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ሰሙነ ሕማማት | Semune Himamat

Passion Week
ዘማቴዎስ ze-Matiewos
ሃሌ ሉያ ሃሌ ሉያ ሃሌ ሉያ ኀቤከ ስምዕዎኬ
halie luya halie luya halie luya habieke simi’iwokie leĪgzī’ine kwilikimu
ለእግዚእነ ኲልክሙ አብያተ ክርስቲያናት abyate Krisīyanat keme ze-akberomu le-orīt wele-nebīyat be-wengiele
ከመ ዘአክበሮሙ ለኦሪት ወለነቢያት በወንጌለ mengist inze yibil Kristos welde Dawīt amien amien iblekimu iske
መንግሥት እንዘ ይብል ክርስቶስ ወልደ ዳዊት ame yehalif semay we-midri yewTa inte ahatī hirmeta we-ahatī
አሜን አሜን እብለክሙ እስከ አመ የኀልፍ ሰማይ ወምድር የውጣ እንተ qir’tseta ītehalif im-orīt weim-nebīyat iske sobe kwilu yitgeber we-
አሐቲ ኅርመታ ወአሐቲ ቅርጸታ ኢተኀልፍ እምኦሪት ወእምነቢያት እስከ ሶበ yikewin yibie Igzī’i zebe-irbraysTī lisan be-wengiel Matiewos birhan
ኲሉ ይትገበር ወይከውን ይቤ እግዚእ ዘበዕብራይስጢ ልሳን በወንጌለ ze’im-birhan
ማቴዎስ ብርሃን ዘእምብርሃን።

ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ኦ ኣብያተ

ክርስትያናት ኩሉኹም፡እስከ ነቲ ንኦሪትን
of Matthew
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, listen to Him all you churches, He that
ነብያትን ዘኽበረ ጐይታና ስምዕዎ። ኣብቲ
honor the book of law and the prophets through the gospel of the Kingdom.
ወንጌል ናይ መንግስቱ፡ ወዲ ዳዊት ክርስቶስ
Christ son of David says “Truly, truly, I say to you, until the heavens and the
ብቛንቋ እብራይስጢ ከምዚ ይብል “ሰማይን
earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle shall pass from the books of the law
ምድርን ክሳዕ ዝሓልፍ፡ኩሉ ሕጊ’ውን ክሳብ
and prophets until all is fulfilled” He said this in the Hebrew language, in the
ዝፍጸም፡ካብ ሕጊ የውጣ ወይ ሓንቲ ሕንጻጽ ከም ዘይትሓልፍ፡ብሓቂ እብለኩም
gospel of Matthew, the light of lights.
ኣለኹ።””ኣብ ብርሃን ናይ ብርሃናት ወንጌለ ማቴዎስ ምዕራፍ 5 ቁጽሪ 18፡
ዘማርቆስ ze-Mariqos
ሃሌ ሉያ ሃሌ ሉያ ሃሌ ሉያ ኀቤከ ስምዕዎኬ ለእግዚእነ ኲልክሙ አብያተ halie luya halie luya halie luya habieke simi’iwokie leIgzī’ine
ክርስቲያናት ከመ ዘአክበሮሙ ለኦሪት ወለነቢያት በወንጌለ መንግሥት kwilikimu abyate kristīyanat keme ze-akberomu le-orīt wele-
እንዘ ይብል ክርስቶስ ወልደ ዳዊት ኢይምስልክሙ ዘመጻእኩ እሰዓሮሙ nebīyat be-wengiele mengist inze yibil Kristos welde Dawīt
īyimsilkimu ze-metsa’iku iseAromu le-orīt wele-nebīyat we-ī keme
ለኦሪት ወለነቢያት ወኢከመ እንስቶሙ አላ ዳዕሙ ዘእንበለ ከመ
anistomu ala da’imu ze-inbele keme ifetsimomu yibie Igzī’i be-
እፈጽሞሙ ይቤ እግዚእ በወንጌለ ሰላሙ አማኑኤል ስሙ ማርያም
wengiele selamu Amanuiel simu Mariyam imu;

ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ኦ ኣብያተ

of Mark
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, listen to Him all
ክርስትያናት ኩሉኹም፡እስከ ነቲ ንኦሪትን
you churches, He Who honored the book of the law
ነብያትን ዘኽበረ ጐይታና ስምዕዎ። ኣብቲ
and the prophets, through the gospel of the
ናይ መንግስቱን ሰላሙን ዝኾነ ወንጌል፡
Kingdom, Christ the son of David says, “Do not think
ኣማኑኤል ዝስሙ ማርያም ዝኣዲኡ
that I came to break the book of laws and prophets
ጐይታና ወዲ ዳዊት ክርስቶስ ከምዚ
but rather to fulfill them.” Our Lord said this in the
ይብል “ንሕጊ ኦሪትን ነብያትን
gospel of peace, Amanuel is His name and His
ክፍጽሞም ደኣ’ምበር፡ ክስዕሮምዝመጻእኩ ኣይምሰልኩም”
mother is Mary
ዘሉቃስ ze-Luqas
halie luya yibie Igzī’ine Īyesus Kristos inze
ሃሌ ሉያ ይቤ እግዚእነ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ እንዘ
ይሜህረነ በወንጌለ ሉቃስ ወባሕቱ ይቀልል ሰማይ
yimiehirene be-wengiel luqas we-bahtu
ወምድር ይኅልፍ እምትደቅ አሐቲ ቃል እምኦሪት yiqelil semay we-midir yihalif im-tideq ahatī
ወእምነቢያት። qal im-orit we’im-nebīyat

ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ጐይታና ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ኣብ Of Luke

ወንጌለ ሉቃስ ክምህረና ከሎ ከምዚ ይብል Hallelujah, as our God Jesus Christ taught us in the
“ሓንቲ ቃል ካብ ኦሪትን ነብያትን ካብ Gospel of Luke saying “It is easier for the heavens
ትወድቕ ፡ሰማይን ምድርን ክሓልፉ and the Earth to pass away than for one word from
the law or the prophets”
ዘዮሐንስ sibhat leAb weWeld weMenfes Qidus be-
ስብሐት ለአብ ወወልድ ወመንፈስ ቅዱስ በወንጌል
wengiel leze-meharene be-orīt webe-nebīyat
ለዘመሀረነ በኦሪት ወበነቢያት ለዘናዘዘነ በከመ
leze-nazezene be-keme meharene Igzī’ine
መሀረነ እግዚእነ ስብሐት ለእግዚአብሔር ከመ
sibhat leIgzīabhier keme namliko leze-
ናምልኮ ለዘፈጠረነ።
ሃሌ ሉያ፡ ምስጋና ንአብን ወልድን
መንፈስ ቅዱስን። ምስጋና ነቲ of John
ብኦሪት ዝመሀረና ብነብያት Glory to the Father and Son and Holy Spirit that taught
ዘጸናንዓና ጐይታና። ምስጋና us through the gospel and comforted us through books
ንኸነምልኾ ዝፈጠረና of the law and the prophets. He taught us our Lord, Glory
እግዚአብሔር። to God whom we worship for creating us.
ለከ ኃይል ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ leke hayli kibri we-sib’hat we-
እስከ ለዓለመ ለዓለም izez iske le-Aleme le-Alem

ንዓኻ ሓይልን ክብርን ምስጋናን Thine is the Power, Glory, the

ስልጣንን ክሳብ ዘለአለም። Blessing and the Honor, Forever

Amanuiel Amlakīye leke hayli

አማኑኤል አምላኪየ ለከ ኃይል ክብር
kibri we-sibhat we-izez iske le-
ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለመ Aleme le-Alem
Emmanuel our God, thine is the
ኣማኑኤል ኣምላኸይ፡ ንዓኻ ሓይልን Power, the Glory, the Blessing,
ክብርን ምስጋናን ስልጣንን ክሳብ and the Honor, forever
ኦ እግዚእየ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ O Igzī’iye īyesus Kristos
ለከ ኃይል ክብር ወስብሐት ወእዘዝ እስከ leke hayli kibri we-sibhat we-izez
ለዓለመ ለዓለም iske le-Aleme le-Alem

ኦ ጐይታ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፡ ንዓኻ Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thine is the
ሓይልን ክብርን ምስጋናን ስልጣንን ክሳብ Power, the Glory, the Blessing, and
ዘለአለም። the Honor, forever

ኃይልየ ወጸወንየ ውእቱ እግዚእየ እስመ hayliye we-tseweniye wi’itu Igzī’iye

ኮንከኒ ረዳእየ እብል በአኰቴት isme konkenī reda’iye ibil be-akotiet

ሓይለይን፡ ጸግዐይን ጐይታይ ኢዩ። ረዳእየይ You are my God and fortress for You
ኮይንካኒ ኢኻ’ሞ፡ ብምስጋና ከምዚ እብል። became my Helper, I say with
አቡነ፣ ዘበሰማያት ይትቀደስ Abune zebe-semayat yit’qedes
simike tim’tsa mengistike we-
ስምከ፣ ትምጻእ መንግስትከ፣
yikun feqadike, be-keme be-
ወይኩን ፈቃድከ፣ በከመ በሰማይ
semay kemahu be-midr
ከማሁ በምድር፣ ሲሳየነ፣ ዘለለ sīsayene ze-lele iletine habene
ዕለትነ ሀበነ ዮም፣ yom

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy

kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven:
give us this day our daily bread
ኅድግ ለነ፣ አበሳነ ወጌጋየነ፣ ከመ ንሕነኒ hidig lene abesane we-giegayene,
ንኅድግ፣ ለዘአበሰለነ፣ ኢታብአነ እግዚኦ keme nihnenī nih’dig leze-abeselene
ውስተ መንሱት፣ አላ አድኅነነ፣ ወባልሐነ፣ ītabi’ane Igzīo wiste mensut, ala
እምኵሉ እኩይ፣ እስመ ዚአከ፣ ይእቲ ad’hinene, we-balihane im-kwilu ikuy,
መንግሥት፣ ኃይል ወስብሐት፣ ለዓለመ isme zīake yi’itī mengist; hayli we-
ዓለም። sib’hat; le-Alem Alem

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive them that

trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but
deliver us and rescue us from all evil for thine is the
kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.
leAmlak yidelu kibri we-sibhat we-izez iske le-Alem le-
ለአምላክ ይደሉ ክብር ወስብሐት Alem
ወእዘዝ እስከ ለዓለመ ለዓለም It is due unto the one and true God to give praise and
worship to You forever and ever

leSilus yidelu kibri we-sibhat we-izez iske le-Alem le-

ለሥሉስ ይደሉ Alem
It is due unto the Trinity to give praise and worship to
You forever and ever
ለማሕየዊ ይደሉ
le-mahiyewī yidelu….
It is due unto the Life Giver…
ለእዘዙ ይደሉ le-izezu yidelu…..
It is due unto His Commandments

ለመንግስቱ ይደሉ le-mengistu yidelu…..

