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For, Nor, So, Yet

Cross every second letter to form the word.
1. Fsotru
2. Smob
3. Yaertg
4. nbocrz
Amy: I have projects to be done so I need to hurry my
Jeda: Me, too. I must focus for we have to beat the deadline.
Amy: I will not see a teleserye nor watched any TV show.
Jeda: Last time, teacher gave us ample time to work on our project,
yet we failed to finish it. I won’t let it happen again.
Amy: Correct, it must be presented so we got a high rating.
Jeda: We can make it.
1. Show reason of being absent yesterday.
2. Show reason of getting lowest score in test.
3. Show contrast of reviewing lesson but you failed.
4. Show result of getting highest score in test.
5. Show connects of negative ideas about browsing your notes and reviewing your lesson.
Combine the sentences using conjunctions.
1. Jennifer does not like to swim.
she enjoy cycling.
2.. Jackson did not eat piece of cake.
He was on a diet.
3. I went out from my office early
I am late to the party.
 4. Sally does not like the mountains.
Does she like the ocean.
5. Lisa loves cats.
She does not want one living in her house
Fill in the blank with correct conjunction (for, yet, so, nor).
1. Susan don’t eat pancit ________________ she enjoys
2. Lito is afraid of dog _________________ he don’t like it
in his house.
3. Teacher got angry _____________ the pupils are noisy.
4. Anton don’t like cat _____________ touch it.
5. Rolan is wasted _______________ he was given food
during feeding.

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