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Insecticidal Effect of Calamansi(citrus

microcarpa) Extracts against Dog

Fleas (ctenocephalides canis)
Background of the Study

 Dog fleas are a known pest among pets. Outside,

fleas can typically be found in shady areas, near
long grass or bushes, while they wait for a host to
pass by. Outdoors, fleas prefer moist, shady, cool
places and don’t fare well in sunny areas or open
Background of the Study

 Calamansi juice can be used as a budget able and

an alternative insecticide in killing insects.
Calamansi contain a high vitamin C, limonene and
essential oil that destroys the wax coating of the
insects respiratory that makes the insects
Background of the Study

 According to Marilla Mulwane, citrus fruits also contain

ingredients that kill or repel pests. An example of this
citrus fruit as insecticide is calamansi. Calamansi is
chosen for this research as it is found to contain d-
Limonene, an active ingredients present in the essential oil
that destroy the wax layer of the insect respiratory system
so that once applied directly, the insects will suffocate
 Some common diseases that can infect
dogs are:

• Flea allergy dermatitis

• Dog anemia
Theoretical Framework

 This study was based on theory of effectiveness of citrus

against pests. A good number of studies also reported
insecticidal potential of citrus extracted from different
citrus species and their constituent at different times, a few
of which are commercialized to be used by the consumer
against insect pests (IntechOpen Limited, 2021).
Conceptual Framework

Calamansi Extract Insecticidal Effect to

Dog Fleas
C1- (100mL)
C2- (75 mL ; 25 mL)
C3- (50 mL; 50 mL)
C4- (control ; no
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to find and discover the

Insecticidal Effect of Calamansi (Citrus
microcarpa) against Dog Fleas
(Ctenocephalides canis).
Statement of the Problem

This aim to answer the following research questions:

 What is the insecticidal effect of pure calamansi against dog fleas in terms of
 What is the insecticidal effect of calamansi extract with additives against dog
fleas in terms of concentration?
 What is the insecticidal effect to the dog fleas using the different
concentrations of calamansi extracts compared to the control group?
Research Hypothesis

 There is no significant difference between the

insecticidal effect of pure calamansi extract and
calamansi extract with additives in terms of
volume and time.
Significance of the Study

 Fur Parents
 Pets
 Community
 Researchers
Definition of Terms

 Calamansi. A citrus fruit tree also known as Citrfortunella

microcarpa or calamondin, grows natively in the Philippines.
Calamansi trees bear small, orange-like fruits, dark green foliage,
and white flowers (King, 2001).
 In this study, it is the independent variable that will be use for the
Definition of Terms

 Dog Fleas. Fleas are the most common external parasite in dogs,
and they cause intense itching and often hair loss or skin infections.
They can also carry different diseases that may affect dogs and
people (Cornell University, 2016).
 In this study, it is the dependent variable and the primary subject
for conducting the experiment.
Definition of Terms

 Vinegar. Vinegar is an acidic liquid produced through the

fermentation of ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. It is a sour liquid that
is made by the fermentation of any of numerous dilute alcoholic
liquids into a liquid containing acetic acid (Encyclopedia Britannica,
Inc., 2023).
 Its chemical properties contribute their own unique characteristics to
the calamansi and add extra efficiency to the insecticide.
Scope and Delimitation

 This study will be conducted at Igbaras National

High School with the help of the research
consultant of the researchers. The experiment will
be served as the main source of information for the
collection of data. A series of tests will be
Scope and Delimitation

 The potential weakness of this research is the unequal

measurement of the volume of calamansi and additives to ensure
the concentration needed for the experiment. The possible
problem of this research is the time consumed that will happen
during the experiment.
Dog Fleas

 Fleas are the most common external parasite in dogs, and they cause
intense itching and often hair loss or skin infections. They can also
carry different diseases that may affect dogs and people (Cornell
University, 2006). Fleas are small, wingless insects with a tough
cuticle bearing many bristles and frequently combs (ctenidia) of
broad, flattened spines.

