Opentext Extended Ecm For Sap Successfactors Ce - Overview and Preparation

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OpenText Extended ECM for

SAP SuccessFactors CE -
Overview and Preparation
IDEA2 Online – Demo Storyboard

June 29th, 2022 - Not valid before that date

TMDEMO ID: Version:


Click for: Support Latest Version

Legend – color coding of text boxes

User activity (instructions). Story text.

Admin activity which you can show Additional information, such as

in a “read-only” way in IDEA2. You comments, notes, hints or known
can view configurations but cannot issues.
save any changes or execute tasks.

Admin activity which is not

demonstrable in IDEA2. You can
only show the slides.

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• Storyboards and demo use cases

• Solution overview
• Get started with IDEA2 Online
• Preparing your demo
• Clean-up after demo
• Behind the scenes
• Contact & support

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Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors Storyboards
Storyboard (click link to download) Content (Demo Use Cases)
Feature Set covered
Overview and Preparation Guide
• Solution Overview • Preparing your demo (shortcuts on demo client,
Must-read! Always download latest version when preparing your demo! • Get started with IDEA2 UIs, personas, usernames, passwords, tips, …)
• Clean-up after demo • Behind the scenes
Employee Experiences
• Document Management • #1: Employee Workspace - Review documents
• Document Generation • #2: Access HR Policies and discussion forums
• #3: Upload missing documents (Self Service)
• #4: Create personal documents (Self Service)
• #5: Upload document in SuccessFactors Document Management Interface (CMIS)
HR Experiences
• Document Management • #1: Manage Employee Workspace
• Document Generation • #2: Approve document upload request in Extended ECM
• #3: Approve document upload request in SuccessFactors Document Management Interface
• #4: Create effective dated contract document for employee
• #5: Create offer letter document for candidate
• #6: Access Employee Workspace from SAP HCM
HR Processes
• Relocation Support (Auto relocation confirmation) • #1: Job transfer process
• Termination Process Support • #2a: Termination process – Create termination document
• Generate documents by using pending approval information • #2b: Termination process – Disposition (Records Management)
• Run disposition search to destroy terminated employee (>7 years) records

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Solution overview
Product & scenario overview

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Extended ECM Product Family – Overview
Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended
ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for ECM for
SAP® Oracle® Microsoft® Microsoft® Salesforce® SAP® Government Engineering AppWorks ….
Solutions EBS Office 365 Dynamics Success-
Factors® Any Lead

Extended ECM Platform

Business Application UI Integration
Business Object Types CMIS Interface
Connectivity Widgets

Open Business Application Web Reports + WR Remote Cache &

Business References
API + SDK Workflow Extensions Object Importer

Content Suite Platform

Document Connected
Smart View Collaboration External File Sharing*
Management Workspaces

Scanning & Records Business

Workflow Archiving
Document Viewing Management Users & Roles

* Integration with OpenText Core OpenText Confidential. ©2022 All Rights Reserved. 6
Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors

Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors

Workspaces for HR HR Document Data & Permission
Dossier View Completeness Check
Business Objects Generation Synchronization

SuccessFactors UI SuccessFactors DMS Integration in SAP

Document Onboarding Reporting
Integration Integration HCM

Extended ECM Platform

Business Application UI Integration
Business Object Types CMIS Interface
Connectivity Widgets

Open Business Application Web Reports + WR Remote Cache &

Business References
API + SDK Workflow Extensions Object Importer

Content Suite Platform

Document Connected
Smart View Collaboration External File Sharing*
Management Workspaces

Scanning & Records Business

Workflow Archiving
Document Viewing Management Users & Roles

* Integration with OpenText Core OpenText Confidential. ©2022 All Rights Reserved. 7
Extended ECM for SAP SuccessFactors
Integration Dimension

User Interface Data Integration Role-Based Permissions Integration with SAP Process Integration
Integration & SSO Integration SuccessFactors DMS

User Interface integration Data like employee or Extended ECM leverages SuccessFactors’ CMIS Integrates with SAP
allows user to interact candidate data is the SuccessFactors’ RBP adaptor allows to use SuccessFactors’s Process
directly within the automatically replicated to in order to assign HR Extended ECM as by subscribing Events
SuccessFactors UI with corresponding Extended business partners, document repository. using Extended ECM’s
Extended ECM. Single ECM Business managers the correct Document attachments in Event Action Center.
Sign On is supported to Workspaces. This data can access to employees. In SuccessFactors are stored
open workspace in then be leveraged for combination with the in appropriate Business
SuccessFactors. searching documents. Extended ECM permission Workspaces in Extended
model a sophisticated and ECM, e.g. employee
automated permission workspaces or candidate
concept is achieved. workspaces.

