Volcano-Powerpoint Edited

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What do I What did I
want to know learn about
about volcanoes?
What do I know volcanoes?
about volcanoes?
Volcano Thoughts…
Do you agree or disagree?

Write A or D.
• Some deep, underground rocks are so
hot that a drop in pressure can cause
them to form magma.
• Deep in Earth's interior, most of Earth's
mantle is molten, liquid magma.
• Magma is forced quickly toward Earth's
surface because it is more dense than
the rock around it.
• Most volcanic eruptions occur near
plate boundaries or locations called
hot spots.
• Magma that is deep underground can
contain water vapor and other gases.
• Water vapor in magma usually
produces volcanoes that erupt quietly
with lava that flows smoothly.
• Some volcanoes can form without lava flows.
• Most of the magma that forms underground
never reaches Earth's surface to form volcanoes.
• When a volcano stops erupting, the magma
inside the vent sinks deep into the Earth,
forming a bottomless pit.
Volcano Introduction Video Clip

Reader’s Theatre:
Buried Alive

before the eruption

of Mt. Vesuvius

after the eruption of Mt.


Watch video clip

What did we learn about
from the eruption in
Pompeii of Mt. Vesuvius?
Mount Vesuvius Eruption

watch video
Review Vocabulary

• What is lava?

• What is magma?

• What is a volcano?
An opening in the Earth that
allows lava, ash, and gases to
escape the earth’s crust

What is a
What is the difference between a
mountain and a volcano?
A mountain is built by
two plates at a
convergent boundary.

A volcano is built through

the build up of molten lava
cooling and hardening.
Magma Chamber
•a large pocket
underground full
of magma
•usually about 5
miles under the
surface of the
•it is where lava
comes from

• comes from the magma chamber when a

volcano erupts
• magma that has reached the earth’s surface
• it is over 1000 degrees hot it turns into igneous
aa – flows slowly and
Pahoehoe – fluid and rope
pillow lava – pillow shaped lumps
most common
Guess the type of LAVA:
Gas and Ash

•made of millions of
tiny fragments of rock
and glass formed
during a volcanic
•less than 2 mm in
• causes damage because ash
can be carried great distances
throughout the atmosphere
• it has a cooling effect on the
weather because it remains in
the sky and reduces sunlight
• gas is released from the
magma chamber
• the opening in the
volcano where lava
• usually found as a
hole at the top of the
• can also be found as
cracks along the side

• as lava flows out,

it quickly cools
and forms layers
of rock around the
• the steeped
walled depression
around a vent
pyroclastic flow – ash and cinders
Using your science notebook a draw a
volcano with the following parts. Do not
forget to label.

Side vent Lava

Central Vent Crater
Ash and gases Crust
Magma chamber Mantle
How do volcanoes form?
•Heat and pressure cause rock to melt
•Magma is less dense than the
surrounding rock, so it is forced
•The magma either flows out of the
volcano, or it explodes out
•Magma hardens as it cools, forming
layers of rock
Where do volcanoes occur?
Ring of Fire

• large series of volcanoes (some active) encircling the

Pacific Ocean are referred to as being part of the Ring of Fire
• notorious for frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.
• The Ring of Fire coincides with the edges of
one of the world's main tectonic plates, (the
Pacific Plate)
• contains over 450 volcanoes and is home to
approximately 75% of the world's active
• Nearly 90% of the world's earthquakes
occur along the Ring of Fire
Famous Volcanoes
1. Mount Fuji, Japan

• This volcano is created where the Philippines Plate is subducted

under the Eurasian Plate. Last eruption was 1708.
2. Mauna Loa, Hawaii

• The world’s largest and one of its most active

volcanoes on the Big Island of Hawaii.
3. Mount Saint Helens, Washington

• Erupted in
4. Paricutin, Mexico

• Begin in 1943 and continued to 1952. Cone grew 1100 feet in one year!
Began in a farmer’s field with a crack in the earth.
5. Cerro Negro, Nicaragua
6. Mount Vesuvius, Italy

• The explosion of this volcano in 79 AD was so great that is

destroyed all the civilizations around it.
8. Krakatoa, Indonesia

• The 1883 explosion of this volcano was so big that it could be

heard 3,000 miles away. That’s like being able to hear a
volcano that exploded in New York City all the way in Oakland.
Current volcanic eruption

February 2014
2000 meter plume; 15,000 evacuated
from 17 villages
Erupting since September 2013
active in 2010 after being dormant for 400 years
Ash covers villages up to 70 km away
1 of 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia; part of
the Pacific Ring of Fire
Current volcanic eruption
Chaparrastique, El Salvador

• December 2013
• first eruption in 37 years; ash and gas 5 km high
Current volcanic activity Costa Rica

• February 2014; largest so far in 2014; 300 m plume

Guiding Questions:
•what makes them erupt explosively or quietly?
•how does magma content affect eruptions –
silica and gases?

