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21st Century Literature

from the Philippines

and the World
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class!Today's Lesson
L i t e r a r y F o r m s , G e n re s ,   E l e m e n t s ,
a n d  Tr a d i t i o n s
P h i l i p p i n e L i t e r a t u re D u r i n g P re - c o l o n i a l
P h i l i p p i n e L i t e r a t u re D u r i n g C o l o n i a l P e r i o d
P h i l i p p i n e L i t e r a t u re D u r i n g P o s t - C o l o n i a l
Class Objectives 

At the end of the discussion:

1. Define literature.
2. Identify the forms, genres, elements, and traditions of Philippine literature.
3. Differentiate the periods of Philippine Literature.

English Class | Laredo York Primary

The term "Traditions" refers to the specific traits of literary
works that define a generation or period in history. A
literary tradition “is a collection of works that have an
underlying interconnectedness and coherence that makes
them more than simply a group of works sharing geography
or group. 

English Class | Laredo York Primary School

PERIOD (1565-1898)​
•✔ This can be divided
into two major periods:
Early Spanish
Period (1565-1863) and
Later Part or
Revolutionary Period
•✔   Early Spanish
Period can be
categorized as either
religious or secular.​

•✔ The introduction of the

•✔ The type of literature produced during this period printing equipment called
used Spanish, Tagalog, and the vernacular form xylographic press by
of languages.​ the Dominicans resulted in
•✔ Spanish was introduced as the medium of
publication of various
communication and later shifted to​ Tagalog when a religious materials and
sense of nationalism arose during the revolutionary earliest books.​
•✔ Poetically inclined writers led by Tagalog versifiers called Ladinos
(natives who were also fluent in Spanish) such as Fernándo Bágongbantâ and
Tomas Pinpin tackled mostly morality and religion.

•✔ Folk songs still existed.​
•✔ Drama, as another type of literary genre, as well
as metrical tales based on European origin (such
as awit and corrido) flourished.​

•✔ Books. In 1593, the

book written by Fr. Juan
de Placencia and
Fr. Domingo Nieva entitled 
"Doctrina Cristiana" (The
Christian Doctrine) was
first printed. 
 Among the other notable books
printed are:

  "Nuestra Señora del Rosario" by
Fr.   Blancas  de San  Jose   
 "Barláan at  Jósaphát"   (first  
published   in   1708) translated
from Greek to Tagalog by Fr.
Antonio de Borja
 "Urbana at Felisa" by Modesto de
Castro who is considered as the
Father of Classic Prose in Tagalog.​
•  ✔Newspapers.  There  has  been  a  debate  on  whether  newspapers  should  be
categorized as literature or not. However, according to Britannica, some high-level
journalism like articles written in a newspaper such as columns and feature articles
can be considered as literature for as long as they achieve a certain level of
satisfaction under aesthetic, chronological, and psychological characterization.

•✔ Diaryong Tagalog (1882), a
Spanish-Tagalog newspaper,
published bulk of​​Filipino writings.
The publication signaled the open
campaign for reforms.​​

•✔ In 1889, the La Solidaridad, an

underground newspaper,
became the mouthpiece of the
Reform Movement.​​

•✔ Francisco Baltazar (1788-1862) was •✔   Pedro Paterno (1857–1911) was the

hailed as the "Master of Traditional first Filipino who wrote poetry collections
Tagalog Poetry". His well-known literary in Spanish entitled Sampaguitas
work, Florante at Laura (1838–1861), is y poesias varias (1880). His novel in
regarded as the most famous metrical Spanish Ninay (1885) was the first Filipino
romance of the country.​ novel.​

• ✔  Jose Rizal (1861–1896), a • ✔ Andres Bonifacio (1863–1897), the

prominent ilustrado and the founder of the Katipunan, wrote
country’s national hero, is famous for the poem“Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa” which
the novels Noli Me Tangere and appeared in the official newspaper of the
Katipunan called Kalayaan in March 1896.
El Filibusterismo. These novels
portray the corruption and abuse of
the Spanish officials and the clergy.

