Tutor Time

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Mr Limbachia’s
Classroom Expectations

Why are classroom rules important?

My Classroom Expectations
1. Raise your hand and wait to be asked before speaking
2. Follow instructions first time
3. Arrive to lesson equipped and on-time
4. Be proud of uniform
5. Treat all others, materials and furniture with respect
6. Complete work neatly and to the best of your ability
7. Rewards for positive work and behavior
8. Before you enter, remove your mask and coats. Place
mask in a plastic bag and sanitise your hands.
Level 1 Merits Stage 1 Warning
- Good piece of work -Shouting out
- Helpful to Mr Limbachia -Disturbing Learning/not
following instructions
Level 2 Phone call home Stage 2 Second warning
- Outstanding (call home if repetitive)
achievement - Rude / Disrespectful to
- Excellent attitude to teacher or others
learning -Continuing disruptive behaviour
Level 3 Postcard home Stage 3 After school
- Excellent achievement detention + Phone Call /
over a 6 week cycle HOY
- Disrespectful on more than one
- Star Pupil recipient occasion
- Severe bad behaviour
Registration Rooms
You and the form will have different form rooms and be based in
different zone bases everyday. This is to keep you in your bubble
and to keep you as safe as we possibly can.


Memory game
Each person say their name and favourite colour one by one
The person next to them has to say their name and colour and also the
ones of each person before them
Day 1 28/02/2023

Answer these questions in

your tutor book
1. What is one thing you are most
grateful for?
2. What one thing will you focus on to
make today a good day?
3. What do you like most about
Brain Teasers!
Answer them correctly, explaining reasons for your answers and you could win merits!

1. A girl who was just learning to drive went down a

one-way street in the wrong direction, but didn't
break the law. How come?
2. How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have
it come back to you, even if it doesn't hit anything,
there is nothing attached to it, and no one else
catches or throws it?
3. Two students are sitting on opposite sides of the same
desk. There is nothing in between them but the desk.
Why can't they see each other?
4. There are only two T's in Timothy Tuttle. True or false?
Brain Teasers- answers!

1. She was walking.

2. Throw the ball straight up in the air.
3. The two students have their backs to each other.
4. True. There are only two T's (upper case). There are also three t's
(lower case).
Triangle game
• https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround
After break
Crown Hills Physical Education

• For the foreseeable future you will need to wear your PE kit (including trainers) to school if you have two
or more PE or Dance lessons in one day. Please note you must wear your school blazer and ID badge.
• Please carefully note if this applies to you:
- Monday: ALL Year 8 will attend school in PE kit, blazer and ID badge
- Tuesday: Year 7 CROWN & Year 7 HILS (dance group only) will attend school in PE kit,blazer and ID badge
- Wednesday: ALL Year 9 will attend school in PE kit, blazer and ID badge
- Thursday: Year 7 HILS, Year 7 CROWN (Dance only), Year 11 HILS (except Triple Science) Year 10 (JGI) & (LNE)
groups will attend school in PE kit, blazer and ID badge
- Friday: Year 11 CROWN will attend school in PE kit, blazer and ID badge

- Please note, Dance groups in KS3 will be on your timetable under teacher code FBR.
PE Uniform
• Sky blue t-shirt
• Navy joggers/shorts
• Navy jumper and trainers
• No hoodies allowed
• Shorts can be black or navy
• Winter: gloves and woolly hat may be
worn outside if activity permits
• Rain jackets
• Optional branded Crown Hills kit
Other things to note

• There will be no extra-curricular clubs until government guidelines allow us to do so

• PE staff WILL NOT be collecting your valuables. Think carefully about what you bring into school with you

• We WILL NOT be lending students any PE kit

• Girls must bring their own hair bobbles with them

• Ensure that you have Inhalers & medication. These should be labelled with your name and form on. Bring a sealable clear bag so
that they can be placed in at the side of the sporting venue. Staff will not be handling them.