It is due unto His Kingdom…
le-silTanu yidelu…..
ለሥልጣኑ ይደሉ It is due unto His Authority…
le-mikwinanu yidelu kibri we-sibhat we-izez
ለምኵናኑ ይደሉ iske le-Alem le-Alem
It is due unto Your suffering to give praise and
worship to You forever and ever

ለኢየሱስ ይደሉ leīyesus yidelu...

It is due unto Jesus…

leKristos yidelu
ለክርስቶስ ይደሉ It is due unto Christ…

le-himamu yidelu
ለሕማሙ ይደሉ It is due unto His passion…
ሮቡዕ | Wednesday
ሰዓት ሓደ, 7AM
ዘጸአት 13፥17-22 / Exodus 13:17-22
ኢሳይያስ 2:1-11 Isaiah 2:1-11
ምሳሌ 3:5-15 Proverbs 3:5-15
ሆሴዕ 5:13-ፍጻሜ 6:3 Hosea 5:13-End, 6:3
ሰዓት ሰለስተ, 9AM
ዘጸአት 13:17-22 Exodus 13:17-22
ጥበብ ሲራክ 22:6-18 Sirach 22:6-18

ሰዓት ሽዱሽተ, 12PM

ዘጸአት 14፡13-ፍጻሜ 15:1 Exodus 14-End, 15:1
ጥበብ ሲራክ 23:7-14 Sirach 23:7-14
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 3PM
ዘፍጥረት 24:1-9 Genesis 24:1-9
ዘሁልቊ 20:1-13 Numbers 20:1-13
ምሳሌ 1:10-34 Proverbs 1:10-34