UI Integration Data Integration Permission Integration SuccessFactors DMS Process Integration

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Get started with IDEA2 Online
Guideline & demo client features

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Get started with IDEA2 Online

• Please read the

“IDEA2 Online Manual” to get
started. It covers:
• Introduction to IDEA2 Online
(Integrated Demos for Enterprise Applications
Online Demo Environment – Version 2)
• Getting an account
• Rules of conduct
• Accessing IDEA2 Online
• Demoing a product or solution
• Dealing with the weekly reset
• Additional demo options
• Finding resources and staying informed
• Getting support

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Demo client desktop in IDEA2 Online
Click a shortcut to
start an application.

Or open product specific

folders for accessing relevant

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Common demo client features

Demo documents

Set the region for localized


Create and store your own


Print and scan documents

Access email

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Demo documents

Click Demo
Documents shortcut
on desktop.

The Demo Documents folder

within the Demo Library contains
sample documents and templates,
grouped by product.

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Create and store your own documents

 Templates and demo documents provided on

demo client are read-only.
 Creating and storing own documents is
possible though:
 Save files to your personal folder on the persistent file
share which is mapped to drive E: on the demo client.
 Personal folder name = user name
Click on file share link
 Create your own folder if it doesn‘t exist
mapped to drive E.
 Share will not be affected by the weekly reset
 Note that your folder is not private. Other users are able
to access it. Do not store customer material or other
confidential material there.

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Access email ( Accounts)
1. Start Outlook.

2. Choose profile ALL

But SuccessFactors
and click OK.

User name and password are

preset. If prompted anyway,
User: eimdemo\email
Password: opentext

All relevant mailboxes

are available in Outlook
Alternatively start folder pane.
Outlook Web Access
and logon with:
User: eimdemo\<user>
Password: opentext

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Access email ( Accounts) – Mailboxes
of SuccessFactors Personas
1. Start Outlook.

2. Choose profile
SuccessFactors and
click OK.

User name and password are

preset. If prompted anyway,
User: eimdemo\email
Password: opentext

All relevant mailboxes

are available in Outlook
Alternatively start folder pane.
Outlook Web Access
and logon with:
User: eimdemo\<user>
Password: opentext

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Access email ( Accounts)

1. Open Outlook Office 365


2. Login as the persona that corresponds to the

User: <username>
Password: Opentext1
User: [email protected]
Password: Opentext1

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Preparing your demo
Demo data, demo persona and assets
Tips & traps

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Location of shortcuts for this demo

Relevant shortcuts for this

demo are in desktop folder
Extended ECM for SAP

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Extended ECM Web UI

1. Click Extended ECM

Web UI shortcut in the
Extended ECM for SAP
SuccessFactors folder.

2. Login as the persona

user that corresponds to
the scenario.

Landing page of the

logged-in user is tailored
for the user’s role.

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SAP SuccessFactors
1. Click SAP
SuccessFactors shortcut
in Extended ECM for SAP
SuccessFactors folder on

2. Login as the persona

user that corresponds to
the scenario.

Landing page of the

logged-in user is
tailored for the user’s

SuccessFactors URL:

• Access this via browser from IDEA2’s Showcase2 demo client (all users) or from your own device with IDEA2 VPN (OpenText staff only). Reason: Access
to OpenText components (OpenText homepage and workspaces) is not possible from the Internet.
• Browser will cache user cookies. Before logging in as a different user, close and re-open browser window and clear the cache (CTRL+Shift+DEL in
Chrome). Or use Chrome for one user and Edge for the other user, or different browser profiles.

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SAP SuccessFactors Homepage Experience
New Homepage Experience (Default) Old Homepage Experience (Some users in Australia)

New experience visible for all personas (users) - Old experience visible for:
except those mentioned on the right. • Mark Burke (HR) - mburke
• Paul Atkins (Manager) - patkins
• Mari Travers (Employee) - mtravers

On common demand, we have switched the demo tenant to the new homepage experience. That experience is reflected in the screenshots of the demo
storyboards. For cases where you need to show the former legacy homepage experience, please login as one of the Australian demo personas mentioned
above on the right-hand side. We chose those users as we assume they are less frequently used an as they use an English locale.