 Calamansi juices from three countries (Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam)
were characterized by measuring volatiles, physicochemical properties and non-
volatiles (sugars organic acids and phenolic acids). The volatile components of
manually squeezed calamansi juices were extracted using dichloromethane and
headspace solid-phase micro extraction, and then analyzed using gas
chromatography-mass spectrometry/flame ionisat-ion detector, 5respectively.
 A total of 60 volatile compounds were identified. The results indicated that the
Vietnam calamansi juice contained the highest amount of volatiles. Two principal
components obtained from principal component analysis (PCA) represented
89.65% of the cumulative total variations of the volatiles. Among the non-volatile
components, these three calamansi juices could be, to some extent, differentiated
according to fructose and glucose concentrations.
Calamansi as insect repellent

 Calamansi, C. microcarpa, has a major component which is called d-

limonene, a bitter taste that irritate insects by destroying the wax coating
of insect's respiratory system, making it as a good repellent. The extracts
of C. microcarpa (carpel, seeds and peels) underwent through steam-
distillation and d-limonene from each extract was obtained (Ascendens
Asia Pte. Ltd., 2017).
 The following are the other uses of calamansi, calamansi can be used for hair
growth. Before taking bath, rub calamansi in your scalp and after 15 minutes
you can already rinse it. If you have dandruff, you can use calamansi to reduce
it. Just rub it to your scalp to reduce itching. It can be also used as a deodorant.
After taking a bath, rub the slice calamansi in your armpit and let it dry. It will
also help lighten your armpit because sometimes deodorants tend to darken
our armpits.
Efficiency of Additives

 Vinegar is one of the best ingredients to make a pest control spray. It is

effective in repelling ants, mosquitoes, fruit flies, and many others.
Creating a mix is quite simple and is considered safe for humans and
pets. Acidity of the vinegar is potent enough to kill many pests. Vinegar
is often used as a contact type insecticide, which means that you need
to spray it directly onto the spotted bug to make it effective.
 Vinegar as a product has already undergone both alcohol and acid
fermentation. The content of acetic acid in vinegar makes it an acidic
compound. In most types of vinegar, the pH level is 2.5. Especially the white
distilled type of vinegar is commonly used as a cleaning agent in homes on
various surfaces. It also has antimicrobial properties. You can deter bugs,
especially spiders, from entering your home with white vinegar
(MedicineNet, Inc., 1996)

 This study uses quantitative-experimental research design to find

the effect of calamansi on the dog fleas. With the help of the
additives, the researchers will experiment and create a new
alternative way in terminating the dog fleas. Experimental research
is a study conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of

 Dog Fleas are the main subject of the research

experiment. The fleas that are captured from the dogs
will immediately undergo in the experimentation. The
researchers come up with the fleas as the subject to help
fur parents try an alternative treatment in infestation.
 Calamansi fruit
 Vinegar
 Coconut oil
 Squeezer
 Beaker
 Stirring rod
 Bottled spray

 This study will utilize quantitative research method

which emphasize objective measurements and the
statistical, mathematical or numerical analysis of data
collected through researcher’s analysation and

The researchers will conduct the experiment by:

 Gather all equipment needed for the experiment using the laboratory tools;
• collect dog fleas needed
• extract calamansi
• mix additives with the calamansi with respect to its volume and
During the experimentation;
 spray pure calamansi first in the subject
 spray calamansi mixture with additives on the subject

After the experimentation the researcher will gather the data by following
 recording the different volume to determine the exact concentration needed to terminate
 recording the time of termination of the fleas
 differentiating the effects of just pure calamansi and a calamansi mixture with the additives.
Data Analysis Procedure

 The data gathered will be analyzed using quantitative methods.

This study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of
calamansi (citrus microcarpa) extract as an insecticide against dog
fleas. This study would determine whether the pure calamansi
extract or calamansi extract with additives insecticide capable to
killing dog fleas.
 This study was utilized using descriptive and quantitative in
analyzing and interpreting data. The researcher uses One Way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in analyzing and interpreting
results. The researcher uses One Way ANOVA to know if there is
significance difference between pure calamansi extract and
calamansi extract with additives in terms of volume and time in
terminating dog fleas.

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