ሰዓት ዓስርተ ሓደ, 5PM

ኢሳይያስ 58:1-ፍጻሜ 59:8 Isaiah 58-End, 59:8
መዝሙር 6:2-3 Psalm 6:2-3
መቅድመ ተአምረ ማርያም meq’dim te’amire Mariyam
ምንተኑ አዐሥየኪ ዕሴተ በእንተ ኩሉ mintinu a’asiyekī isiete be-inte
ዘገበርኪ ሊተ ማርያም ሠናይት kulu ze-geberkī līte Mariyam
ዘታፈቅሪ ምሕረተ ሶበሰ ትትዓቀቢ senayt ze-tafeqirī mihrete
ዘዚአየ ኃጢአተ እምኢሐዮኩ አሐተ sobese titAqebī ze-zī’aye haTīate
ሰዓተ። im-īhayoku ahate seAte
ኦ ምሕረት እትፈትዊ ማርያም ውቅብቲ፡ What shall I render you for all
ንስኺ ሓጢኣተይ እንተትሕዝለይ ሓንቲ things you have done for me?
ሰዓት’ውን ተኾነት ክጸንሕ Mary the good lover of Mercy,
ኣይምኸኣልኩን’ሞ፡ ስለዚ ኩሉ If you did not keep my sins, I
ትገብርለይ’ሲ እንታይ ዋጋ ኢየ
would not be around for one
ድሕረ ንበተ ተአምረ ማርያም dihre nibete te’amire Mariyam
ናዛዚትነ እምኃዘን። ወኃይለ ውርዝትነ nazazītine im-hazen; we-hayle wirzitine
እምርስአን። በማኅፀንኪ ተፀውረ ብሉየ im-risan; be-mah’tsenikī tetsewire biluye
መዋዕል ሕፃን። ኦ ማርያም ተስፋ ለቅቡፃን። mewa’il hitsan; O Mariyam tesfa le-
በጊዜ ጸሎት ወዕጣነ ወበጊዜ ቅዱስ ቁርባን። qibutsan; be-gīzie tselot we-iTan webe-
ለናዝዞትነ ንዒ ኅበዝ መካን። gīzie qidus qurban; le-nazizotine ni’ī habe
zi mekan
After Reading the Miracles of Mary
ናዛዚትና ካብ ሓዘን፡ ሓይሊ ጎብዝናና ካብ You are our counselor in times
ርስዓን፡ ኣብ ማኅፀንኪ ተፀውረ ዘለዓለማዊ
of mourning, our strength when
ሕጻን፡ ኦ ማርያም ተስፋ ናይ ቅቡጻን፡ ብጊዜ
we are weak [and weary], for
ጸሎት ወዕጣን ኣብ ጊዜ ንጹሕ ቁርባንን
you were able to bare the alpha
ከተጸናንዕና ንዒ ናባዛ ዘሎናያ መካን (ቦታ)።
and Omega in your womb.
ድሕረ ንበተ ተአምረ ማርያም dihre nibete te’amire Mariyam
ወላዲተ አምላክ ማርያም እንበለ ሰብሳብ weladīte Amlak Mariyam inbele sebsab
ወሩካቤ። በይነ ዘአቅረብኩ ለኪ ንስቲተ ቃለ we-rukabie; beyne ze-aqrebku lekī
ይባቤ። ፈትቲ እሙ በረከተ አፉኪ መዓዛ nistīte qale yibabie; fetitī imu berekete
ከርቤ። ለነዳይ ብእሲ ወለዘረከቦ ምንዳቤ። afukī meAze kerbie; le-neday bi’isī
ኅብስተከ ፈትት ኢሳይያስ ይቤ።፡ weleze-rekebo mindabie; hibisteke fetit
īsayiyas yibie
ብዘይ መርዓን ተራኽቦትን ኣደ ኣምላኽ After Reading the Miracles of Mary
ዝኾንኪ ማርያም፡ ስለዛ ዘቕርበልኪ O Mary, who became the Mother
ንእሽተይ ቃል ምስጋና፡
of God without a man’s seed or
ከምቲ ንነዳይን ዝተሽገረን ሰብ intercourse, accept my few
፥ኢሳይያስ ሕብስትኻ ቁረስ ዝበሎ፡ ኦ ኣደ offerings of praise [that flow from
ኣምላኽ ንዓይ’ውን እቲ ምኡዝ ዕጣን ናይ
ኣፍኪ በረኸት ቁረስለይ። my heart with a good theme
Ps.45:1, Anaphora of St.Mary].
ድሕረ ንበተ ተአምረ ማርያም ድሕረ ንበተ ተአምረ ማርያም
ስብሐት ለኪ ማርያም በኁልቆ ኩሉ ኩሉ sib’hat lekī Mariyam be-hulqo kulu
ሥዕርትየ፡ ስብሐት ለኪ ማርያም በኁልቆ ኩሉ kulu si’irtiye; sib’hat lekī Mariyam be-
አዕጽምትየ። ስብሐት ለኪ ማርያም በኁልቆ hulqo kulu a’itsimtiye; sibhat lekī
ኩሉ ዘተርእየ። ስብሐት ለኪ ንግስትየ በኁልቆ Mariyam be-hulqo kulu ze-teriye;
ኩሉ ዘኢያስተርአየ። ስብሐተ ድንግልናኪ sib’hat lekī nigistiye be-hulqo kulu ze-
ዘልፈ ይነግር ኣፋየ። īyasteraye; sib’hate dingilinakī zelfe
yinegir afuye;
ኦ ማርያም ከም ብዝሒ ቁጽሪ ጸጉሪ ርእሰይ After Reading the Miracles of Mary
የመስግነኪ። ኦ ማርያም ከም ብዝሒ ቁጽሪ Glory to you O Mary with all numbers of
ኣዕጽምተይ የመስግነኪ። ኦ ማርያም ብኹሉ my hair; Glory to you O Mary with all
ዝቁጸር ዝተሪእየ የመስግነኪ። ኦ ንግስቲ numbers of my bones; Glory to you O
ብኹሉ። ዝቁጸር ዘይተራእየ የመስግነኪ። Mary with all counting seen things, Glory
ንድንግልናኺ ኩሉ ግዜ ኣፈይ ምስጋናኺ to you o Queen with all counting hidden
ይዛረብ።። things; Glory to your Virginity that my
mouth speaks everyday
መቅድመ ተአምር ኢየሱስ
መቅድመ ተአምር ኢየሱስ Īyesus Kristos; Ti’ume sim leze-
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ፡ ጥዑመ ስም ለዘይጼውዖ yitsiewi’o Īyesus Kristos hibiste
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ኅብስተ ሕይወት hywet leze-yiblio Īyesus Kristos
ለዘይበልዖ፡ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጽዋዕ tsiwa Medhanīt leze-yitsemo; keme