•  ✔ Leona Florentino (1849–1884),
known as the “Mother of Philippine
Women’s Literature" ,was a poet in
both Ilocano and Spanish. Twenty of
her poems were preserved and
exhibited in Europe and were included
in the
Encyclopedia Internationales Oeuvres
des Femme in 1889.
•✔ The surrender of first Philippine President
Emilio Aguinaldo in 1901 signified the end of
the military struggle for independence.​
COLONIAL  PERIOD  •✔ Aguinaldo promised allegiance to
America but continued to be very vocal of
(1910-1945) achieving independence for the Philippines.​

•✔ In 1935, Aguinaldo was soundly defeated

by Manuel L. Quezon as the first President of
the Commonwealth.​
•✔  American
colonial period  is
divided into
two periods:

• the period of apprenticeship


• the period of emergence

•✔ During the transition period many Filipino writers still preferred to write in Spanish
since English was still a foreign language to them.​

•✔  Filipino  writers   were   into   all   forms   of   literature   during   the   period   of​

Dimensions of apprenticeship but most of their works were critiqued as an imitation of English and
American models.​

Philippine •✔  Short stories became the most prevalent  literary form during the latter part​

of American colonial period.​

•✔   The existence of American literary works and periodicals as well as the coming of
American teachers encouraged many aspiring Filipino writers to use the English

•✔ A  new  type  of  literature  began  when  American  system  of  education  and​
English language were introduced.​
•✔ At the beginning, most of the literary
works written in English were considered
Dimensions of imitative in nature, but then later evolved
Philippine to a new  variety  of  subjects, styles, and
Literature conventions of writing.​

•✔ Common theme in plays was all about


Other Type of Literature
Existed during American
Colonial Period

✔ Short Stories. These are stories

that can typically be read in  one 
sitting revolving around one
subject and may range between
1,000 up  to  20,000 words. The
first short story written in English
is entitled "Dead Stars" by Paz
Marquez Benitez.
•✔ Juan C. Laya. He won first •✔ Zoilo M. Galang. His work
prize for his novel "His Native entitled "A Child of Sorrow"
Soil" in the First in 1921 is considered as
Commonwealth Literary the first Filipino novel in
Awards in 1940. English.​

✔ Japan invaded the Philippines on December 8, 1941 which was strongly opposed
by the Guerillas.

JAPANESE ✔ Captured soldiers and American deportees were forced to have "Death March"to
a prison camp where they walked for 100 kilometers from Mariveles, Bataan to San
COLONIAL Fernando, Pampanga. An estimated 10,000 prisoners died here.

PERIOD ✔  Aguinaldo  cooperated   with   the   Japanese   to   end   Filipino   and   American
(1942-1945) opposition.

✔ Japanese colonizers failed to gain the trust of Filipinos.

✔ The resurgence of World War II forced former President Manuel
L. Quezon and Vice-President Sergio Osmeña Sr. to immediately
leave the Philippines and sought residence in the United States as
the Commonwealth government was suddenly in exile.

✔ There was a great tension between the two major groups:

JAPANESE HUKBALAHAP (unified guerilla army against Japanese  invasion) 
COLONIAL and  KALIBAPI  (political party approved by the Japanese).
PERIOD (1942-
✔   Jose P.  Laurel was  appointed as  the  President  of  the
Philippines  under the Japanese-sponsored Republic.

✔ In 1942, Mc Arthur escaped but promised to return which he did

in 1944. The US victory in the battle of Leyte gulf signaled the
beginning of Philippine liberation from the Japanese.
✔ All forms of writings were censored during this time because there was no
freedom of speech and of the press.

Dimensions ✔ Only those who were living in the United States such as Carlos P. Romulo and
Manuel L. Quezon could write freely.

of Philippine
✔ The use of English language was stopped in almost all publications and only
Tagalog and the vernaculars were permitted.