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1. Click SAP Logon 2. Click the S4HANA

shortcut. connection.

2. Login as the persona

user that corresponds to
the scenario.

3. Login as the persona

user that corresponds to
the scenario.

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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
Australia Old Homepage Experience

User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee

Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business Partner HR • Manages employee contracts twalker All workspaces
(Global) • Coordinates job changes

Mark Burke HR Business Partner HR • Takes care of employees mburke Workspaces of

(Australia) • Responsible for recruiting regional staff

Paul Atkins Production Director Manager • Leads the Production patkins Workspaces of
Department own Team

Zoe McIlveen Program Management Employee • Directs and oversees the zmcilveen Own workspace
Office Program Management Office

Mari Travers Administrator Employee • Provides administrative mtravers Own workspace


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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business HR • Manages employee contracts twalker All workspaces
Partner (Global) • Coordinates job changes

Filipe Barreto HR Business HR • Takes care of employees fbarreto Workspaces of

Partner (Brazil) • Responsible for recruiting regional staff

Paulo Moreira Production Director Manager • Leads the Production Department pmoreira Workspaces of
own Team

Melissa Melo Assembly Manager Employee • Oversees the entire manufacturing mmelo Own workspace

Silvia Candido Program Employee • Directs and oversees the Program scandido Own workspace
Management Office Management Office

Renata Gomes Administrator Employee • Provides administrative support rgomes Own workspace

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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business HR • Manages employee contracts twalker All workspaces
Partner (Global) • Coordinates job changes

James Kwok HR Business HR • Takes care of employees jkwok Workspaces of

Partner (China) • Responsible for recruiting regional staff

Yi Lu Production Director Manager • Leads the Production Department ylu Workspaces of

own Team

Lin Sun Assembly Worker Employee • Assembles products lsun Own workspace

Tianyang Wang Program Employee • Directs and oversees the Program twang Own workspace
Management Office Management Office

Marina Shu Administrator Employee • Provides administrative support mshu Own workspace

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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business HR • Manages employee contracts twalker All workspaces
Partner (Global) • Coordinates job changes

Phillip Foultier HR Business HR • Takes care of employees pfoultier Workspaces of

Partner (France) • Responsible for recruiting regional staff

Hubert Maigne Production Manager • Leads the Production Department hmaigne Workspaces of
Director (of own Team
Karen Bernau Program Manager • Directs and oversees the Program kbernau Workspaces of
Management (of Management Office own Team
Office Pauline)
Pauline Fournier Project Execution Employee • Organizes project execution and pfournier Own workspace
Lead supports major projects

Gabrielle Pape Administrator Employee • Provides administrative support gpape Own workspace

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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business Partner HR • Manages employee twalker All workspaces
(Global) contracts
• Coordinates job changes
Martin Schulz HR Business Partner HR • Takes care of employees mschulz Workspaces of
(Germany) • Responsible for recruiting regional staff

Ralph Brunnert Production Director Manager • Leads the Production rbrunnert Workspaces of
Department own Team

Kathrin Denecken Program Employee • Directs and oversees the kdenecken Own workspace
Management Office Program Management
Emma Dorn Administrator Employee • Provides administrative edorn Own workspace

OpenText Confidential. ©2022 All Rights Reserved. 28

User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
United Kingdom
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business Partner HR • Manages employee twalker All workspaces
(Global) contracts
• Coordinates job changes
Kevin McClure HR Business Partner HR • Takes care of employees kmcclure Workspaces of
(UK) • Responsible for regional staff
Charles Production Director Manager • Leads the Production crichardson Workspaces of
Richardson Department own Team

Zander Lloyd Program Employee • Directs and oversees the zlloyd Own workspace
Management Office Program Management
Pamela Dornbach Administrator Employee • Provides administrative pdornbach Own workspace

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User Login for SAP SuccessFactors Password for all demo
users: “opentext”
United States
User Title Role in Main Tasks Login Employee
Demo Workspace
Tessa Walker HR Business Partner HR • Manages employee twalker All workspaces
(Global) contracts
• Coordinates job changes
William Muller HR Business Partner HR • Takes care of employees wmuller Workspaces of
(USA) • Responsible for regional staff
Geoff Hill Production Director Manager • Leads the Production ghill Workspaces of
Department own Team

Jada Baker Program Employee • Directs and oversees the jbaker Own workspace
Management Office Program Management
Faith Marshall Administrator Employee • Provides administrative fmarshall Own workspace