መድኃኒት ለዘይጸምኦ፡ ከመ ይባርኩነ ይፈኑ yibarikune yifenu arda’o; le-tseba’īne
አርዳኦ፡ ለጸባኢነ ይጽብኦ ወልታሁ ነሢኦ። yitsibi’o weltahu nesī’o
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጥዑም ስምዩ Before the Miracles of Jesus
ንዝጽውዖ፣ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ሕብስተ Jesus Christ; A pleasing name to call.
ሕይወት’ዩ ንዝበልዖ፣ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ Jesus Christ Who is the bread of life to
መስተ መድኃኒት’ዩ ንዝጸምኦ፣ those Who partake of His flesh. Jesus
ንኽባርኹና ይፈንወልና Christ the drink of salvation for those in
thirst. He sends His disciples to bless
ኣርዳኦ(ሓዋርያቱ)፣ ዋልታኡ ኣልዒሉ
us; Raises His shield to fight our
ንዝጻብኣና ይጻብኦ። enemy
meq’dim te’amir Īyesus
መቅድመ ተአምር ኢየሱስ Īyesus Kristos ze-atsiltīhu
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ዘአጽእልቲሁ ምስሌሁ፡ misliehu; mesqele motu
መስቀለ ሞቱ ቅድሜሁ፡ ዐዘቅተ ወይን qidmiehu; azeq’te weyn gebohu;
ገቦሁ፡ ቊርባነ አምልኮ ሥጋሁ፡ ያብአነ qurbane Amlako sigahu; yabi’ane
ቤተ መርዓሁ ውስተ ደብተራሁ፡ አመ biete merAhu wiste debterahu
ይትጋብኡ ለምሳሕ ሥርግዋን ሐራሁ። ame yit’gabi’u le-misah sirgiwan
ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ስምብራቱ ኩሉ JesusBefore the Miracles of Jesus
Christ with His piercings on Him;
ምስኡ፣ መስቀል ሞቱ ቅድሚኡ፣ ዒላ the death of the cross before Him, the
ወይኒ ኢዩ ገቦኡ፣ ቊርባን ኣምልኾ well of grapes is His side; the
ሥጋኡ፣ የእትወና ናብ ኣዳራሽ communion of worship is His Flesh;
መርዓኡ፣ ስሉማት ኣገልገልቱ May He bring us to the hall of His
ንምሳሕ ምስ ተጋብኡ። wedding, when His anointed servants
have gathered for supper
መቅድመ ተአምር ኢየሱስ meq’dim te’amir Īyesus
ለጥብሐ ሥጋከ ንሴስዮ፡ ወለነቅዐ ደምከ le-Tib’ha sigake nisiesiyo; wele-neqa
ንረውዮ፡ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በግዕ demike nirewiyo Īyesus Kristos begi
ዘቀራንዮ፡ ለላህይከ ንትሜነይ ከመ ze-qeraniyo le-lahyike nitmieniy
ንርአዮ፡ ውስተ ስያሐ ሱራፈ ለስእለትነ keme nirayo wiste siyah surafī le-
ደዮ፡ ወበሕማመ ሞትከ አምላካዊ si’iletine deyo; webe-himame motike
ለቍስልነ አጥዕዮ። Amlakawī le-qusline aTiyo
Before the Miracles of Jesus
ንጥብሓት ሥጋኻ ንሰስዮ፣ ንዝውሕዝ We are nourished by the wounds of Your
ደምካ ንሰትዮ፣ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በጊዕ flesh and we are quenched by the pouring of
ናይ ቀራንዮ፣ ንውቃብ ገስካ ንምነ Your blood. Jesus Christ the lamb of Calvary.
ንኽንርእዮ፣ ንልማኖና ናብ ምስጋና We long to see Your (grace) beauty. Place
our supplications to be mixed with praise of
ሱራፈ ወደዮ፣ ብሕማም ሞትካ the Seraph. And with the divine sufferings of
ኣምላኻዊ ንቊስልና ኣጥዕዮ። Your death, heal our wounds.
meqdim te’amir Īyesus
መቅድመ ተአምር ኢየሱስ le-Tib’ha sigake nitsegibo wele-
ለጥብሐ ሥጋከ ንጸግቦ፡ ወለነቅዐ ደምከ neqa demike niserbo Īyesus
ንሰርቦ፡ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ በግዕ ርጉዝ ገቦ፡ Kristos begi riguz gebo; ayhudawī
አይሁዳዊ ከሐዲ አሚነ ሥላሴ ዘአልቦ፡ kehadī amīne Silasie ze-albo;
ኢተወልደ እማርያም ዘይቤለከ እመቦ፡ ītewelde iMaryam ze-yibeleke
እህጉራተ ዓለም ለይዑድ ከመ ከልብ imebo; ih’gurate Alem le-yi’ud
ርኂቦ። keme kelbi rihībo;
Before the Miracles of Jesus
ንጥብሓት ሥጋኻ ንሰግቦ፣ ንምንጪ With the cutting of Your Flesh we are
ደምካ ንሠርቦ (ንሰትዮ)፣ ኢየሱስ content, the source of Your blood we
ክርስቶስ በጊዕ ርጉዝ ገቦ፣ ኣይሁዳዊ drink, Jesus Christ the lamb pierced in His
ከሓዲ እምነተ-ሥላሴ ዘኣልቦ፣ ካብ side. Jewish who lack the faith of the
ማርያም ኣይተወልደን ዝብለካ እንተሎ Trinity; that say You are not born from
ኣህጉራት Mary; Let Him go around countries of the
world as a hungered dog.
ድኅረ ተአምር ኢየሱስ dihrī te’amir Īyesus
አመ ትመጽእ ለኮንኖ ምስለ ደመ ገቦ ame timetsi le-konino misle deme
