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Document Design

• In Technical Communication, texts matter, but how they are presented matters
• If we make long paragraphs, wall- to wall words, they cannot attract readers.
• Readers do not labor to uncover the worth of our long texts.
• Effective technical communication gives readers a quick access to information,
highlights important information and graphically gives a company’s identity.
• Document design engages the readers to our text.
• Effective document design provides the readers visual
• The easiest way to design a document attractively is to divide it into smaller chunks of
information. It is called ‘chunking.”
• Separate the accumulative Headings from Talking Headings that split Headings in
2. Order
After chunking, the readers know the organization. Now they want to know the sense
of order of our text. They should know what information is most important, which
one is less important and what is the least important. It has to be separated queuing
the ideas. Hierarchy of headings set apart by typefaces or fonts set the order of a
text. Serif (font with decorative feet) instead of San Serif font can be effective way to
manage order.
3. Access
The third way of helping readers is to access the information rapidly at a glance. It
can be done by color, bullets, numbering , capitalization, underlining, italics. (for the
texts typed in black, blue color is most effective highlight)
4. Variety
Readers can be profited by more variety of texts and paper size if it is printed one.
Different colors can catch their attention.

• If a document is presented poorly, it may damage the

company reputation.
• The readers can give up the text or will be unable to
remember what they have read.
• A Document- whether it is memo, email, letter,
report or instruction - contains company identity. It
might be the only way to meet customer. If it is
unappealing, it can have negative impact. An
appealing visual document may improve the
corporate image.
Chapter Summary

• Break your text into smaller chunks. It will make the text more
• When you create the order among the items in a document through
use of typeface and type size, readers/audience can easily prioritize
the information.
• Readers should be able to glance at the document and easily pick
out the main idea. Highlighting technique will help accomplish this
• Vary the document by using columns, portraits and landscape
• Audience should access the content easily when whitespace,
bullets, numbering, underlining and text boxes.
Proposals are the plans to sell an idea. There are two types of proposal:
internal proposals that request decision from managers within the
organization, and external proposals that request decisions from parties
outside the organization. Other types are investment proposals or sales

• Those two types of proposals even fall into two categories: Solicited
proposals are generally prepared at the request of external parties. They
require product or a service but they may also be requested by some
internal sources as management or the board of directors.

• Unsolicited proposals offer for recipients who don't expect to receive

them. The audience may not be aware of the problem or opportunity we
address. Using an indirect approach is often a wise choice for unsolicited
Sample of a Proposal
TO: Yagya Neupane - Manager, Agricultural Bank
FROM: Deependra Gharti
DATE: Aug 13, 2020
SUBJECT: Using automated alert instead of individual telephone calls
Expensive and Slow alert to Customers
With a recently lunched automated alert system which has been tested and
proven effective, we can replace a traditional telephone system to make
our customers alert about their bank liabilities and what’s over. This
system can save our time and cost and keep our information system more
reliable. Many companies have already used this system to inform their
Rather than using a lengthy and expensive traditional system,
we now need to have an electronic alert system. The
customers will appreciate the automatic and timely alert about
their financial activities. The electronic alert cost will certainly
be just a third of the individual telephone cost. It would also
yield the customer satisfaction. If you approve we can get it
installed and run within 15 days. Please let me know if you
happen to decide positively. You can further inquire about our
service and the current automatic alert service if you like. You
can make me a telephone call if you have any questions .
Criteria for Writing a Proposal
Writing a good proposal is a critical skill. We can see many terms like RFC
(Request for Call), T&C (Terms and Condition), SOW (Scope of Work),Boilerplate
(Any text or graphic that can be used in many proposal)etc. Criteria refers to the
contents that must be included while writing a proposal. We need to provide the
following headings while preparing a proposal.
• Title Page
• Cover Letter (stating why/what you are writing about to the readers)
• Table of Contents
• List of Illustrations
• Abstract
• Introduction
• Discussion
• Conclusion/Recommendation
• Glossary
• Works Cited /Reference Page
• Appendix (Optional additional information)
Oral Presentation
It is a stage after the planning a presentation. Depending on the situation, ideas are to be
expressed with spontaneous language. Many people have a phobia of presentation. About
42% people have speech phobia, 32%confronting a boss/co-worker, 15% networking, and
11% writing proposal or report.
Presenting the introduction
• Getting audience's attention
• Building the
Presentation of the Body