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Candidate Personas

Country Personas
US • Alex Flowers
• Charles Richardson
• Faith Marshall
• Joe Cabrera
• Rita Ly
UK • Jacob Curran
• Julien Blanc
France • Christine Martel
• Natella Teller

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Terminated Personas
Persona Country Date Status

Andria Lynn France More than 7 years ago Terminated

Amelia Amber Unites States More than 7 years ago Terminated

Lu Yi China 07.Sep.2020 Sent to offboarding process

Russell Goddard Unites States 01.Dec.2020 Sent to offboarding process

Uwe Rattka Germany 01.Dec.2020 Sent to offboarding process

Willa Hase Germany More than 7 years ago Terminated

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Business Workspaces

• Extended ECM Workspaces are available for

• Employees
• Candidates

• Any workspace instances that do not correspond to any of the above

mentioned 48 IDEA2 personas are not officially supported!
• There may be additional, auto-created workspaces in the system. These
may show up in widgets but are not an official part of this demo. They are
neither configured (meta data, roles and permissions, etc.) nor populated
with documents per default. Be cautious when opening these workspaces.

OpenText Confidential. ©2022 All Rights Reserved. 33

Employee Workspaces - Folder Permissions
Folder Structure for Folder Structure for
Employee Manager Legal HR
• Folders marked red have
access limitations as
010 Hiring & Onboarding 010 Hiring & Onboarding See See See Modify
described on the left
020 Personal Information 020 Personal Information See No access No access Modify
030 Medical See No access No access Modify
• For all other folders, global
040 Employment 030 Employment See See See Modify
050 Employee Relations 040 Employee Relations See See See Modify standard permissions apply:
060 Tax & Social Security 050 Tax & Social Security See No access See Modify • HR Role:
070 International Assignment 060 International Assignment See See See Modify Full permissions
080 Benefits & Work Equipment 070 Benefits & Work Equipment See See No access Modify (Except “Edit Permissions”)
090 Training & Policies 080 Training & Policies See See See Modify
090 Pension See See See Modify
• Employee (ESS Role):
100 End of Employment 100 End of Employment No accessSee See Modify “See” & “See Contents”
Applicant Applicant See See See Modify • Manager Role:
HR Project HR Project See See See Modify “See” & “See Contents”
Learning Project Learning Project See See See Modify
Succession Project Succession Project See See See Modify
• Legal Group:
“See” & “See Contents”

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Employee Workspaces - Folder Permissions – US Example
HR View – nothing hidden Employee View – 1 hidden Manager View – 3 hidden Legal Team View – 3 hidden

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Tip: Browser configuration
• Access the UIs via browser from IDEA2’s Showcase2 demo client (all users) or from your own
device with IDEA2 VPN (OpenText staff only). Reason: Access to OpenText components
(OpenText homepage and workspaces) is not possible from the Internet.
• Recommended browsers: Chrome or Edge on the demo client

• If you use a browser on your own device with IDEA2 VPN (as opposed to OpenText demo
client), configure it as follows:
• Disable popup blocking
• Allow third-party cookies
• Add the following to trusted sites:
• *
• *.
• *.successfactors

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Tip: Handling browser sessions
• To avoid acting with a wrong identity in Extended ECM,
clear the browser cache before logging-in to
• Upon first sign-in of the day
• If you were logged in as one user/persona before and are now going to login as a
different user.

• Chrome, clear the browsing data via

CTRL+Shift+Del (Windows) or Shift+CMD+Backspace
(Mac) and restart the browser.

• Or selectively clear the “” cookie

• Or use Chrome for one persona/user (e.g.

Employee) and Edge for the other user (e.g. HR
Business Partner) or use different browser profiles.

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Tip: Clean-up documents in workspace before demo
• You may not be able to show the “Missing Documents”
feature if someone else has already added those
documents. These get deleted with weekly reset but
not during the week.
• Make sure to check for unwanted documents before
your demo and delete them through the delete
workflow – “Clean Up” section at the end of this slide
• Login to Extended ECM as regional HR Manager; identify
the document(s) in the workspace; select the document(s),
click Delete Workflow and confirm the approver (global
HR Admin Tessa Walker).
• Login to Extended ECM as the approver (global HR Admin
Tessa Walker); click on Delete Workflow Request in
Assignments Widget; and approve.

