3-Site Analysis - Natural Factors Part 3

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Site analysis
• Involves the study of the site in terms of the following:
• 1.Geology –earths composition
• 2.Geomorphology-
physiography,landforms,soils,drainage,topography and
slopes, soil erosion
• 3.Hydrology-surface and ground water
• 4.Vegetation-plant ecology
• 5.Wildlife-habitats
• 6.Climate-solar orientation, wind and humidity
• The relevance of plant material in site planning is their role
• 1.Climate control
• 2.Environmental Engineering
• 3.Architectural and aesthetic use
4.VEGETATION The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
1. Climate control 3.Architectural and aesthetic use

• 1. Climate control
• a. Solar radiation- is earth’s source of light and heat. It
warms the earth surface, is reflected by paving and other
objects and produces glare
• Trees are one of the best controls for solar radiation
• 1. they block or filter sunlight
• 2.they cool the air under their canopies providing natural
air conditioning.
• Scientist have recorded that with an air temperature of
84degF, surface temp of concrete paving was
108deg,while suface under shade trees were 20 deg.
Scientist have recorded that
with an air temperature of
84degF, surface temp of
concrete paving was
108deg,while surface under
shade trees were 20 deg.
1. Climate control
b. Wind – helps to control
temperature. When winds are
low velocity, they may be
pleasant, but when velocity
increases, may cause
discomfort or damage. Trees
help to buffer winds in urban
areas caused by convection
and venturi effects

convection, is the transfer of heat from one

place to another by the movement of fluids.
The Venturi effect is the reduction in fluid
pressure that results when a fluid flows
through a constricted section (or choke) of
a pipe
1. Climate control
c. precipitation - plants help to control precipitation reaching the ground by
intercepting rain and slowing it down. They aid in moisture retention and in the
prevention of soil erosion. also by retaining water, by providing shade or protection
from wind, or by water shedding function of trees’ roots.
4.VEGETATION The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
2.Environmental engineering 3.Architectural and aesthetic use

• A. air purification- through photosynthesis, plants use up

carbon dioxide emissions of cars and trucks and in the
process release oxygen into the air.
• Trees also help filter out other pollutants.
• Sulfur dioxide, dust, pollen and smoke
The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
Environmental engineering 1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
3.Architectural and aesthetic use
• b. Noise –
• to understand noise:
• The sound level of normal conversation is
about 60decibels; a plane taking off
produces 120 decibels at a distance of
200ft. Breathing is 10decibels,195 Saturn
rocket launch
• 70-irritating, 85 loud, 95 noisy,140 pain
threshold ,150 permanent damage
• sound energy usually spreads out and
dissipates in transmission. Sound waves
can be absorbed, reflected or deflected
• Plants absorb sound waves through their leaves. Branches
,twigs especially those with thick fleshy leaves and thin
• Tree trunks deflect sounds and it has been estimated that
100ft. Depth of forest can reduce sound by 21 decibels.
The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
Environmental engineering 1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
3.Architectural and aesthetic use
• c. Glare and reflection –
• Plants reduce glare and
reflection caused by sunlight.
A light source received
directly produces primary
glare while reflected light is
secondary glare. Plants may
be used to filter or block
glare by use of plants with
the appropriate size, shape
and foliage density.
Glare control
• Direct glare can be prevented
using trees to block off the
relevant portions of the sky

• Indirect glare- can be

prevented by planting
flowers, shrubs on surfaces
that would normally reflect
light into the building.
The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
Environmental engineering 1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
3.Architectural and aesthetic use
• d. erosion control –
• Plants are primary means of preventing erosion from
storm water runoff and of controlling erosion during
construction. Erosion is also minimized by the plants
action of intercepting rain, decreasing splash and increase
water absorption
Environmental engineering

d. erosion control –
Vegetation with extensive root system imparts stability
to slopes

On sandy slopes, the presence of woody vegetation

can increase the angle of repose by 10 to 15 degrees.
Environmental engineering
erosion control

Vitveria zizianoides or vitiver grass

4.VEGETATION The relevance of plant material in site
planning is their role in:
1.Climate control
2.Environmental Engineering
3.Architectural and aesthetic use

3.Architectural and aesthetic use

• a. space definition- plants can help in several
• As wall elements to form outdoor space, as
canopies to provide shade, or as ground
covers to provide color and texture on the
base plane.
Wall elements
Wall elements
Canopy to provide shade
Ground cover
Ground cover
3. Architectural and aesthetic use
• b. view control - while trees and shrubs can
screen out objectionable views, they can
also provide backdrops for sculpture and
• Additionally, they may provide filtered views
of buildings or spaces, or frame view,
maximizing its effect.
• privacy
screen out objectionable views
3.Architectural and aesthetic use
• c. Mood – plants affect peoples’ mood.

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