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Awareness of Wearing Standard

Protective Motorcycle Helmets

Among the Selected Motorcycle
Riders in the Municipality of Palo,
Leyte Presented by:
Karen T. Cobacha
Mike Nicko Susaya
Amiel Ian Martija
GROUP 8 BSCrim-4
Nature and Importance of the Study
Due to high speed, small size, and high power mobility,
motorcycles are considered as important mode of
All motorcycle riders, including drivers and back riders, shall
at all times wear a standard protective motorcycle helmets
while driving, whether long or short drives, in any type of road
and highway (R.A. 10054).
The lack of awareness of using helmet is still a problem in
many municipalities.
The researchers are motivated to evaluate the
awareness of wearing standard protective
motorcycle helmets among the selected
motorcycle riders in the Municipality of Palo,
Objectives of the Study
1. To identify the socio demographic profile of the selected
motorcycle riders in terms of the following;

2. To determine the level of awareness of the selected

motorcycle riders in the municipality of Palo in terms of the

3. To come up with recommendation to improve level of

awareness among the selected motorcycle riders on standard
protective motorcycle helmets.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study

• Selected motorcycle riders of Palo, Leyte were the

• Study was conducted from November to December 2021.
Significance of the Study
1. Motorcycle riders
2. Land Transportation Office
3. Highway Patrol Group
4. Community
5. Future Researchers
Theoretical Framework
• Systems Theory of Good Governance
• The Health Belief Model (1963)
• Agentic State Theory (1963)
Conceptual Framework

• Motorcycle riders • Level of awareness • Recommendation

of the selected to improve level of
motorcycle riders awareness among
on standard the selected
protective motorcycle riders
motorcycle on standard
helmets protective
Review of Related
Literature and Studies
Related Literatures
• The motorcycle has become one of the most common modes of
transportation in the country. It required less maintenance and
provides better transportation.
• Motorcycles have become widespread as means of
transportation because of their high maneuverability which is a
great advantage in heavy traffic (Olakulehin et al., 2015), ability
to pass along narrow paths and relatively affordable costs as
compared to motor vehicles.
Related Studies
• Motorcycles as a means of mobility have become an issue, specifically
among developing countries. While it is a valid mode of transportation and
accessibility, it is not originally intended for public transport.
• In the international scenario, a study is being conducted by the National
Safety Authority (NHTSA) and private institutions examining the crash
statistics from several states demonstrating a direct correlation between
lack of helmet laws and increased incidence of traumatic brain injury (TBI)
and death.
• It is also indicated by the NHTSA that in the states were
national helmet laws are entirely or partially appealed, the
rates of helmet use drop significantly (Satkoske, 2013).
Research Design
• This study used simple random sampling research
• Select a smaller group (the sample) from a larger group
of the total number of participants (the population).

Research Instrument
• The research made survey questionnaire used has two
(2) parts. The 5-Point Likert’s Scale was used to gather
the responses collected.
Research Respondents
• The respondents of this study were the
selected seventy (70) motorcycle riders.
Data Gathering Procedure
Approval of transmittal
letter to LGU Palo

Individual orientation of the

seventy (70) respondents

Tallying of data

Application of statistical
Research Locale

Statistical Treatment of Data
• Percentage • Percentage weighted mean
Method of Scoring
Interpretation of mean will be based on the legend below;
Chapter IV
Presentation and
Interpretation of Data

Table 1:
profile of the
respondents (age).
Table 2:
profile of the
respondents (gender).
Table 3:
profile of the
(educational level).
Items Mean Interpretation
1. Are you aware that there is a standard 4.49% Very Much
protective helmet to use? Aware
2. Are you aware that you must use a standard 4.46% Very Much
protective helmet? Aware
Table 4: :Respondents
3. Are you aware that the standard protective    
helmet should have (PS) mark or Import 4.19% Highly Aware level of awareness
Commodity Clearance (ICC) of the Bureau of (Part I).
Product Standards (BPS)?
4. Are you aware that there is a law for the 4.53% Very Much
standard protective helmet? Aware
5. Are you aware that there are penalties for not 4.81% Very Much
wearing a standard protected helmet? Aware

Weighted Mean 4.43% Very Much

Items Mean Interpretation
1. Are you aware that wearing a standard  4.96% Very Much
protective helmet is important for your safety and   Aware
your back riders?
2. Are you aware that wearing standard protective  4.91% Very Much
helmet can reduce your risk of head injuries?   Aware
Table 4: :Respondent
3. Are you aware that wearing standard protective  4.91% Very Much
level of awareness
helmet can save lives?   Aware (Part II).

4. Are you aware that wearing standard protecting  4.93% Very Much
helmet can reduce the risk of death?   Aware
Weighted Mean 4.93% Very Much
Summary, Conclusion and
Summary of Findings
• Most of the respondents had an age from 31-40
years old.
• Eighty-eight percent of the respondents were male.
• Most respondents were able to experience college.
• Respondents were highly aware on the penalties for
not wearing a standard protective motorcycle helmet.
• Respondents were also much aware on the
importance of wearing protective helmets for the
safety of the drivers and the back riders.
• Motorcycle riders are very much aware on the awareness
of wearing standard protective motorcycle helmet in
terms of using the standard protective helmet, should have
(PS) mark or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) of the
Bureau of Product Standards (BPS), the law and the
penalties of not wearing a standard protective motorcycle
• The motorcycle riders are also aware on the importance to
reduce fatality in order to protect and reduce fatalities like
the risk of head injuries, the safety of the back riders and can
save lives that can reduce risk of death.
1. Motorcycle riders must know the rules and regulations about the
standard protective motorcycle helmet.
2. Motorcycle riders must wear a standard protective motorcycle helmet
to prevent from violation.
3. The motorcycle riders must know that the standard protective helmet
must have (PS) mark or Import Commodity Clearance (ICC) of the
Bureau of Product Standards (BPS).
4. Always wear a standard protective motorcycle helmet to reduce
5. The back riders must also have a standard protective motorcycle

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