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English 8
Quarter 1 Module 1
Most Essential Learning Competency

• EN8V – If – 6 Determine the meaning of words

and expressions that reflect the local culture by
noting context clues.

• Identify the meaning of words through context clues.

• Give examples of the different types of context clues.
• Express appreciation to local culture.
• Write a paragraph using one or more types of context
Answers for Pre-test

1. Perching – sitting 11. sufficed – were enough

2. Senescent – old 12. survive - live
3. Zumba – aerobic fitness program 13. protocol – a rule
4. Youth – youngster 14.convalescence– recover gradually
5. Susceptible – prone 15. assuaged - irritated
6. Pandemic – widespread disease
7. Hoarding - stockpiling
8. Lockdown - isolation
9. Hordes – large groups
10.Decongest – to free
Guide Questions

1. How do you feel about the activity?

2. Did you easily understand the words being used in the
3. What technique did you use to easily understand the meaning
of the words?
What is Context?

• A context is simply the words or ideas around the

unknown word which help you understand its meaning.
It was a busy _____. I needed to go to ______ early to comply with
the needed requirements for my English _____. I have just finished
compiling all my outputs and have my test papers signed by my
______. My classmates and I were almost done with the posttest,
when our ______ firmly told us to finish everything right away. She
even strictly advised us to go _____ at once.
Soon I realized that it was already the start of the Enhanced
__________ Quarantine or ECQ in our place. Since then, I am
confined in the comfort of my own _______.
1. It was a busy day
2. I needed to go to school early to comply with the requirements
for my English class / subject.
3. I have just finished compiling all my outputs and have my test
papers signed by my parents / mother / father / guardian.
4. My classmates and I were almost done with the posttest when our
teacher / adviser firmly told us to finish everything right away.
5. She even strictly advised us to go home at once.
6. Soon I realized that it was already the start of the Enhanced
Community Quarantine or ECQ in our place.
7. Since then, I am confined in the comfort of my own home.
Process Questions

• What did you do to identify the appropriate words to

complete the sentences?
• How did you use the words surrounding the missing
words to determine your answers?
What is Context Clues?

• These are hints or clues that the writer or author uses to

help define a difficult or unknown word in a sentence.
• These are words or hints that the witer uses to clarify
the meaning of the difficult and unfamiliar words
without using a dictionary.
Common Types of Context Clues
1. Definition – the unfamiliar word is already defined in the sentence.
- the meaning is directly stated in the text
Word/Punctuation Clue: That is, means, refers to, are called
a. According to history, Marcos Sr. is a treasure hunter who are called
people who searches for treasures from caves, ancient tombs and underground
sites to obtain valuable stones and gold.
b. Corona virus disease means a life threatening infectious disease caused by
the most recently discovered corona virus.
Common Types of Context Clues
2. Synonym – A similar word is placed in the same sentence to know the meaning of the
unfamiliar word.
Word/Punctuation Clue: And , or
a. It is common for Filipinos to feel compassion or pity for the suffering of their
b. As we go on with our life’s journey, we don’t have to fret and worry because these
problems make us stronger and give us courage to stand alone.
c. People perish and even those medical responders like the doctors, nurses, medical
technologists, radiologist, midwives die.
d. There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens.
Common Types of Context Clues
3. Antonym – an opposite word is placed in the same sentence
Word/Punctuation Clue: unlike, but, on the contrary, in contrast to,
however, unlike
a. Isabel is the only one who is portly unlike her other siblings who have thin
body structure.
b. Life is not always a bed of roses, but it is sometimes hard with its thorns
piercing us along the way.
c. Plenty of lives have been lost however a lot have been spared.
Common Types of Context Clues
4. Comparison – A similar word with the same meaning of the unfamiliar word is
placed with an object to be compared.
Word/Punctuation Clue: like
a. The stench of the garbage was like the smell of a rotten fish.
Common Types of Context Clues
5. Example – the meaning is provided through specific examples and list
- samples and list are provided in the sentence to understand the meaning of the unfamiliar word.
Word/Punctuation Clue: such as, for example , like
a. In ancient times, some of our forefathers believed in amulets, such as pearl of the crocodile, pearl
of the ax, bullet necklace, and bag of herbs to protect them from harm.
b. We can be productive by gardening, planting some vegetables, by cleaning the house and by trying
new recipes for our families.
c. People perish and even those medical responders like the doctors, nurses, medical technologists,
radiologist, midwives die.
d. After the program, the rubbish left were souvenir programs, flyers, leaflets, plastic bottles and
food wrappings.
Common Types of Context Clues
6. Explanation – a description is given to understand the meaning of the word.
Word/Punctuation Clue: ( none)
a. Claire had few infractions of the house rules that she should have done as
part of her responsibilities.
Common Types of Context Clues
7. Appositive – The meaning is set off by a comma
Word/Punctuation Clue: comma (,)
a. Yes, corona virus has become a pandemic, affecting many countries
Common Types of Context Clues
8. Cause and Effect – The meaning of the difficult word depends on the cause and
effect relationship of other words as expressed in the sentence.
Word/Punctuation Clue:
a. . Since only a few followed the wearing of face mask and many new cases
of covid are arising, it was made mandatory by the government.
How to Use Context Clue in Getting the
Meaning of Unfamiliar Word

