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I am Farah Ahmed
I am here to present the topic I was
assigned to which is -

Philosophy & It’s
Brief history.
What is Philosophy?
Philosophy is a combination of two Greek
• philein = to love
• sophia = wisdom
meaning lover of wisdom.

In ancient times a lover of wisdom could be related to

any area where intelligence was expressed.

In today's world there is a popular use of the
word philosophy. Philosophy is a term applied
to almost any area of life. Some questions may
express this general attitude: what is your
philosophy of business? banking? driving a
car? or your philosophy of the use of money?
If this popular misuse of the word were to
prevail, one may admit that anyone who
thinks seriously about any subject is a
Divisions of Philosophy.

Metaphysics Epistemology

Logic Axiology

The branch of philosophy that considers the physical universe and the
nature of ultimate reality.

It asks questions like,

• What is real?
• What is the origin of the world?
• What is beyond the stars?


The branch of philosophy that considers how people come to learn what they

Derived from the Greek word episteme, meaning knowledge or understanding,

epistemology refers to the nature and origin of knowledge and truth.

Epistemology proposes that there are four main bases of knowledge:

• Divine revelation
• Experience
• logic and reason
• Intuition

The branch of philosophy that seeks to organize reasoning. It teaches us

how to think in a structurally sound manner.
Logic has two types:

• Deductive reasoning involves examining a general case, deducing a

general set of rules or principles, and then applying these rules to
specific cases.
• Inductive reasoning involves taking specific examples and considering
the general principles, rules, or cases that caused them.


The branch of philosophy that considers the study of principles and values.

These values are divided into two main kinds:

• Ethics is the questioning of morals and personal values.
• Aesthetics is the examination of what is beautiful, enjoyable, or tasteful.

In axiology, education is more than just about knowledge but also quality of

Historical Approach.
According to this approach philosophy is really the
study of historical figures who are considered
philosophers. One may encounter the names of
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, Thales, Philo,
Plotinus, Aquinas, Kant, Erigena, Hume, Marx, Hegel,
Russell, Wittgenstein and many more. All are
considered philosophers.

What holds them
One answer lies in their common set of problems and concerns.
Many were interested in the problems of the universe, its origin, what
it is in its nature, the issue of man's existence, good and evil, politics,
and other topics.

Greatest influence in the histories.
In ancient Greece, Thales of Miletus (~624–548
BC) is often cited as the first philosopher. Thales
asked questions like “what are all things made of
deep down?” (He thought it’s water), and he was
also interested in astronomy. Thales might have
been one of the first philosophers we know of, but
his ideas are not very influential today.

The crown for the most influential Western philosophers surely
goes to three men that were teachers and students of each other:
Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

Socrates (470–399 BC)

He was famous for his questioning

method and became known for
his relentless pursuit of the truth,
which, in the end, cost him his

He taught that people should care less about their bodies and possessions
and more about their souls,
saying, “wealth does not bring goodness, but goodness brings wealth.”

In 399 B.C.E., Socrates was executed by the Athenian court on charges of

impiety and corrupting the youth. The death of Socrates in 399 BCE, as
reported by Plato in the Phaedo, is usually attributed to poisoning with
common hemlock. His progressive centripetal paralysis is characteristic of
that poison.

Plato (428-348 BC)
He was Socrates’ student.
He wrote so many works on so
many different, fundamental
questions in philosophy, that there
is a saying that the history of
Western philosophy is just
“footnotes to Plato.”

His most famous work is The Republic in which he outlines his
vision of an "ideal" state.

He is best known for his theories of Forms, known as Platonism. In

this philosophy, Plato rejected the materialism common to ancient
philosophy in favor of metaphysics. He believed in the existence of
an immaterial world of perfect objects and Forms (ideas).

Aristotle (384–322 BC)

Plato’s student Aristotle worked on

both philosophy and the natural
sciences of his time. He wrote on
physics, biology, logic, and many
other topics.


“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at

“Hope is a waking dream.”
“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”
“Happiness depends upon ourselves.”

He died a little north of the city, Athens in 322 of a digestive complaint. He asked
to be buried next to his wife, who had died some years before.



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