✔ Few  literary  works  were  printed  and  mostly  considered  as  pessimistic 
and bitter according to the author Victoria Abelardo.

✔ Another type of poetry that emerged is the Haiku consisting of three lines
with 5-7-5 syllables or 17 syllabic poetry in all.
✔ Tagalog short stories flourished
and some of the best works were
compiled by the Liwayway magazine
editors in Ang Pinakamabuting Dimensions
Maikling Kathang Pilipino ng 1943.
of Philippine

• Some notable stories were:

•  “Lupang Tinubuan” by Narciso G. Reyes

• “Uhaw ang Tigang na Lupa” by Liwayway Arceo
• “Lungsod, Nayon at Dagat- dagatan” by N. V.M.
• “Suyuan sa Tubigan” by Macario Pineda.
LITERATURE • ✔ Opera and classical music
gained popularity.

• ✔ Among the other types

of literature emerged were:
•  essay (e.g. "Literature and
Society" by Salvador P.
• autobiography (e.g. "The
Good Fight" by Manuel
✔ Carlos P. Romulo. He won the
Pulitzer Prize for his notable works
such as "I Saw the Fall of the
Philippines", "I See the Philippines
Rise", "Mother America", and "My
Brother Americans".
Philippine Literature during
4 Post-colonial Period
POST- ✔ In 1944, Sergio S. Osmeña, Sr. assumed the presidency upon
the death of Manuel L. Quezon  while  the  Philippine 
COLONIAL Commonwealth  government  was in exile in the U.S.

PERIOD (1945- ✔ Manuel A. Roxas defeated Sergio S. Osmeña, Sr. as the

President in April 1946 for the Independent Second Republic of
present) the Philippines.

AFTER THE ✔ Elpidio R. Quirino assumed the remaining term of Roxas

WAR when the latter died of a heart attack in 1948.

• ✔ In 1953, Ramon F. Magsaysay was elected
as the new president but died in an airplane
crash on March 16, 1957.
POST- • ✔  Magsaysay's position was assumed by
COLONIAL Carlos P. Garcia who was re-elected and
served until 1961.
PERIOD • ✔ Diosdado  P.  Macapagal  became  the 
(1945-present) President  after  Carlos  P.  Garcia.  He
AFTER THE changed the date of Philippine Independence
WAR from July 4, 1946 (Liberation from America)
to June 12, 1896 (Liberation from Spanish by
the revolutionists). He also recognized the
presidency of Jose P. Laurel.
✔ Ferdinand E. Marcos took office for presidency in 1965 who got re-elected in 1969
making him the first to win two presidential terms.

THE ✔   He declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972 and led the country into what he
calls "The New Society" against lawlessness which incited a lot of opposition.

MARTIAL ✔ Marcos  was  forced  to  hold  an  election  in  1978  and  1981  to  stabilize 
the country's chaotic condition where he won again.

LAW ✔ The death of Benigno Simeon "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. became the beginning of calling for
Marcos' removal.

PHILIPPINE ✔ Ferdinand E. Marcos took office for presidency in 1965 who got re-elected in

1969 making him the first to win two presidential terms.

✔   He declared Martial Law on September 21, 1972 and led the country into
what he calls "The New Society" against lawlessness which incited a lot of

MARTIAL ✔ Marcos  was  forced  to  hold  an  election  in  1978  and  1981  to  stabilize 
the country's chaotic condition where he won again.

LAW ✔ The death of Benigno Simeon "Ninoy" Aquino, Jr. became the beginning of

calling for Marcos' removal.
✔ EDSA People Power Revolution (bloodless revolution)
through the initiative of Maria Corazon C. Aquino and
PHILIPPINE her supporters erupted which marked a significant
national event.
THE ✔ Snap election was conducted in 1986 which seated
Corazon Aquino- the widow of Benigno Simeon "Ninoy"
Aquino, Jr. as the 11th President of the Philippines and
MARTIAL ended the 21 years of what many claimed as the tyrant

PERIOD ✔ Marcos went on exile in Hawaii, where he died on
September 28, 1989.
✔ The political and economic condition of the Philippines
PHILIPPINES during Cory Aquino's administration was described as chaotic.