• Connecting the ideas

• Holding the audience's attention

Presentation close
• Restating the main points
• Ending with clarity and confidence credibility
Presentation with Effective Slide
Presentation can be done by visual or demonstration. The designed visual
presentations create the interest to the audience. Presentation illustrates the
complex points and ease to memorize the information. Obviously, the visual
presentation makes the information simple, authentic and easy to grasp.

1. Choosing structured or free-form slides

The types of the slides are:

a. Structured slides

b. Free-form slides
Designing effective slides

Here are some hints for designing effective slides:

a. Designing slides around a key visual

b. Writing readable contents

c. Selecting design elements

d. Adding animation and multimedia

e. Creating charts and tables for slides

Completing Presentation

In completing the presentation, we take enough time to test the presentation

slides, various operational equipments, and practice the speech and create handout
materials. The materials must be readable, concise, consistent, and fully
operational. We have four steps for completing
the presentation.

1. Finalizing the slides

2. Creating effective handouts

3. Choosing the presentation method

4. Practicing your delivery

Delivering a Presentation
Here, we are going to discuss on four important aspects of delivery,
overcoming anxiety, handling questions responsively, embracing the back
channel, and giving presentations outline. While delivering a presentation,
following points are really helpful.

1. Overcoming anxiety

Here are few steps to be considered.

Stop worrying about being perfect.

Know your subject.

Practice, practice, practice.

Visualize success.
• Remember to breathe.

• Be ready with opening line.

• Be comfortable.

• Take a three-second break.

• Concentrate on your message and your audience, not on yourself.

• Maintain eye contact with friendly audience member.

• Keep going.
Giving presentations online

For online presentation we have to keep following things in mind.

• Consider sending preview study materials ahead of time.

• Keep your presentation as simple as possible.

• Ask for feedback frequently.

• Consider the point of view of audience.

• Allow plenty of time for familiarity

Types of Formal Oral Presentation

• Impromptu Speech (without preparation,

sudden, on the spot)
• Memorized Speech- On the basis of rote
• Manuscript Speech- Written speech
• Extemporaneous Speech- with the help of power
points/ notes- the best way of presentation as it
is natural, detailed and effective.
Presentation/Delivery Skills

• Eye contact
• Rate- slow down for most important message
• Enunciation- speak each word clearly and
distinctly, don’t make anyone to ask you to
repeat the information again
• Pitch
• Emphasis
• Pauses
Non-verbal Communication
• Eye contact
• Facial Expression
• Posture
• Proximity
• Gesture
Graphic Design
• Graphic Design is the process of creating visual
content to communicate information/ messages to the
• Graphic Design is used to create visual content using
elements such as photographs, colors, typography,
illustrations, and icons.
• Graphic Design is now used for creating logos,
design used in books, newspapers and magazines,
advertising, product packaging, signage, and the
Types of Graphic Designs
There are the following types of Graphic Design: 8 types
• Visual identity graphic design- the visual elements of brand identity that act as the face of a
brand to communicate those intangible qualities through images, shapes and color.
• User interface graphic design- balancing aesthetic appeal with technical functionality.
• Motion graphic design- Animations, videos ,etc.
• Publication graphic design
• Packaging graphic design
• Marketing & advertising graphic design- Postcards and flyers, magazine and newspaper
ads, posters, banners and billboards

• Environmental graphic design- connects people to places to improve their overall

experience by making spaces more memorable, interesting, informative or easier to
navigate. Example- Wall murals, museum exhibitions

• Art and illustration 

Measures of Effective Graphic Design
• Title
• Heading sub-headingsands
• Line spacing
• List
• Visual aids
• Interactive elements
• Font
• Balancing text and whitespace (empty space)
• Color

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