•what are the three forms/types of volcanoes?

Magma Viscosity
• the “gooeyness” or resistance to flow of
Let’s Review Viscosity
of a liquid

The fluidity
of a liquid

The resistance
of a liquid to
Quiet Eruptions

• Basaltic magma
• low in silica
• Fluid
• produces quiet non-explosive
• Kilauea
• water
Explosive Eruptions

• Granitic magma
• silica rich
• Thick
• gas gets trapped inside,
• pressure builds up
• produces explosive
• Mt. Mayon
• honey
Other explosive:
• Andesitic magma
• higher silica content than granitic
• erupt more violently than granitic magma
• Krakatau
• A crack in the earth’s crust where
lava erupts
Three Forms of Volcanoes



•Quiet volcano Lava flows

•Basaltic lava Broad volcano with gently

sloping sides

•Fissures Hawaiian volcanoes

• Explosive volcano

• Tephra thrown into

air – tephra bits of
rock or solid lava

• Granitic lava

• Steep sided and

loosely packed

• Paricutin
Volcanic cinders
Volcanic ash

Volcanic bombs

Volcanic blocks
•Stratovolcano is
another name

•Varies between quiet

and violent eruptions

•Explosive period
erupts gas and ash
forming a tephra layer

•Quieter period erupts

lava over the tephra
Types of Rock Features from

• Batholith
• Sills
• Dikes
• Volcanic neck
• Calderas
• Largest intrusive Batholith
rock body
• Hundreds of
kilometers wide
and long; several
km thick
• Magma cools and
hardens before
reaching surface
• Intrusive rock
• Magma is
forced into a
crack parallel
to rock layers
and hardens

• Intrusive rock
• Magma is
forced into a
crack that cuts
across rock
layers and
Volcanic Necks

• Volcano stops erupting

and the magma
hardens inside the vent
• Erosion wears away the
• The inside (core) is left
as a volcanic neck
• Magma chamber
• The top of a
volcano collapses
• A large depression
is formed
• Water fills it and
creates a lake
What are the benefits of volcanoes?
• Valuable elements such as silver, gold, sulfur, zinc
and copper are found in magma; the elements form
minerals and miners discover them
• Magma heats underground water and that produces heat and
electricity that is clean and renewable

Preserves history
• Pompeii/Herculaneum
• Nebraska – fossils of animals buried in ash
Java, Indonesia

• Has active
• Have grown rice in
the same plot for
• Ash helps renew
the soil
Cooking eggs in the steam of a hot
spring in Beppu, Japan
Ol Doinyo Lengai – African volcano
Ash turns into sodium bicarbonate – baking
soda ingredient; wind carries the ash from
Tanzania to Kenya where it is mined.
Underwater volcano vents
• 1.5 miles beneath the surface of the ocean 12
foot worms collect around the vents of volcanoes
Silversword plants grow only on the
volcanic islands of Maui and Hawaii. It
is an endangered species.
Bison gather around the hotsprings of
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming. A magma
chamber beneath Yellowstone heats its
Build islands
My personal favorite…

Chocolate comes
from plants that grow
best in volcanic soil!
Negative Effects of
Volcano Thoughts…
Do you agree or disagree?

Write A or D.
• Some deep, underground rocks are so
hot that a drop in pressure can cause
them to form magma. --- A
• Deep in Earth's interior, most of Earth's
mantle is molten, liquid magma.---A
• Magma is forced quickly toward Earth's
surface because it is more dense than
the rock around it. ----D
• Most volcanic eruptions occur near
plate boundaries or locations called
hot spots. A
• Magma that is deep underground can
contain water vapor and other gases.
• Water vapor in magma usually
produces volcanoes that erupt quietly
with lava that flows smoothly. D
• Some volcanoes can form without lava flows. ----A
• Most of the magma that forms underground never
reaches Earth's surface to form volcanoes. ---A
• When a volcano stops erupting, the magma inside
the vent sinks deep into the Earth, forming a
bottomless pit. ----A

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