AFTER THE ✔   Monopolization of the agricultural industry took place after

the International Monetary Fund (IMF) forced the Philippines to
pay its debt amounting to 27.2 billion dollars which they
claimed to be inherited from Marcos administration.
LAW PERIOD ✔  Fidel V. Ramos (also known as "Centennial President") took
(5TH office in 1992where he immediately worked on the country's
recovery. He was awarded the Peace Award by UNESCO in his

REPUBLIC effort to achieve a Peace Agreement with MILF.

TO PRESENT) ✔ Film actor Joseph Ejercito Estrada won presidency

with his pro-poor campaign in1998 but was ousted in 2001
because of corruption and gambling issues.
✔ Maria Gloria Macapagal Arroyo assumed office in
1998, got re-elected, andserved until 2010. During her
PHILIPPINES term, many impeachment complaints were filed against
her due to corruption and electoral sabotage where she
AFTER THE got hospital arrest for her spinal surgery.

MARTIAL ✔ Former Senator Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III (aka

LAW PERIOD PNoy or Noynoy Aquino) seated as the next president in
TO PRESENT) ✔ Next to him is our current President- Rodrigo Roa
Duterte who is both a lawyer and politician.

• ✔ Filipino writers began to develop new themes, styles,

and techniques. 
• ✔The first notable work that appeared right after the
second world war under Japanese occupation in the
Philippines is a novel written by Macario Pineda entitled
Ginto sa Makiling which was considered as a narrative of
the Philippines’ social, political, and moral aspects
(Macansantos, et al, n.d.). 
• ✔It was noted for its resemblance to the work of Rizal and
more on the work of Balagtas in terms of plot and style.
• ✔ The rise of English writers began after
exposure to American language and culture, 
although  there  were  still  many  Filipino 
writers  observed  using  the vernaculars.
• ✔ Sarvia (n.d.) considers the following factors
contributory to the flourishing of Filipino
Dimensions literature: 

of Philippine • 1) establishment of the University of the

Philippines in 1908 where English was primarily
Literature used as the medium of instruction,
•  2) the founding of the Philippine Writers’
Association in 1953, and 
• 3) the establishment of the Carlos Palanca
Memorial Award in 1955 to name a few.
• ✔  According to Macansantos et al (n.d.),
among the common literary themes in novels
and short stories were war experiences
which can be seen in the works of Stevan
Javellana’s Without Seeing the Dawn (1947)
Dimensions and Edilberto Tiempo’s Watch in the Night
for the English category. 
of Philippine
• ✔  While for Filipino literature that used the
vernaculars, the works of Lazaro Francisco
Dimensions of were profoundly noted for his style
Philippine associated to Rizal’s influence such as
Literature Bayaning Nagpatiwakal (1932), Sugat sa
Alaala (1950), Maganda pa ang Daigdig
(1956), and Daluyong (1962). 
Regional Literature:
Life and Works of
5 Canonical Authors
Collecting literary works does not
only involve words but also passion.
Literary writers/authors have
enriched our Filipino culture and
their works introduce something vital
in exploring our humanity.
Discovering and appreciating what
our writers from the different regions
have produced will help in preserving
the heritage of our country's literary
As defined by Oxford dictionary, canonical /kənɒnɪkəl/ traditionally means
anything that is included in a list of holy books that are accepted as genuine. 

Another definition given is its connectedness with works of literature that are
highly respected.

CANONICAL It comes from the root word "canon" or a generally accepted rule, standard or
principle by which something is judged.

If something has canonical status, it is accepted as having all the qualities that a
thing of its kind should have.

