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ideas just
for you

Health is wealth
d follow
You shoul
these Tips Easy to follow
have a
guides to steps…
in g !
healthy liv

Start Generally, a doctor will suggest that you base
Most people would like to be a healthy weight,
your ideal healthy weight on the BMI (body-mass
index) scale. By this measure, a healthy weight is
whatever that means for their body type. between 18.5 and 25 kg/m². However, please
Unfortunately, not many people know how to remember that this scale does not take into account
achieve this safely. There are a lot of fad diets and your frame or build, just your height and weight.
quick-fix solutions out there that promise results, Give yourself some room on either side of those
but don’t deliver. So, if you want to reach a healthy figures and simply settle on a weight that feels
weight, try these tips and tricks instead. The first healthy for your body.
step is understanding what a healthy weight looks
like for your body type and frame. Once you have a
good idea of your goals, you can start following HEALTHY LIVING
these tips to help you get there: use weight loss pills,
eat a balanced diet, and exercise regularly.
It’s important to have a
balanced diet.
It’s important to have a balanced diet.. This means you should make
sure to have something from
Exercise every food group!
Regular exercise
improve brain helps to lower
The different food groups are:
performance Cholesterol and
blood pressure
Facts why EXERCISE Carbohydrates: There are
is good for YOU carbohydrates in bread,
Fitness help potatoes, pasta and rice.
People who don’t regularly exercise may lose
strengthen prevent Protein: You can get your
protein from food such as
up to 80% of their muscle strength by age 65.
Regular exercise helps lower blood pressure relationship sigh of
beans, meat, eggs and fish.
and cholesterol levels. Two major risk factors aging
for heart disease. Exercise
Improve your mental health and mood with an
exercise routine. helps you Exercise helps Dairy: This can include milk,
Exercise keeps your metabolism elevated
even after your workout, and continues to keep alert off ward yoghurt and cheese!
burn more calories even at rest.
The average person walks about 7,500 steps
per day. If you stick to that average step count Fruit and vegetables: Make
and live to be 80 years old, you’ll walk about
sure to add lots of fruit and
vegetables into your diet such
as apples, grapes, carrots and
If you find that your carb or fat intake is too high, this could
On top of the fat-burning pills, another natural and healthy way to
explain your struggles to lose weight. Especially if this is
manage your weight is to eat a balanced diet. Make sure you
because you eat a lot of food containing empty calories, like
understand your macronutrients, carbohydrates, proteins and fats,
cake or chocolate.
and that you eat the correct balance of the three. This is the best
way to keep your body well-fueled and functioning correctly.
If you want to try the Keto diet, which involves eating more
proteins and healthy fats, and fewer carbs, make sure that you
Generally, it is recommended that 45-65% of your diet should
are still getting all of the necessary nutrients that your body
consist of carbs, while protein should account for 10-35% and fats
needs to function and that you are still hitting a high enough
should make up 20-35% of what you eat.
calorie intake.
Finally, perhaps the most obvious
way to lose weight is to exercise
regularly. Not only will daily
exercise help you to burn calories
There are many different ways
and burn fat, but it will also improve to hit your exercise targets, so
your overall health and well-being. you can find an activity that
Exercise can help to reduce stress suits your lifestyle and
levels, improve sleep quality and interests. Whether you enjoy
going for walks, going to the
boost your energy levels.
gym, or playing sports, make
sure to get moving every day.
Even just 30 minutes of
exercise can make a big
Always put time on healthy exercises ..
Exercise not only changes your body, it changes
your mind, your attitude and your mood.” “Exercise
This has been a should be regarded as a tribute to the heart.”
simple guide to
hitting your ideal This has been a simple guide to hitting
weight while your ideal weight while keeping it
keeping it healthy and safe. You should base your
ideal weight roughly on the BMI scale,
healthy and safe. but beyond that consider at what
weight you feel the most strong,
confident, able to participate in daily
life, and be healthy. If your ideal
You should base your ideal weight roughly weight is a little outside of the BMI
on the BMI scale, but beyond that consider recommendation, this could be due to
at what weight you feel the most strong, your frame. To achieve your goal
confident, able to participate in daily life, weight, you can take weight loss pills.
Remember to consult a doctor if you
and be healthy. If your ideal weight is a are unsure of the dosage, ingredients,
little outside of the BMI recommendation, or effects on the body. You should also
this could be due to your frame. eat a balanced diet and exercise
regularly for the best results.
“Time and health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and
appreciate until they have been depleted.”
That’s why a healthy living is very important to us. I hope this blog
help you to start doing your own healthy living.
Thank you!!

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