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Tip: Clean-up work permit in SuccessFactors
Document Management before demo
• Before running the “SuccessFactors Document Management Interface – Upload
document” use case, check whether Work Permit Information already exists in Jada
Baker‘s people profile.
• If work permit data already exists, follow the deletion steps in section “Important:
SuccessFactors Document Management Interface – Clean-up after demo” in the
HR experiences storyboard and approve the deletion before your demo
• If it doesn‘t exist, you are good to add it during your demo as described in the
Employee Experience storyboard

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Clean-Up after demo
Delete Documents You Added via Delete Workflow.

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Delete the Documents You Added (HR)
2. Click on
Delete Workflow Please login as HR
and delete all
documents that you
have added during
1. Login as your demo.
Global HR
(twalker). If you trigger the deletion as an HR persona,
then no extra approvals will be required.

2. Go to employee
workspace, filter by
documents, select all 3. Click on
documents that you added Delete.
during your demo. Do not
select documents which
you did not add yourself.

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Optional Delete Workflow (Employee & HR) - 1
Optionally, you can trigger the deletion as the employee
and then approve as HR. Please delete all documents that
you have added during your demo.

1. Login as the
2. Click on Delete Workflow

2. Go to employee
workspace, filter by If doc type requires HR review, then deletion
will require approval by HR.
documents, select all
documents that you added
during your demo. Do not
select documents which
you did not add yourself. 4. Click on

3. Click on

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Optional Delete Workflow (Employee & HR) - 2

2. Click on the
3. Accept to take
the assignment.
1. Login as Request)
Global HR

4. Approve the
5. Optionally, enter
a comment. Then
click on Submit.

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CMIS: Delete existing work permit

2. Click recycle
bin icon to delete After demoing use case #5 of
the entry Employee Experiences / use case #3
of HR Experiences:

If you demonstrated the upload of a

document via SuccessFactors
Document Management Interface
(CMIS), then please remove the work
permit data and document as well.

For detailed instructions, see “Clean-

up after use case 3” in the
HR Experiences
1. Click on

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Behind the Scenes – how to
setup rules
Aanya Sing– Business Administrator

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Admin part via slides only.
Document Type Configuration Not demonstrable in IDEA2.

Login as business administrator to see configuration

1. Select example 2. Switch to the Classic

employee workspace View
template Employee ZA
that is defined for
employees from South

Story: See country specific folder

structure and required documents

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Admin part via slides only.
Document Type Configuration Not demonstrable in IDEA2.

Login as business administrator to see configuration

Access Document Type

Rule from the property
Admin part via slides only.
Document Type Configuration Not demonstrable in IDEA2.

document validation rules

Click on the Document Type to
edit the respective rule.
Admin part via slides only.
Document Type Configuration Not demonstrable in IDEA2.

Document Type Rules for Emplyees in South Africa

Type of document for

which these settings
apply. Define a rule using
Uploaded documents
of this type need to be Subfolder in workspace
reviewed and approved where this type of
by HR. document gets stored.

Make this type of Define who can use

document mandatory the document type and
for employees working see the completeness
in South Africa. check result

Enable users to
generate this type of Validity and Reminders
document from a
Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – Australia

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – Brazil

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – China

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – United States

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – Germany

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – France

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Admin part via slides only.
Not demonstrable in IDEA2.
Document Types – United Kingdom

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IDEA2 Status and Known Issues
Please check here for current issues before
your customer presentation:
• You can search that web page for keywords and filter by

• The list is always up-to-date and reflects all relevant identified

issues which could impact your demos. The data is pulled
directly from our issue tracking and project management

• A shortcut pointing there is available on the IDEA2 Online

demo client’s desktop in the “Support” folder

• The site navigation also includes links to our demo roadmap

and release history

• If you would like to report additional issues which are not

covered there yet, please raise a demo support ticket via
[email protected]

• OpenText Confidential. ©2022 All Rights Reserved. 57

Getting support for IDEA2 Online

• When can I get support?

 Monday through Friday at European business hours

 How can I get support?

 Open support ticket by sending email to:
[email protected]
 Create, view, or update tickets via helpdesk web interface:

 What can I receive support for?

 Only released demo scenarios are supported Please always
include this
 What information do I need to provide? information when
 Clearly mention that it is about IDEA2 Online opening a ticket
with Technical
 Demo guide & scenario (= “TM Demo ID” and version
number from first slide of this storyboard, plus use case
and/or slide numbers.)
 Detailed description of issue(s) including users, and

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Thank you
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