Thus, canonical authors are those who are highly esteemed and well-respected
writers whose published works have contributed greatly in the field of
• LUZON: Among the country's eighteen
recognized National Artists, sixteen are from
Luzon who mostly came from NCR such as :
• Amado V. Hernandez, 
• Jose Garcia Villa,
•  Nick Joaquin, 
• Carlos P. Romulo, 
• Francisco Arcellana, 
• Rolando S. Tinio, 
• Levi Celerio,
• Carlos Quirino, 
• Alejandro R. Roces, 
• Cirilo F. Bautista. 

• LUZON: The National Artists from the other regions

•  Lazaro Francisco (Bataan) and 
• Virgilio S. Almario (Bulacan) for Region III, 
• NVM Gonzales (Romblon) for Region IV-B Mimaropa, 
• F. Sionil Jose (Pangasinan) for Region 1, 
• Edith L. Tiempo (Nueva Viscaya) for Region 2, and 
• Dr. Bienvenido Lumbera (Batangas) for Region IV-A.
• Lualhati Torres Bautista. 
• Known as contemporary writer of
Tagalog fiction, this foremost Filipino
female novelist from Tondo, Manila is
also famous for her screenwriting
career as most of her works such as
Dekada 70 and Bata, Bata, Pa'no Ka
Ginawa already have film versions.
• This realist writer often tackles issues
among women who courageously
face difficult situations.
• She is a recipient of numerous literary
awards such as Carlos Palanca
Memorial Awards for Literature.
• Roberto "Bob" Ong. This author's
actual name and identity is unknown. 
• He is the author of various popular
books such as ABNKKBSNPLAko?!,
Bakit Baligtad Magbasa ng Libro ang
mga Pilipino, and Alamat ng Gubat to
name a few. 
• He is widely known for his
conversational and humorous writing
style that often depicts Filipino
•  His technique of violating standard
writing principles shows one unique
characteristic of a 21st century
literary writer who applies latest
trends in writing.

• Two of our National Artists are

natives of this island such as
essayist and literary historian
Resil B. Mojares of Cebu and
novelist Ramon L. Muzones of
Iloilo province.
• Peter Solis Nery. This Hiligaynon pride from Iloilo is  an 
award-winning Filipino poet, fictionist, and author of
various books. He is a  recipient  of multiple awards from:
  Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature,  
 Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Literary Grant, 
 All-Western Visayas Literary Contest of the National
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA). 
• Among his notable and award-winning works are collection
of poems Umanhon nga Gugma (Love of the Rural Folks),
Hiligaynon short story "Lirio", and screenplay "Buyong".
• Merlie Alunan. She is another pride of Iloilo who
wrote award-winning collections of poetry in
VISAYAS English and Cebuano languages such as:
•  Susumaton: Oral Narratives of Leyte and 
• Sa Atong Dila, Introduction to Visayan Literature 
which earned her the title National Book Award for
2016 and 2017 and Carlos Palanca Awards.
• Also, she is a recipient of international awards such
as ASEAN Poets in 2013 by the Kingdom of Thailand
and Lillian Jerome Thornton Award.
• Anthony L. Tan. He was born in Siasi, Sulu whose
MINDANA writings have been appearing locally and
internationally in magazines, journals, and
O anthologies. 
• This poet, essayist, and fictionist is the author of
The Bajao Cemetery and Other Poems and Poems
for Muddas. 
• He has received multiple awards from Don Carlos
Palanca for his poetry and essay.
• Myrna Peña Reyes. This poet from Cagayan de
MINDANA Oro is a recipient of Oregon Literary Fellowship
for poetry. Some of her works are the following:
O Memory’s Mercy:  New  and  Selected   Poems
(University   of   the   Philippines   Press, 2015), 
Almost  Home:   Poems (University   of   the  
Philippines   Press,   2004) and 
The River Singing Stone (Anvil, 1994). 
• Her works are published both in the Philippines
and United States.
Thank you for
joining today's

English Class | Laredo York Primary


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