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Health protection

Dr zahra
Infection control
• “ reduce or eliminate indigenous cases of vaccine-preventable disease”.
• Infectious diseases are those diseases caused by microbes that can be
passed to or among human by several method ,include contact with
infectious agent that gain entry to body through skin, mouth nose and
body part engaged in sexual contact
• Many infections transmitted from person to person , but some involve
infection transmission through shared objects (drinking glasses) or
infected animals.
• Infectious diseases which are preventable ,are leading cause of death in
• Best prevention= risk free or low risk lifestyle including protective
devices, immunizations and sanitary health habits.
• PT= educate, promote sanitary habits, skin care
Injury prevention in childhood
and adolescence
• PT= screen for potential risks for injury
• Motor vehicle accidents
• Parent’s awareness and education
• Appropriate booster seats and infant seats in the car,
seatbelt usage
• Children under 4 years of age are particularly
vulnerable to poisoning.
• Older children….helmets.
• Ask about level of physical activity and potential risks
at the playground???
• More than one-third of all playground injuries
are severe.
• PT= educate families to make the home
environment as risk-free as possible.
Injury prevention in young
• PT often involved in providing services to young
• Before engaging in sport it is important for each
children to have a through pre-participation physical
• Physical examination form includes
• Demographic information(name ,date gender)
• Personal information(adress,school,sports,emergency
• Medical history
• Height weight percent body fat
• Vision papillary status
• Clinical observation of appearance
• Eyes ear ,throat lymph nodes heart pulse ling
• Genitals (in males)
• Skin ,neck, back ,shoulder ,arm ,elbow ,forearm,
wrist ,hand hip, thigh ,knee , leg, ankle and foot
• Musculoskeletal examination focus on joint
stressed by particular sport.
• Pre-participation cardiovascular screening
• Cvs history
• Prior occurrence of exertional chest
pain ,discomfort or syncope as well as unexplained
shortness of breath or fatigue with exercise. past
detection of murmurs or increase B.P. family
history of premature death.
• cvs physical examination includes precordial
auscultation in both the supine and sitting
• Femral artery pulses, and brachial blood pressure
• Should monitor the protective gear
• Warm up and cool down exercises such as stretching and light
• Heat related illness
Heat exhaustaion
Nausea, dizziness, headache ,pale moist skin heavy
perspiration ,normal or low temperature, weak pulse , dilated
pupils ,disorientation and fainting…
Heat stroke
Headaches ,dizziness, confusion, hot dry skin, vascular collapse , coma
and death…
Athlete maintain proper hydration and stop activity if experience sign
of heat related illness
• Certain suppose pose specific risks
• Football
• Most common injuries includes sprains ,strains
as well as damaged bones and internal organs.
• Knees and ankles are most common site
• To reduce incidence of injury ,encouraged to use
proper equipment(helmet ,mouth
guard ,shoulder pads,chest ,arm ,thigh and shin
pads and proper shoes
• Basketball
• Sprains ,strains ,bruises ,fracture ,dislocations ,ab
rasion and dental injuries
• Females vulnerable to knee injury secondry to
lower extremity alingment ,most vulnerable sites
ankle and shoulder (rotator cuff injury )
• Players should wear protective gear includes eye
protection, mouth guard elbow and knee pads
and basketball shoes
• Abrasion,laceration,bruising
Baseball and softball
• Soft tissuse injuries and fratures
• Recommendation includes batting helmet, mouth
guard ,elbow guard ,shin guard
Track the field
Most common injuries from running ,jumping and
throwing include sprain ,strain and abrasion.
Injury prevention for adolescents
and adults
• Good physical activity but risk to those who
exercise without the proper precautions and
protective gear.
• Imp= wearing protective gear(helmet and teeth
gaurd, using proper technique.
Fire and burn safety
• PT often work with burn patient in acute care
• 79% fire death occurs in home
• Fire detectors should be placed in home.
• stop, drop and roll technique
• Most poisoning deaths caused by Pills, alcohol,
gases and fumes and chemicals with
More than 90% of exposures occurring athome.
• Medications should be checked each time before
taking, noting the correct name ,dosage and
• Food related sickness
• Botulism is a muscle-paralyzing disease caused by a
toxin made by a bacterium called clostridium botulinum.
• Food borne botulism= begins within 6 hrs to 2 weeks
after eating toxin-containing food.
• Symptoms= blurred vision, drooping eye-lids, slurred
speech, difficulty swallowing, dry mouth, muscle
weakness that descends down the body.
• First shoulder effected ,then upper and lower
arms ,thighs and calves
• Paralysis of breathing muscles cause stoppage of
breathing and death
Tobacco use
• 0ne of the leading case of death.
• Pesticides, insecticides, fungicides
• Pesticides, insecticides (kill insects)
(fungicides used for controlling disease on crops and seeds).
• Farmers heavy user of pesticides and experience excess of
certain types of cancer.
• Non-hodgkin’s lymphoma, soft tissue sarcoma and cancers of
lip, stomach, brain and prostrate.
• Caution plus avoid direct contact with pesticides and site of
body entry skin and eyes.
• Sanitary health habits reduce the risk of injury
• Increase excess to guns ,increase ris of injury and death
• Risk of unintentional firearm-related death among
children is high.
• Risk increase if firearm loaded and left unlocked
• Place firearm in secure location and left unloaded
• Average 12 people death/ day and 80% are male
• Swim under supervision of a qualified life-guard and
avoid swimming under risky conditions.
