Hydraulic Machinery

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A hydraulic pump which is the heart of a hydraulic system is a mechanical source

of power that converts mechanical power into hydraulic energy (hydrostatic energy
i.e. flow, pressure).

When a hydraulic pump operates, it creates a vacuum at the pump inlet, which
forces liquid from the reservoir into the inlet line to the pump and by mechanical
action delivers this liquid to the pump outlet and forces it into the hydraulic system.

 Positive Displacement Pump (PD)

 Reciprocating Positive Displacement pump
 Rotary Positive Displacement pump

 Rotodynamic pump
Centrifugal (Radial flow) pump
Axial flow pump
Mixed flow pump

A Reciprocating Positive Displacement pump works by the

repeated back-and-forth movement (strokes) of either a piston,
plunger or diaphragm (Figure 1). These cycles are called
It is employed for low flow rate and high pressure
It can be single acting or double acting
Can be single or multiple cylinders

However it has got numerous limitations

Complex and difficult to maintain
Due to high pressure generated, it is difficult to prevent slippage of the

Cavitation which can lead to damage or failure


• , for double acting

• , for single acting
• , for power output

= theoretical discharge, A = Area of the piston, N = Rotational speed
L = Stroke length, = Area of piston rod, P = power output,
H = total head
Rotary PD Pump
Rotary positive displacement pumps use the actions of rotating cogs or
gears to transfer fluids, rather than the backwards and forwards motion of
reciprocating pumps. The rotating element develops a liquid seal with the
pump casing and creates suction at the pump inlet. Fluid, drawn into the
pump, is enclosed within the teeth of its rotating cogs or gears and
transferred to the discharge. The simplest example of a rotary positive
displacement pump is the gear pump.
Two basic designs: external and internal

An external gear pump consists of two interlocking gears supported by

separate shafts (one or both of these shafts may be driven). Rotation of the
gears traps the fluid between the teeth moving it from the inlet, to the
discharge, around the casing
Rotary PD Pump
An internal gear pump operates on the same principle but the two
interlocking gears are of different sizes with one rotating inside the
other. The cavities between the two gears are filled with fluid at the
inlet and transported around to the discharge port, where it is
expelled by the action of the smaller gear.
Centrifugal Pump
A centrifugal pump is a mechanical device designed to move a fluid by means of the transfer of

rotational energy from one or more driven rotors, called impellers.  Fluid enters the rapidly

rotating impeller along its axis and is cast out by centrifugal force along its circumference

through the impeller’s vane tips.  The action of the impeller increases the fluid’s velocity and

pressure and also directs it towards the pump outlet.  The pump casing is specially designed to

constrict the fluid from the pump inlet, direct it into the impeller and then slow and control the

fluid before discharge

Working Principle of Centrifugal Pump

By closing the discharge valve, the pump is primed (to remove and trapped
air within the pump and promote effective suction flow.

Fluid enters the impeller at its axis (the ‘eye’) and exits along the
circumference between the vanes.  The impeller, on the opposite side to the
eye, is connected through a drive shaft to a motor and rotated at high speed

The rotational motion of the impeller accelerates the fluid out through the
impeller vanes into the pump casing.

the liquid passes into pipe and is lifted to the required height and discharged
from the outlet or upper end of the delivery pipe
Hydraulic pump maintenance
Three main types;
Preventive maintenance – regular maintenance that is performed
on the pump to prevent it from breaking down. Implemented through
preventive maintenance program.

Predictive maintenance – uses sensor devices to collect information

about the pump and prompts the personnel to perform maintenance
at the exact moment when it’s needed.

Reactive maintenance – stands for the breakdown maintenance and

involves the repairs that are done to fix the pump that is already
Hydraulic pump maintenance

Preventive maintenance;

Bearing lubrication and replacement

Mechanical seal replacement
Packing tightening and replacement
Wear ring adjustment or replacement
Impeller replacement
Pump/motor alignment
Motor repair or replacement.
oversized pumps typically require more frequent maintenance than properly sized
pumps. Excess flow energy increases the wear and tear on system components,
resulting in valve damage, piping stress, and excess system operation noise.

An additional penalty for using an oversized pump is the added friction losses which
occur during pump operation. Higher flow rates create higher flow velocities which, in
turn, lead to higher friction loss. The relationship between velocity and friction loss is
provided by the Darcy-Weisbach equation:

hf = head loss, f = pipe friction coefficient, V = fluid velocity, g = gravitational
D = inner diameter of the pipe, L = length of pipe.

Air vessels should be installed in the case of

reciprocating PD pump to avoid flow separation
Self – primed centrifugal pump should be preferred to
fasten productivity (use liquid stored in its housing to
generate a vacuum on the suction line).
Due to high cost in adopting predictive method of
maintenance (new to the market), we recommended the
use of preventive maintenance to cut down cost and
damage to pumps

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