ወአእጋር፣ አማኅጸንኩ ነፍስየ ውስተ gebo we-a’igar; amah’tsenku nefsiye
እዴከ ክቡር ኢየሱስ፣ ክርስቶስ እግዚአwiste idieke kibur Īyesus Kristos Igzīo
ሰማያት ወምድር። ይትዋቀሡ፣ semayat we-midr; yitwaqesu be-
በእንቲአየ ተኰርዖትከ በበትር intī’aye tekorotike be-betri we-
ወተሰይጦትከ ከመ ገብር ለኅዳጥ teseyTot’ke keme gebri le-hidaT birur;
ብሩር። After the Miracles of Jesus
When you come down for judgement
ንፍርዲ ክትመጽእ ከሎኻ ምስ ደም ገቦ with the blood on your sides and feet.
ወኣእጋር፣ ነፍሰይ ኣማሕጺነ ኣሎኹ ናብ I have placed my soul in your glorified
ኢድካ ክቡር፣ ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጐይታ hands. Jesus Christ Lord of the
ሰማያት ወምድር፣ ምእንታይ ይባኣሱ Heavens and Earth; For my sake they
ምቕጥቃጥካ ብበትር፣ ምሻጥካውን ከም fought to scourge you with a whip;
ባርያ ንቊሩብ ብሩር። and Your being sold as a slave for a
few coins of silver.
dihrī te’amir Īyesus
ድኅረ ተአምር ኢየሱስ
sib’hat leke Īyesus; be-afe kulu
ስብሐት ለከ ኢየሱስ፣ በአፈ ኩሉ ውዱስ፣ widus; sib’hat leke Īyesus;
ስብሐት ለከ ኢየሱስ፣ ቀዳሴ ስጋ ወነፍስ፣ qidasie siga we-nefs; sib’hat leke
ስብሐት ለከ ኢየሱስ፣ ለዕሩቃነ ልብስ፣ Īyesus; le-iruqane libs; sib’hat
ስብሐት ለከ ኢየሱስ፣ ዘኢትስዓር ንጉስ፣ leke Īyesus ze-ītisAr nigus;
ስብሐት ለከ ኢየሱስ ቃለ አብ ቅዱስ። sib’hat leke Īyesus qale Ab qidus
After Miracles of Jesus
Glory be to you Jesus praised by all
ምስጋና ንዓኻ ኢየሱስ ብኣፍ ኩሉ ውዱስ፡ mouths; glory be to You Jesus;
ምስጋና ንዓኻ ኢየሱስ ንዕሩቓን ልብስ፡ sanctifier of the flesh and soul; Glory
ምስጋና ንዓኻ ኢየሱስ ዘይትሠዓር ንጉሥ፡ be to You Jesus cloth of the naked.
ምስጋና ንዓኻ ኢየሱስ ንዘለዓለም ንጉሥ፡ Glory be to you Jesus undefeated
ምስጋና ንዓኻ ኢየሱስ ቃል ኣብ ቅዱስ። king; Glory be to you Jesus Word of
the Holy Father.
ዲያቆን፡ ቁሙ ወኣጽምዑ ከመ Diyaqon፡ qumu we-atsmi’u
ንኩን ድልዋነ ለሰሚዓ ወንጌል keme nikun diliwane le-semīA
ቅዱስ፡ ኦ እግዚእነ ወኣምላክነ፡ wengiel qidus; O Igzī’ine
መሓረነ ወተሣሃለነ ወረስየነ weAmlakine meharene we-
ድልዋነ ለሰሚዓ ወንጌል ቅዱስ። tesahalene we-resiyene diliwane
le-semīA wengiel qidus
Deacon: Stand and listen that
ቅዱስ ወንጌል ንምስማዕ ድሉዋት we may be ready to hear the
ምእንቲ ክንከውን፡ ቆይምኩም Holy Gospel, Oh God our Lord,
ኣዳምጹ። ኦ ጐይታናን ኣምላኽናን፡ have mercy on us, pity us and
መሓረናን ራህርሃልናን፡ ቅዱስ ወንጌል
make us meet to hearken the
ንክንሰምዕ’ውን ዱሉዋት ግበረና።
Holy Gospel
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 7AM
መዝሙር 83፥5 / Psalm 83:5
እስመ ተማከሩ ኅቡረ ወዐረዩ።
ላዕሌከ ተሰካተዩ ወተካየዱ።
ተዓይኒሆሙ ለኤዶምያስ ወለእስማኤላውያን።
isme temakeru hibure we-areyu
la’ilieke tesekateyu we-tekayedu
teAynīhomu le-iedomyas wele-isma’ielawyan
For they plotted together in unity;
They established a covenant against You:
The tents of the Edomites and the Ishmaelites
ሰዓት ሰለስተ, 9AM
መዝሙር 41፥6 / Psalm 41:6
ይባእ ወይርአይ ዘከንቶ ይነብብ ፥
ልቡ አስተጋብአ ኃጢአተ ላዕሌሁ ፡
ይወጽእ አፍአ ወይትናገር ወየኅብር ላዕሌየ ።
yiba’i we-yiray ze-kento yinebib;
libu astegab’a haTīate la’iliehu;
yiwetsi’i afe we-yit’nager we-yehabir la’ilieye
And if he comes to see us, he speaks in vain;
His heart gathered lawlessness to itself;
He went forth and spoke the same.
ሰዓት ሽዱሽተ,12 PM
መዝሙር 41፥5 Psalm 41:5
ጸላዕትየስ እኩየ ይቤሉ ላዕሌየ፣
ማዕዜ ይመውት ወይሠዐር ስሙ፡
ይባዕ ወይርአይ ዘከንቶ ይነብብ።
tsela’itiyes ikuye yibielu la’ilieye;
ma’ize yimewit we-yise’ar simu;
yiba’i we-yiragy ze-kento yinebib
All my enemies whisper together against me;
My enemies speak evil things against me,
“When will he die, and his name perish?”
And if he comes to see us, he speaks in vain;
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 3PM
መዝሙር 83፥2/ Psalms 83:2
እስመ ናሁ ወዉዑ ፀርከ፣
ወአንሥኡ ርእሶሙ ፀላዕትከ፡
ወተጓኅለውዎሙ ምክረ ለሕዝብከ ።

