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Training course

Import Management
About this course

Course prerequisites:

Primary business roles in this course:

Customs Analyst

Course Agenda

 Introduction & Session expectations

 INTRASTAT reporting
 Foreign Trade Data Maintenance
 Vendor Preference Declarations
 Q&A

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

 Understand the INTRASTAT reporting, its importance and declarations

 Understand and use the Foreign Trade Data Maintenance Transaction
 Vendor preference declarations and data maintenance

Import Management



Intrastat Reporting- Arrivals (MEIS)

 To ensure that the customs declarations are accurate and ready for
submission to the responsible government authorities

 Reporting each month-before 10th of next month (eg Jan reported before

 Standard SAP transaction MEIS (Arrivals side)

 Special Scenarios

- Handling of Drop Shipments- Correct tax codes for drop shipment SAs
when more than 2 countries are involved
- Handling of Service procurement- As service procurement needed to
be excluded from the INTRASTAT report , such parts are stored in
customized table ZTMMINTRASERV

Overview (Contd..)

Dispatch country ≠ Country of Destination

Dispatch country = Coming from the Vendor master (partner function good supplier)
Country of Destination = Plant country

Logic of the Good Receipt documents selected in the reporting month

 Case1: Goods movements and invoice in one month

The goods are received in April and the vendor invoice is also received in April.
=>Reporting month April Goods receipt is valuated with invoice value

 Case 2: Goods movements with invoice receipt in the subsequent

The goods are received in April, however, the vendor invoice is only received in May.
=> Reporting month May Goods receipt is valuated with invoice value.

 Case 3: Goods movements with invoice receipt after the subsequent

The goods are received in April, the vendor invoice is only received in June or later.
=> Reporting month May Goods receipt is valuated with the value of goods received

Overview (Contd..)

Commodity Code Maintenance

PGrp /Buyer is owner for the PO/SA F/T data

Intrastat commodity code will be taken as default from the material master
during creation of a new PO/SA

For Generic Codes (G-Code used for purchasing of indirect material):

the Intrastat commodity code might not be maintained in the material master
because the same Generic Code can refer to several commodities.
Therefore, the Intrastat commodity code needs to be maintained/verified at
PO line level (manually for each PO Line)

A general commodity code to product hierarchy match table (ZTMMI046) is

maintained (May not be in future). Whenever any new material is
created/changed from the EPIC system (source system for material data),
the interface automatically populates the commodity code by referring this
table. Generic codes also have been updated with commodity codes based
on this matching table. So commodity codes will be populated automatically
on all new POs/SAs. The correctness of the commodity needs to be verified
by the Buyer as necessary, particularly in case of Indirect Purchasing
System Demo

MEIS execution
Arrivals INTRASTAT output in VEIAV table

Microsoft Office
Word 97 - 2003 Document

Microsoft Office
Word Document

System Demo (Contd..)

Default Value at
INTRASTAT Field SAP Term Source Comment
Member State dispatch Country of Origin PO F/T data EIPO-HERKL

Region of dispatch Region of Origin PO F/T data EIPO-HERKR

Delivery Term Inco Term PO Header From Vendor Master LFM1-INCO1

Final Destination Country of Destination PO Delivery Address

Nature of Transaction A Default at PO line

Through Customizing
Business Transaction Type PO F/T data level per Country
Nature of Transaction B defined

Country of Origin Country of Origin PO F/T data EIPO-HERKL

Through Customizing*
Mode of Transport Mode of Transport - Border PO Header 3 - Road

Port / Airport Customs office PO F/T data

CN8 code Commodity Code PO F/T data

Statistical Procedure Export/Import Procedure PO F/T data

System Demo (Contd..)

Default Value at
INTRASTAT Field SAP Term Source Comment

Net Mass Tare Mass Calculated

Supplementary units Supplementary units PO F/T data

Invoice Value Invoice value Calculated

Statistical Value Statistical Value Calculated From Conditions

VAT number supplier VAT ID supplier Vendor Master LFA1-STCEG

Data Entry in table ZTSDE119_WEIGHT via Tcode SM30

Foreign Trade Data Maintenance

In order to properly maintain data necessary for Import INTRASTAT

declarations, the plant customs department has to be able to maintain

 Foreign trade data like commodity codes and origin/destination country and

 In the purchasing objects of scheduling agreements, info records and

material master

 Transaction code YPURE5440 is used to mass maintain relevant attributes

for these objects

 Customs analyst & Customs manager will have access to this transaction

System Demo

Material and Plant inputs are mandatory

System Demo (Contd..)

Data can be changed at Material master, SA and Info record level for
relevant attributes

Updates and exceptions are captured in the log

Vendor Preference Declaration

Vendor declarations for country of origin and commodity code information

can be existing for different trade zones and are only valid for a certain

The data is updated and used to automatically generate supplier letters

requesting the initial declaration, the renewal of a declaration or the dunning
for overdue declarations

Standard SAP transactions (with minor modifications) are used by Customs

Analyst and Customs Manager

LEAN: Request Preference Declaration

VI73N: Preference Handling: Maintain Vendor Declaration
LEMA: Preference: Dun Vendor Declaration

Email functionality refers to Vendor Master Contact data

System Demo

Transaction LEAN input. Can run for restricted inputs

System Demo (Contd..)

Email can be sent to the vendor

Adobe Acrobat

System Demo (Contd..)

Declaration Request

Adobe Acrobat

System Demo (Contd..)

Decalartions are updated through transaction VI73n

Dunning letters are sent as a reminder


Review of Learning Objectives of this Course

Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

 Understand the INTRASTAT reporting, its importance and declarations
 Understand and use the Foreign Trade Data Maintenance Transaction
 Vendor preference declarations and data maintenance

For More Information & Help

 Review training and support documentation found from SAP>Help or SAP portal
 Contact local or regional Key User
 Contact Helpdesk


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