• If you attend school in your PE kit you will be directed to the sports hall when you have PE and will place your bags in the trolleys

• Please remember, these are unprecedented circumstances

• Your PE lesson may be different to what you would usually expect

• It is more important than ever that you listen to your teachers

instructions and act sensibly for your own and others safety
Who are yours?
Write down 3 key things you Why is self discipline
remember from his speech important?
Write down 3 key things you Why is education important?
remember from her speech
Are girls better than boys?
Do you need to go to school?
It’s wrong to steal, even if you are
Triangle Game
Moral Dilemmas 28/02/2023

• Learning Objectives:-
• To encounter and examine a set of moral dilemmas.

• To identify one's own opinion and to discuss and compare this

with the opinions of others.

• To know and understand what key terms such as morality mean.

Moral Scenarios
• The following scenarios are moral dilemmas. For
each, consider and note down your thoughts on
the following.

What is your answer?

Relevant / Pertinent details

What are your priorities / Underlying values?

What is your reasoning for your answer?

These are thought experiments. Do not try and
side step the issue
Scenario 1 • Write down your
answer to the
You see a young girl steal and following:-
old woman’s handbag. At that
moment, a car swerves

What is your
towards them both. You only answer?
have time to save one, who do
you save and why?

Relevant / Pertinent

What are your
priorities /
Underlying values?

What is your
reasoning for your
Scenario 2 • Write down your
answer to the
• You are in Tesco metro and •
What is your
you see a mother with a answer?
young child steal a loaf of
bread. They both look very •
Relevant / Pertinent
thin. What do you do? details

What are your
priorities /
Underlying values?

What is your
reasoning for your
Scenario 3 • Write down your
You are living in second world war answer to the
Germany and are hiding a Jewish following:-
family in your loft. A German officer •
What is your
knocks on your door and asks you if answer?
you are hiding any Jews. What do •
Relevant / Pertinent
you say to him?

What are your
priorities /
Underlying values?

What is your
reasoning for your
Sleep Smarter
Why Sleep Is Important for young people
Reasons why we don’t sleep…

• Blue light – all electronic devices – addiction

• Anxiety – Stress - Worries
• Home pressures
• High caffeine/sugar intake
• Cluttered and ‘busy’ bedroom
• Room too bright
• Caught in a poor sleep cycle
Issues with sleep deprivation

• Poor concentration skills

• Unfocused
• Irritable and aggressive – relationships negatively affected
• Can lead to poor diet – higher risk of obesity
• More likely to become sick
• Caffeine and high sugar choices = high energy to low dip
• Low energy and low mood
• Unable to achieve academic success due to poor cognitive skills – memory,
attention, processing, sequencing
Simple steps…

“Cutting out some screen time at night is likely the number one thing you
can do to improve sleep quality immediately”
Shawn Stevenson, Sleep Smarter
Top tips to sleep well
• Get more sunlight during the day (serotonin, which is associated with happiness and wellbeing)
• Walk for at least 15 minutes a day or get some light exercise – also releases serotonin
• Eat and drink healthily – reduce sugar and caffeine (no sugar and caffeine after 6pm)
• Avoid screens before bedtime – TV, phones, consoles etc.
• 8pm cut off period for working on laptop
• Sleep without phone in room or out of sight
• Read before going to sleep
• Sleep in a dark and ‘calm’ tidy room
• Get to bed at the right time (be in bed by 10 ready to sleep at around 10.30pm at the latest)
Services available
School nurse:
• If you feel you would benefit from seeing the school nurse, speak to your form tutor and they
will speak to the HOY/AHOY
School councillor:
• If you feel you would benefit from seeing the school nurse, speak to your form tutor and they
will speak to the HOY/AHOY
• If you feel you would benefit from a mentor, speak to your form teacher or HOY/AHOY and they
will fill a form in, which will be passed to Reflection
Confidential email address:
[email protected]
How much do you sleep?

• Individually answer the following questions. This will help you to

visually see how much, or little, sleep you have every night

• https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/6VXYYPR

• QR code to access the questionnaire ------------

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