1. Identify the word or phrase that is unknown to you.

2. Read the context. Look for the words that come before and after it.
3. Look for words that signal synonyms, antonym, definition, examples, and
4. Make an educated guess about the meaning of the word.
5. See to it that the meaning makes sense in relation with the main idea in the
sentence or paragraph
Always Remember!
1.Context clues only give the immediate definition for a specific context and it seldom leads to
a definite and complete definition.
2.Not all text contains clues to the meaning of a word if this is the case, you are therefore
advised to write down the unfamiliar words in your vocabulary notebook and consult the
dictionary for the precise definition.
3. If you find a definition and an appositive clue reread the sentence and look for the attached
meaning found right there.
4. If you find a synonym clue reread the sentence keeping in mind the synonym of the term.
5. If you find an antonym clue think about its opposite meaning and substitute it with the word.
6. If you find specific examples think about the big idea that is connected with the examples.

Copy and answer on your notebook!

Directions: Underline the word or group of words that give clue to the meaning of the italicized word or words. Identify the type of context

Asymptomatic patients are those who have an illness but do not have a symptom of it.
Type of Context Clue: Definition .

1.Some COVID19, are affluent while others are poor.

Type of context clue: ________________

2.Mark’s witty remarks about his ECQ experience are humorous which make us laugh.
Type of context clue: _________________

3.My mother discarded the empty canned goods by throwing them away.
Type of context clue: __________________

4.An Enhanced Community Quarantine is a total lockdown which restricts the movement of the people except for necessity, work and other
health circumstances.
Type of context clue: __________________

5.An Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) pass designates a household member as the representative of the household to go out and buy the
basic necessities.
Type of context clue: ___________________
Directions: Based from the clues you have given from Activity 1, arrive at the meaning of unfamiliar words from the choices given.
1. Some COVID19 patients, are affluent, while others are poor.
a. humble c. simple
b. rich d. generous
2. Mark’s witty remarks about his ECQ experience are humorous which make us laugh.
a. sad c. mean
b. clear d. funny
3. My mother discarded the empty canned goods by throwing them away.
a. kept c. got rid
b. arranged d. loved
4. An Enhanced Community Quarantine, a total lockdown that restricts the movement of the people except for necessity, work and other health circumstances is
one of the ways to avoid the transmission of the virus.
a. It is a total lockdown which restricts the movement of the people except for necessity, work and other health circumstances
b. It is a total lockdown but allows people to move from one place to another.
c. It is a total lockdown which requires the people to stay at home without going out.
d. It is a total lockdown which gives us the chance to enjoy the company of the family.
5. An Enhanced Community Quarantine or ECG pass is a permit that designates a household member as the representative of the household to go out and buy
the basic necessities.
a. An ECQ pass is a permit that allows the holder to go places.
b. An ECQ pass is a permit that gives the member of the household permission to do personal transactions.
c. An ECQ pass is a permit that designates a household member as the representative of the household to go out and buy the basic necessities.
d. An ECQ pass is a permit that enables the holder to serve the community.

Do the following activity on your notebook.

Directions: Read the sentences and supply the table with what are asked.
Example: Asymptomatic patients refer to those who have the illness but have no symptoms of it.

Word / Punctuation Clues Type of Context Clue

No. Unknown Words Context Clues

Ex. Asymptomatic patients have the illness but

have no symptom
refer to Definition






1.Peter flagrantly disobeyed the ECQ guidelines by deciding to go out without his quarantine pass.
2.The profuse supply of relief assistance provides enough food for the people.
3.He is optimistic, showing hopeful feeling during this pandemic
4.The proper use of water, good choice of food, right amount of sunlight, and enough time for exercise are some of
the ways to avoid the infliction of COVID disease.
5.Perseverance is being persistent in doing something despite of the difficulty you face in life .
What I have Learned

Let us answer the following activity

Read each sentence carefully and identify the meaning of the underlined word or group of
words through context clues. Choose your answer from the pool of words and write it on
the space provided below.

Pool of Words
remember convinced be adequate success cure
supply event crisis

1. The catastrophe brings not only suffering and death, but it teaches
you to be strong and positive in all your ways.
2. To make all things meet is to make extra income through gardening,
cooking, and doing menial tasks for others.
3. Prayer is the panacea to all your earthly cares and worries.
4 Bear in mind that as long as God is with you, who would be against
5. For I am persuaded like Paul that neither death nor life, nor the
present things or the things to come can separate us from the love of
Directions: Supply each blank with the correct word that best expresses the meaning of the
sentence. Select your answer from the pool of words below.

context clues all

synonym antonym
appositive types
definition example
context main idea

1. ______________ are the hints or clues that the author uses to help clarify the meaning
of a difficult or unknown word in a sentence
2. From the _________________ you may get clues to the word’s meaning.
3. There are different _____________ of context clues.
4. ______________ context clue offers words nearby with the same meaning.
5. _____________ context clue offers nearby words with opposite meanings.
6. When the term is defined through a series of examples found within the statement, it
refers to ___________ context clue.
7. In a ___________ context clue, the term is formally defined in a sentence.
8. A comma sets off the meaning in a / an ______________context clue.
9. See to it that the meaning makes sense in relation with the ____________ in the
sentence or paragraph.
I0. Not _________ text contains the clue to the meaning

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