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- Highly infectious ds caused by primary infection of VZV,

Characterized by an exanthematous vesicular rash with a centripetal
Epidemiology – global incidence –
1300-1600 cases/10 lac population.
- more in temperate climate than tropical climate.
- more in spring and winter season.
- 52-70 % infection in < 6 yrs ages, 5-7% in adult.
Agent- an enveloped DNA virus of the family of Herpes.
- Direct contact with skin lesion.
-Airborne route.
- Transplacentally.
- Infectivity period – 48 hrs prior and upto 3-7 days after rash.
Etiopathogenesis – Primary seeding in tonsillar lymphoid
tissue and mucosa of upper RES. TRACT.

Primary viremia –within 4-6 days of infection.

Secondary viremia – last 3-7 days ,cutaneous lesion.
Clinical feature –
I. Period – 10-21 days.[ median I. P 14-16 DAYS]
Prodromal phase – headache, sore throat, backache,
fever moderate , resolve after 3-4 days of rash.

Rash – within 24 hrs of prodromal phase.

- Crops of macules – papules – vesicles , clear fluid then
cloudy. Pustular and crust.
Rash appears 1st scalp, face or trunk.
Ulcerative lesion involving the mucosa of the oropharynx
and vagina. Vesicle observed over conjunctiva, palate, tounge
and buccal mucous membrane.
Scab fall off in 10-20 days with Hypo or Hyperpigmentation
BREAKTHROUGH varicella –
Is ds that occurs in a person vaccinated > 42 days before rash
NEONATAL varicella – varicella in the period from 5 days
prior to delivery to 2 days afterward are the high risk for
severe varicella.
Rash appear towards the end of the 1st wk to the early of the
2nd wk of life.
Occur due to maternal VZV infection during 1st or 2nd trimester
.the risk 5% in 1st, 10% in 2nd and 25% in 3rd trimester.
Cicatricial scarring of the limb characterized by zig zag
scaring of skin in dermatomal pattern with limb hypoplasia.
Neurological – cortical atrophy, microcephaly, seizure and
cataract and nystagmus.
Renal – hydroureter and hydronephrosis.
Digital defect
Autonomic nervous system – neurogenic bladder ,swallowing
dysfunction ,aspiration pneumonia.
Bacterial - gr A streptococcal , staph.
Cellulitis ,skin abcess, pneumonia , osteomyelitis, S.
Neurological – cerebellar ataxia , M.encephalitis, G B
syndrome, ADEM, T.myelitis, acute infantile hemiplegia.
OTHER – Myo, peri ,endocarditis.
Hepatitis ,GN, APPENDICITIS, keratoconjuctivitis, DIC,
Steven- johnson syndrome ,thrombocytopenia.
Diagnosis –
- clinical
- Rapid lab diag – Electron microscopy , immunofluorescence.
PCR , Tzank smear.
- virus isolation and culture.
- - Ig G 9-19 days of infection.
Treatment –
supportive therapy.
Specific therapy- Acyciovir.
Indication – chronic cutaneous or pulmonary disorder.
Received corticosteroid.
-receiving long term salicylate.
-immunocompromised patient, HIV, Malignancy.
- Disseminated varicella infection.
t\t cont.
Neonate – iv acyclovir 10 mg/kg TDS 14 -21 days.
Infants 0-1 yr – oral acyclovir 20mg/kg 7-10 days.
Children 1-13 yrs – no antiviral but iv in a complicated.
ADOLESCENT – oral acyclovir 20mg/kg /dose 7-10 days.
PREVENTION – Active immunization.
Postexposure Prophylaxis – VZIG 125 U NEWBORN.
reactivation of latent varicella zoster virus infection.
- less common in children.
- characterized by localized unilateral painful vesicular
over 1-3 dermatomal segment, more pruritus and painful.
Subclinical zoster – dermatomal pain without rash.
- Generally self limiting .

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