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The Development of Organization 

     Many people in the academe and the management sectors view organization as a
group of people working together for a common goal or purpose. In view of the
foregoing concept, organization is mechanism that enables people to contribute their
efforts and talents towards the achievement of their common goals and objectives, both
personal and organizational.
•Organizational Development Process 
•     The search for more food and wealth at the early time, was
simple. Set up for hunting animals and gathering food in the
fields were organized. Man lived with what he could gather for
food, clothing and shelter. They lived in groups and chose
leaders who are bestowed with wisdom and ability by the
•  The leader had to be strong and his will power must
transcend to all his people to attain leadership in time of peace
and war. Man had to develop specialized activities and
expertise to meet the needs of the tribe or the kingdom where
he lived. Leaders and men of wisdom learned that more
organized efforts that could bring in more vast lands, bountiful
harvests and expanded territories. Organization was born in
crude and simple manner where leaders welded the super
power of administration.  
  Organization passed a system of development. It went
through the process of trial and error, until the later decade,
organization became more of civilized efforts of man. Man
learned more organized efforts could bring improvement in
his way of life. As man’s spheres of social life became
complex, organized efforts became apparent. Man explored
his natural talent and creativity to create new things that
would satisfy not only his needs but also his wants. 
Understanding Behavior in Organization  
  With the development of more scientific analysis of human
behavior in organization through the study of psychology,
sociology, and other science of human behavior, different
management scholars have come up with various assumptions
and theories which are still being studied today. We cannot
perfectly say that one theory is the best but all of these point
the conclusion that prevailing behavior in organization varies
in situation, environment and conditions. 
People constitute the internal social system of the

They consist of individuals with different behavior.

People have feelings. They lived in different
environment, and have different ways of thinking. They
are educated in different schools and the levels of
education differ with one another. They are reared in
different environment that shaped their cultures and
To sum up, organization behavior is the study
of application of knowledge about human
behavior in organization and it relates to the
other system elements such as structure,
technology, and the internal social system. Our
focus is to improve the relationship of people
with all elements of the organization and
develop their attitudes and values as tools for
the greater human benefits. 
Management View of Organizational Behavior

All people in an organization are concerned with

improving organizational behavior. People interact with
one another and they influence the behavioral the
quality of life within the organizational system.

Management role is not limited to provide people with

employment and source of living but it extends to
integrate people to the social and the technical system
in order to improve people in their organizational
relationship. In this manner, organization can better
accomplish the force that develops team work in order
to fulfil their human needs and at the same time achieve
organizational objectives.
  Management view organization under the following
1.Organizational behavior focuses primarily on people. 
2.Organizational environment must motivate people. 
3.Team work and coordination must be maintained to
improve work efficiency. 
4.Organization seeks to fulfil people and organizational
5.People and organization seek result effectively. 
Organization and people are two important
components of any management system and
they could not work apart from each other.
People need organization, as organization
needs people. Organization has to integrate
people with the technical, economic, and
structural elements and the other elements in
order to achieves its common objective of
productivity ang growth. 
Human behavior in an organization determines the
quality of work, its progress and success. No machines
and computer aided technology can do the work by
No new product or services could come into the market
place without human resources that develop new ideas,
create and deliver them. The entire workforce in an
organizational set up is the top concern of management
as behavior affects its entire productivity. 

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