
“reliable” probability, respectively. 13
Q4: Network Resilience


Step 3: Calculate the failure between SG and SF thru

indirect link
bSG-HW-SF = 1- rSG-HW-SF =1- 0.947625 = 0.052375

Step 4: Calculate the failure between SG and SF

bSG-SF = Pr[both direct and indirect paths fail]
= 0.05 × 0.052375 = 0.00261875
Note that we use b and r to denote the “broken” and
“reliable” probability, respectively. 14
Office Hours
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Jun ZHAO Thursday Block N4, junzhao@nt 8648 3534

Lecturer 3:30pm – Room 02C-
6pm 111
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04 15

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