isme nahu we-wu’u tser’ke;

we-ansi’u ri’isomu tsela’itike;
we-tegwah’lewomu mikre le-hizbike
For behold, Your enemies made a noise,
And those who hate You raised up their heads.
They devised a wicked judgment against Your people
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 5PM
መዝሙር 6፥3-4 | Psalms 6:3-4
ወፈውሰኒ እስመ ተሀውካ አዕፅምትየ፣
ነፍስየኒ ተሀውከት ፈድፋደ፡
ወአንተኒ እግዚኦ እስከ ማዕዜኑ።
we-fewisenī isme tehawika a’itsimtiye;
nefsiyenī tehawiket fedfade;
we-antenī Igzīo iske ma’izienu
Heal me, O Lord for my bones are troubled.
And my soul also is greatly troubled;
But You, O Lord, how long?
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 7AM
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times

ሰዓት ሰለስተ, 9AM

ሉቃስ 22፥1-6 | Luke 22:1-6
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times
ሰዓት ሽዱሽተ,12 PM
ሉቃስ 7፥36-50 Luke 7:36-50
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 3PM
ማርቆስ 14፥1-11 | Mark 14:1-11
ካህን፡ ወንጌል ቅዱስ ዘዜነዉ ማቴዎስ Kahin: wengiel qidus ze-zienewu
ወማርቆስ ሉቃስ ወዮሓንስ ቃለ ወልደ Matiewos we-Mariqos, Luqas we-
እግዚኣብሔር፡ Yohanis qale weld Igzīabhier
ቃል ወዲ እግዚኣብሔር ቅዱስ ወንጌል Priest: The holy gospel of the
እዚ እዩ። evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and
John, the word of the Son of God
ሕዝብ፡ ስብሓት ለከ ክርስቶስ እግዚእየHizb: sibhat leke Kristos Igzī’iye
ወኣምላኪየ ኵሎ ጊዜ፡ weAmlakīye kwilo gīzie
ኦ ጐይታይን ኣምላኸይን ክርስቶስ
People: glory to You Christ our God
ንኣኻ ኵሉ ጊዜ ምስጋና ይዅን።
and Lord, at all times
ሰዓት ትሽዓተ, 5PM
ዮሐንስ 12:27-36 | John 12:27-36
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
Igzīo tesahalene
Lord have mercy on us
Be-inte tsina zatī mekan | For the Sake of the Church

For the sake of the faithful at this Church for

ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ the sake of all in the name of Churches that
ከምዚ ይብሉ were named after the holy fathers, for the sake
of the desert the elders that dwell therein, for
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ the for the safety of the world altogether
May God protect them and keep them from
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ every evil and pray that He also forgives us all
our sins.
በለልና) Hizb: Igzio tesahalene
(while prostrating)
People: Lord have mercy on us
For the sake of those in this here place
from/with sickness in the flesh and soul
those of our fathers and brothers who
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ are sick. For the sake of those in this
ይብሉ place or in any place that God may
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ grant us with them, to do good for
them with life and health to protect us
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና)
and pray that He also forgives us our
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those who are traveling, or
those who intend to travel anywhere all of
our fathers and our brethren , that God may
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ straighten all their ways, whether by sea,
ይብሉ rivers, lakes, roads, (air) or those who are
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ traveling by any other means, that God may
lead them in happiness and joy in the true
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) path to return them to their homes in peace,
and pray that He forgive us our sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)

People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those the air of the
heaven, the fruits of the earth, the
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ trees, the vines, and for every fruit-
bearing tree in all the world, that
Christ our God may bless them,
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
bring them to perfection in peace
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) without harm, and forgive us our
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of the Lover of God,
the leader of our country and those
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ in power, her workers, her
ይብሉ sovereigns, her hosts, May God keep
them in peace so that think that
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
which is good at all times for the
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) Church and also pray that He
forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those true in faith who have
rested, our father, mothers, brothers, and
sisters and the holy forefathers the Bishops,
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ our fathers the Archbishops, our fathers the
ይብሉ Orthodox bishops, our father priests, our
brother deacons, our laymen fathers from
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
the gathering of Christians, all that have
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) rested. May God grant rest their souls and
have mercy on them and also pray that He
forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of the people who
are those new to the faith, May
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ God bless them until their last
ይብሉ breath and keep them in the
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ true faith and also pray that He
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy
upon us
For the peace of the one, only,
holy, universal, and apostolic
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ Orthodox Church, for God´s
ይብሉ salvation among the people, for
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ stability in all places, and also pray
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) that He forgives us our sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)

People: O Lord have mercy upon
For the peace of the one, only,
holy, universal, and apostolic
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ Orthodox Church, for God´s
ይብሉ salvation among the people, for
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ stability in all places, and also
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) pray that He forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon
For this assembly of ours, and
for every assembly of the
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ orthodox, that Christ our God
ይብሉ may bless them and perfect
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ them in peace, and also pray
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) that He forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon
For those who come to this Holy
Church, for those that give offering
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ from/of humans and animals??
ይብሉ (offering of themselves and of
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ animal offerings) that He may bless
them, comfort them, help them,
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና)
and pray that He also forgives us our
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of all of those who
have good thoughts for the Church,
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ for those who strive for and who are
ይብሉ of the right faith. May God bless
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ them and pay them their reward,
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) and be merciful unto them, and also
pray that He forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those who tend to
the sacrifices, offerings, first-fruits,
oil, incense, coverings, reading
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ books, and altar vessels, that Christ
ይብሉ our God may reward them in the
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ heavenly Jerusalem, and also pray
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) that He forgives us our sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while