• Parents continuous supervision.
• Cautions for hydrotherapy in community pools.
1. Do not enter in water with diarrhea.
2. Do not swallow the water.
3. Wash hands and bottom thoroughly with soap
and water after a bowel movement.
4. Be careful regarding fecal matter entrance in
Sun and heat
• Reduce sun exposure to avoid risk of skin cancer.
• 10am to 4pm strongest U.V rays greater risk
• Wear long sleeves and pants…sun screen and lip
balm of SPF 15 or higher e=when exposed to
Safety and occupational health
• Assure the health and safety of workers by
Setting and enforcing standards, providing
training, outreach, and education; establishing
partnership and encouraging continual
improvement in workplace safety and health.
• PT= educating about proper position and body
• Work ergonomics.
Product safety
• Certain products must be recalled because of Manufacturing
flaws or design flaws.
• Product that pose fire, electrical ,chemical and mechanical
hazards .
• PT= Help reduce the incidence of product injuries by keeping
informed of product risks and discouraging their use.
• Motor vehicle accidents.
• Avoid drinking when driving and when not physically capable.
• Mental health difficulties like post-traumatic stress,depression
and anxiety are problems survivors of severe MVAS may have.
• Psychological counselling.
Spinal cord injuries
• Many accidental causes fall, sports injuries ,industrial
accidents gunshot wounds ,assaults and others plus
patients of RA or osteoporosis are vulnerable to even minor
injury to their compromised skeleton.
• Leading cause SCI under 65= MVA
• Over 65= falls
• Complication includes respiratory complications ,UTI
infections ,spasticity and scoliosis
• Prevention= health education about activities that increase
the risk of SCI like participation in risky physical activities,
not wearing protective gear during play or diving into
shallow water.
Traumatic brain injuries
• Major cause of disability and cost
expenditure at national level.
• Precautions…reduce MVA
causing TBI.
• Many people do not use seat belt
or use improperly.
• Educate= seat belts, infant and
car safety seats, avoid driving in
drug use, driving the speed limit,
air bags properly installed and
• Percentage is increasing…
• Increased risk
1. Males are 4 times more likely than female..but females attempts are
2. Racial differences
3. Increase with age
Warning signs for suicide
4. Talking about suicide
5. Hopelessness, helplessness or worthlessness.
6. Preoccupation with death
7. Suddenly becoming happier, calmer
8. Loss of interest in things one cares about
6) visiting or calling people one cares about.
7) making arrangements or setting one’s affair in
8) giving things away9) stock-piling pills
10) Refusal to follow doctor’s prescription or
special diet
Explore such trends and refer to psychiatrist and
report if necessary
Bicycle related injury
• 95% bicyclist killed were not wearing helmets
• Helmet use can prevent head injuries
• Strategies to increase helmet use among children
• Physical therapist educate their clients about
personal safety habits, including selecting safe
route and demonstrate safe bicycling behavior,
such as wearing a bicycle helmet, obey traffic
signals and sign, riding in straight line
Dog bite injuries
Violence across life span
Intimate partner voilence
Sexual voilence
Abuse Of Children
Children may be vulnerable to
Sexual Abuse: E.g. fondling of Childs genitals.
Physical Abuse: e.g. punching, beating that lead to
injury or harming the child,
Neglect: Failure to provide for the child's
psychological, medical and emotional needs.
• Reasons For neglect:
1. Children with low self-esteem and under confident.
2. Angry mothers
Elder Abuse
“ Negligent act by the caregiver, or any other
person that causes harm or risk of harm to
vulnerable adult”
NCEA gateway to resources on elder abuse, neglect and
According to NCEA the following are considered.
1. Physical abuse
2. Sexual abuse
3. Emotional abuse
4. Neglect.
5. Abandonment
Physical Therapist
1. Physical signs of abuse and maltreatment and
2. Unexplained withdrawal from normal activities
3. Sudden financial changes
4. Bed sores, unattended medical needs and poor
5. Behavior such as belittling and threats verbally
mainly by spouse.
Self Neglect: Indicate intervention is needed.
1. Poor hygiene
2. Inappropriate clothing
3. Poor housekeeping
Common I people with self neglect.
Physical therapist should report abuse.
• Health care professional should work together
• American academy of pediatrics offer a website for
violence directed towards children.
• Center for study and violence in university of
Colorado also gave a website.
• Falls lead to decreased functional independence.
• Every hour falls cause death of an individual.
• Fall related hip fractures are common.
• National center for injury prevention
1. Exercise
2. Reducing environmental risks
3. Checking vision regularly
• National Safe Kids:
“ Falls are the leading cause of nonfatal, unintentional
injuries and emergency department visits for
children younger then 15”
1.Infants fall from furniture stairs or walkers.
2.Toddlers fall from balconies
3.Children fall from playground equipments
• Health risk to both the individual and the society.
• Alcohol is involved in 50% of motor vehicle deaths.
• There is a growing evidence about genetic
predisposition for alcoholism
• Gene D2 dopamine receptor if inherited increase the
chance of alcoholism.
1. Influence of family
2. Availability
3. Elevated level of stress
4. Reinforcement by drinkers
• National council on alcoholism:
“ Promoting the individuals, family's and community's full
personal growth and positional to reduce the likelihood
of problems related to alcohol”
Preventing hearing loss

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