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by AMLB-
SVES, BIŃAN Reference:

What’s the difference

between a TONE and MOOD?
Listen to a video entitled, “The Little
Answer the questions about the conversation you listened to. Be sure to
show openness in hearing your classmates’ answers.

1. Who were the little women in the story?

2. Who came one day? Why?
3. What were the feelings of the family of their father’s leaving them?
4. What would you do if your family is experiencing hard times?
5. Is it right to help one another? Why?
6. What might probably happen if people do not help each other specially
during hard times? What made you say so?
Replay the video

Write down the conversations of the characters .

A speaker’s tone, mood, and
purpose are also revealed via
dialogues. The way a character
speaks denotes his or her tone,
mood, and purpose.
Other examples of tone are evident in these dialogues.

“I’ve a letter
for you.
You’ve been
called to
serve for the
army to fight
against the
civil war. Pls.
What is the speaker’s tone? serious or humorous? Why? get ready.”
What is the mood of conversation? comical or hopeful?
What is the speaker’s purpose? to inform or entertain?
What is the speaker’s tone? guilty or unhappy? Why?
What is the mood of conversation? cool or stressed? Why?
What is the speaker’s purpose?convince? or argue? Why?
“No, my
children, I
have to go.”
It’s a proud
thing to
fight for

What is the speaker’s tone? formal or foolish? Why?

What is the mood of conversation? peaceful or accepting? Why?
What is the speaker’s purpose? to convince? or entertain? Why?
Examples of tone are
listed on the table.
Examples of mood listed on the table
Examples of purpose are listed on the table
Using the table on tone, mood and purpose, answer what
are asked in a given conversation.
“Meg, I’m
trying to work
What is the hard, so that I
tone? can earn
What is the
money but
mood? I’m finding it
What is the difficult.”
Using the table on tone, mood and purpose, answer what
are asked in a given conversation.

“Don’t worry
What is the mother. It’s
tone? just a matter
of few days.
What is the Everything will
mood? be okay if
What is the father comes
Using the table on tone, mood and purpose, answer what
asked in a given conversation.
“But till then
What is the we’ll have to
tone? fight. I don’t
What is the understand
mood? why people
What is the make wars?”
Using the table on tone, mood and purpose, answer what
asked in a given conversation. “The officials
have informed
What is that father has
been badly
it, injured during
Meg? the war.”
him and want
someone to
take care of
wWhat is the tone? mood? and purpose?
Using the table on tone, mood and purpose, answer what is
asked in a given conversation.
“Take this
mother, I did you
guess the get this
money is

wWhat is the tone? mood? and purpose?

The following conversations was taken from the story, “The
Little Women.” Name the mood and tone of the speaker.

1. Joe left the house, and when she returned in the

evening, she had money in her hands. “I sold my hair and
earned this money”, Joe said.

The tone is ___. a. humorous b. optimistic

c. pessimistic
The mood is ___.a. hopeful b. suspenseful c. ashamed
2. Oh! Joe you lost your hair,” Mother said.

The tone is ___. a. foolish b. smart

c. worried

The mood is ___. a. joyous b. lonely

c. playful
3. One day, Beth felt ill. She had a fever and was shivering with
cold. All the three sisters took good care of her but the fever was
persistent. All of them were worried. “We should get a doctor,” Joe
“But we don’t have money to pay for the doctor,” Beth said.

The tone is ___. a. scared b. excited c. worried

The mood is ___. a. jealous b. stressed c. hopeful

4. ““Even we don’t have money, I’ll get the doctor let’s think
of Beth’s treatment first,” said Jo. It was snowing that day
still Joe rushed at the doctor’s house and explained to him
the situation.

The tone is ___ a. angry b. joyful c. optimistic

The mood is ___.a. hopeful b. stressed c. bored

5. “Don’t you worry of the fees, it is my duty to treat
her,” the doctor said.

The tone is ___ a. angry b. gloomy c. serious

The mood is ___. a. carefree b. stressed c. relaxed

GROUP 1 – Dramatize the scene where a letter was
given to the family informing the father to serve in war.
GROUP 2 – Give the purpose of the character’s action.
a. Why Joe cut her hair?
b. Why father went to war?
c. Why Joe persistently got a doctor even they don’t
have money for the doctor?
d. Why the doctor treated Beth even the sisters could
not pay his fees?
GROUP 3 – List down ways to help a family member who is sick.
1. 3.
2. 4.
GROUP 4 – If you were the sisters in the story, how would you
extend help to your family in need?
1. 3.
2. 4.
GROUP 5 – Do you like the attitudes of three sisters in
the story? Why? Cite examples.
1. 3.
2. 4.
What’s TONE and MOOD?

What do you think is the purpose of the

author/writer in writing the story, “The Little

Explain your answer.

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