People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of the poor, the
innocent, the widow, the orphan, the
anxious, the farmers that have
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ planted their seeds, the buyers and
ይብሉ sellers living everywhere, the anxious
people. May God have mercy on them
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ and also pray that He forgives us our
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while

For the sake of those in prison full
of anxiety, those who fled their
country and are in exile or captivity,
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ and those who are held in bitter
ይብሉ bondage of demons, O Lord, set
them all free and have mercy upon
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
them, and also pray that He
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) forgives us our sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while

For the sake of those in prison full of
anxiety, those who fled their country
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ and are in exile or captivity, and those
ይብሉ who are held in bitter bondage of
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ demons, O Lord, set them all free and
have mercy upon them, and also pray
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና)
that He forgives us our sins.

Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)

People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those people that
are present in the church asking
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ for the mercy of their souls, to
ይብሉ get rapid forgiveness and mercy
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ from God and also pray that He
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon
For the sake of those who have
bidden us to remember them in our
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ supplications and prayers, each one
ይብሉ according to his name, that Christ
our God may remember them in
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ
goodness at all times, and forgive us
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
For the sake of those pray for the rising
of the waters of the rivers this year, that
Christ our God may truly bless them
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ and raise them according to their
ይብሉ measure, that He may give joy to the
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ face of the earth, sustain us, the have
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) compassion on His creation which His
hands have made, and also pray that He
forgives us our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us.
For the sake of this week, Lord,
with peace that we may finish it,
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ temptations of the enemy may be
ይብሉ far from us, for our souls to be
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ saved, that He may give us mercy,
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) For our sins to be blotted out, let
us pray.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon
For this week, God, in peace that
we may finish it, the temptations
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ of the enemy to be far from us,
ይብሉ for our souls to be redeemed, that
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ we may be given mercy, and to
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) blot out our sins, let us pray
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon
Lord and our God, that You may be
kind and merciful unto us, that you
may receive our prayers and
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ
lamentations, Also that we may
ይብሉ finish this week in peace with
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ perfect happiness and joy. That we
may see the light of His resurrection
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና)
and pray that He also forgives us
all our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
Lord and our God, that You may be
kind and merciful unto us, that you
may receive our prayers and
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ lamentations, Also that we may
ይብሉ finish this week in peace with
perfect happiness and joy. That we
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ may see the light of His
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) resurrection and pray that He also
forgives us all our sins.
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while
People: O Lord have mercy upon us
Lord and our God, that You may be kind
and merciful unto us, that you may
receive our prayers and lamentations,
ሕዝቢ፡ እንዳሰገዱ ከምዚ Also that we may finish this week in
ይብሉ peace with perfect happiness and joy.
That we may see the light of His
እግዚኦ ተሣሃለነ resurrection and pray that He also
(ኦ ጐይታ ይቕረ በለልና) forgives us all our sins (three times).
Hizb: Igzio tesahalene (while prostrating)
People: O Lord have mercy
upon us (while prostrating)
ክርስቶስ አምላክነ ዘመጽአ ወሐመ Kristos Amlakine ze-metsa we-hame be-
በእንቲአነ፣ ወበሕማማቲሁ ይቤዝወነ፣ intīane; webe-himamatīhu yibieziwene

Christ Our God came and suffered for us; may He

have compassion on us by His suffering

ንሰብሖ ወናልዕል ስሞ ኅቡረ እስመ ውእቱ

nisebiho we-nalil simo hibure isme wi’itu
ገብረ መድኃኒተ በብዝኃ (በዕበየ) ሣህሉ።
gebre Medhanīte be-ibeye sahilu

We praise and Exalt His name together for He

saved us out of His great compassion and mercy
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ኪርያ ላይሶን ኪርያ ላይሶን Kīrya layson 2x Kīrya layson Kīrya layson(Greek)
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ዕብኖዲ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን Kīrya layson 2x ib’nodī(Coptic) nayin(C) Kīrya layson
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ታኦስ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን Kīrya layson 2x ta’os (G) nayin Kīrya layson
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ማስያስ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን Kīrya layson 2x Masiyas (Hebrew) nayin Kīrya layson
Kīrya layson 2x Īyesus nayin Kīrya layson
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ኢየሱስ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን
Kīrya layson 2x Kristos nayin Kīrya layson
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ክርስቶስ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን
Kīrya layson 2x Amanu’iel nayin Kīrya layson
ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ኣማኑኤል ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን
Kīrya layson 2x tisbuTa nayin Kīrya layson

ኪርያ ላይሶን 2x ትስቡጣ ናይን ኪርያ ላይሶን

Lord have mercy 5x

Lord have mercy 2x Oh God have compassion Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Lord, God have compassion Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Messiah have compassion Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Jesus have compassion, Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Christ have compassion, Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Emmanuel have compassion Lord have mercy
Lord have mercy 2x Oh Sovereign One have compassion Lord have mercy
ኪሪያላይሶን ፵፩ ጊዜ በል
12 ኣቡነ ዘበሰማይት
Kīrya layson 41 gīzie bel
12 Abune zebe-semayat

41x Prostration
12x Our Father Who Art in Heaven

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