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Observance of the

5 daily prayers
Made by: Saad Khan
Survey results

How many salahs do people pray in the masjid

5 4 or 3 2 or 1 don’t pray in the masjid



Connection to Migration of Madinah

The Muslims at the time of the Prophet S.A.W. were being persecuted when they
prayed/ practiced Islam. Even though they had worldly possession in Makkah the
migrated to Madinah just to be able to practice their faith.
But nowadays people make the smallest excuse to not offer prayer in the Masjid or not
even pray at all. This just shows that our Iman has decreased by a lot, and we are
missing out.
The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The key to Paradise is
prayer, and the key to prayer is ablution.”
Source: Sunna al-Tirmidhī 4. Grade: Hassan (fair).
We Muslims have prioritized worldly needs
instead of Salah. The Sahaba would fight even
during wars, where their livelihood was
greatly at stake. Nowadays people miss Salah
because they were tired etc. Nowadays I have
seen a trend in people who think that Salah is
Migration to a burden. Salah is not a burden it is a duty
men owe to Allah as he is the only one who
Madinah deserves worship and he is the one who
provides the necessities for us to live. The
Quran say,
“Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and sustainer
of the worlds”.
Importance of Salah
Salah is obligatory on every Muslim to pray five times a day on time. Importance of praying
Salah on time can be understood by these hadith:
"Abdullah asked the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) "Which deed is the dearest to Allah?" He
replied, "To offer the prayers at their early stated fixed times." (Sahih al-Bukhari 527).
Due to their busy schedules, many often forget to perform the Salah or do it too late.
However, we should be conscious that we are required to do Salah, thus we should
endeavor to do so when it is due. If we leave it too late for Salah, we not only commit the
sin but also sink to the lowest levels of moral depravity. This verse of the Quran explains
that Allah punishes individuals who do not offer Salah harshly. "They were succeeded by a
people who neglected the Prayers and pursued their lusts. They shall presently meet with
their doom..." (Quran 19:59)
• Alhamdulillah, I play regularly but sometimes I miss
the congregation, so I will try my best not to miss
congregation prayer. I will use an app which notifies
me when it is azan time thus giving me time to get
ready and reminding me to pray Salah.
Plan to • Khushoo. I think I am not fully attentive during
Salah, so I will try clean thoughts and try my best to
improve concentrate fully while prayer and think of what the
Salah Imam is reciting. To do this I will avoid using social
media because there is a lot of dirty content on it
which affects the Imaan of a person.
• I will also attempt to pray Salah slower as I
sometimes pray fast so I will recite slowly and focus
on what I say so I pray slowly.
• I will also try to perform every sunnah act while prayer
so I get maximum rewards so I will learn all the sunnah's
and apply it during prayer. To do this I will read Sahih
Muslim which will have hadith on prayer, I will learn the
Sunnah way and implement it.

Part II of • To go more to the Masjid, I will maybe buy an electric

scooter this will lessen the burden on me and make it
improving easier to commute to the Masjid. I will probably walk
there as a Hadith says.
Salah • “He who purifies (performs Wudu') himself in his
house and then walks to one of the houses of Allah
(mosque) for performing an obligatory Salat, one
step of his will wipe out his sins and another step
will elevate his rank (in Jannah).” [Muslim].

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