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Arterial Line Care


Arterial pressure monitoring

 Gives the most accurate BP, Beat to beat analysis of BP

 Hemodynamic instability
 Frequent ABGs
 Efficacy of Vasoactive medications
Arterial line Insertion

 Common Sites of insertion:

 Radial artery (most common)
 Brachial artery
 Femoral artery
 Important factors must be considered:
 Size of the artery
 Accessibility of the site
 Blood flow to the distal limb
Arterial line monitoring system

300 mm Hg =
3-5 ml/hr
Arterial line
Allens test 

 Infection

 Thrombosis

 Embolism-Air/clot

 Accidental blood loss (bleeding)

 Impaired circulation to extremity

Nursing implications:

 Document assessment of extremity every 2 hrs for perfusion- colour,

temperature, sensation, pulse, and capillary refill.

 Keep the patient’s wrist in a neutral position and place it on an arm


 When catheter is removed, ensure adequate pressure is applied to the site

of insertion until hemostaisis is obtained.
Nursing responsibilities

 To Ensure accurate Data

 Levelling the air fluid interface to phlebostatic axis ( zeroing
 At 4th intercostal space and midpoint of the anterior-posterior chest diameter
 Patient Position
 Zeroing the transducer
 Close to patient, open to air
 Assessing dynamic responsiveness ( Square wave test)
Correct wave form analysis with other variables.
( No hemodynamic parameter should be interpreted in isolation-
integration of patient assessment are crucial to decision making.)
Square-Wave Test
Square-Wave Test

Over damped system:

 Blood clots, blood left in catheter after sampling, air bubbles
 Flushor aspirate the system, disconnect from patient if needed to
adequately flush / remove clots.
 Compliant tubing
 Change to non compliant tubing
 Loose connections
 Ensure all connections are secure.
 Kinks in the tubing
 Straighten the tubing
Square-Wave Test

Under damped System

 Excessive tubing Length(>36-48 inches)
 Remove extra tubing, stopcock, extensions
 Small bore tubing
 Cause unknown.
 Add a damping device
.to reduce the effect
Nursing responsibilities

 Document insertion site.

 Change the dressing according to the institutional policy
 Assess for signs of infection
 Date the dressing changes
 Maintain the patency of the flush system
 Flush the system after each use of the port
 Clear any blood from the tubing, port and stopcock
 Maintain the pressure at 300mm of Hg on the flush solution bag
 Ensure adequate amount of flush solution in the intravenous bag

 Ensure tightened connections in the tubing and flush system Keep tubing
free of kink.

 Minimize excess tubing, number of stopcocks

 Place sterile cap on stopcocks.

 Ensure that alarm limits are kept and alarm are turn on.

 Limit disconnecting or opening the system.

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