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Database Project

 Within the work place employers expect that

employees can produce documents, spread
sheets and data bases quickly within acceptable
time frames.
 Assessors of this unit will be observing that you
have the ability to meet the expectations of
 It is a requirement of the course that you are able to
save and file your work in a way that would also be
acceptable in the workplace.
What is a Database?
 A database is a tool for collecting and organizing
 Databases can store information about people,
products, orders, or anything else.
 Many databases start as a list in a word-processing
program or spreadsheet. As the list grows bigger, it
becomes more complicate to keep data well organised.
The data becomes hard to understand in list form, and
there are limited ways of searching.
 Once these problems start to appear, it's a good idea
to transfer the data to a database created by a
database management system (DBMS), such as Office
Access 2010.

What is a Database?
 Microsoft Office Access, is a relational database
management system from Microsoft.

 It is a member of the Microsoft Office suite of


 Access stores data in its own format .

 It can also import or link directly to data stored in other

applications and databases.

What is Microsoft Office Access?

 Using Access, you can:
 Add new data to a database, such as a new item in an
 Edit existing data in the database, such as changing the
current location of an item
 Delete information, perhaps if an item is sold or discarded
 Organize and view the data in different ways
 Share the data with others via reports, e-mail messages, an
intranet , or the Internet

What can MS Access be

used for?
Database Project
{ Creating a database
You will develop a database that you could use within your
trades to assist you in managing the contact information for
 Your database will contain four kinds of objects:
 Tables
 Forms
 Queries
 Reports
 Together, these objects will allow you to enter, store,
analyze, and compile your data as you wish.

What are you going to do?

Watch the video to learn about the four Access 2010 objects and how they work
together to make a relational database.
 Create a new database named
YourName*Access Project and save it

Task 1 – Create a New

Open Microsoft Office Access (Start-  Step 1: Make sure that Blank
All database is selected
Programs- Access)
The following screen will  Step 2: Name the file
appear “FirstNameLastNameAccess
project” (include your name -
for example: John Smith Access

 Step 3: Click on the small folder

next to the file name and save
the file

 .Step 4: Click on “Create”


Task 2
{ Creating a Table in Design View
 Step 1: Select the
Create tab on the
 Step 2:
 Locate the Tables group
 click on Table Design

Task 2- Step 1&2

A new table will be displayed, ready for you to define
Field Names and properties:

Task 2- Step 1&2

 Make sure the cursor is in the Field Name Column.

 Type SupplierNumber and press [Enter] or [Tab].

 For the moment, ignore the Data Type column.

Step 3: Creating Field Names

 Add the rest of the fields in this table.

 REMEMBER: It is not a good idea to put spaces in to your field names as

this can cause conflicts within other areas of your database.

Step 3: Creating Field Names

You have to choose data type for each

Click on the Data Type drop

down list that appears next to

Select Number Data Type

Step 4: Selecting a Data

 Select a Data Type for
all other fields in your

Step 4: Selecting a Data

 Right Click on Table
 Type
 Click OK
 Select Save

Task 2- Step 5- Save

Task 3
{ Create a new table for products
Create a second table called Products in your Access Project
This table will be used to track items you could purchase from your suppliers.

 table will have
Product the following fields:
 Product Name
 Price
 Supplier

 Follow the same procedure as in Task 2 and remember to select appropriate Data Type for all

 o Hint: use the Currency Data Type for Price field.

  Important: Save and close Products table

Task 3 – Products table

You will use the Auto Form tool to create a simple form
to easily enter data into your Supplier table.

Step 1: Open the Suppliers

Step 2: Select the Create tab
on the Ribbon
 Locate the Forms group
 click on Form

Task 4 Supplier Form

 A single-column form is
created, containing all of the
fields in the Suppliers table

Task 4 Supplier Form

Step 3:
 Close the form and
save changes as
Step 4:
 Open the Suppliers form
 Take a screen shot with

the form open and insert it in

your workbook

Task 4 Supplier
 Go to the Yellow Pages or Google
Maps online and find five (5)
suppliers that are relevant to your industry.

 Use your Suppliers Form to input the

data into Suppliers Table

Task 5 - Using the form

 Create a screen shot
of your Suppliers
table with details of
five suppliers in
Data Sheet View
and insert it into
your workbook.

Suppliers Table with data for five suppliers in Data Sheet View
 One of the goals of good database design is to remove
duplicate data.

 To achieve that goal, you divide your data into many subject-
based tables so that each fact is represented only once. You
then provide Access with the means by which to bring the
divided information back together — you do this by placing
common fields in tables that are related.

 To do this step correctly, however, you must first understand

the relationships between your tables, and then specify these
relationships in your Office Access 2007 database.

Table Relationship
 A relationship is “linking” of two tables by a
common element.

For example the Suplier field in Products table

should be related to the SupplierName field in the
Suppliers table. To link the two tables together by
this field, we define the relationship between them.

 Access uses a lookup to create this function, and a

Lookup Wizard can help you to define the lookup

Table Relationship
Step 1: Preparation
 Make sure that you are viewing your Access Project database
 Double-click Products table to open it in Datasheet view.

Step 2: Delete the column Supplier from Products table

 Scroll to the Supplier field- and click in this field
 With the cursor in the Supplier column, Right-click and choose
Delete Field
 The following message will appear if you have any records:

 Choose Yes.

Create a look up field between the

Product Table and the Suppliers Table
Step 3: Add a new column in
the Products Table
 Click on Click to Add
 Select Lookup &

 This action will launch the

Lookup Wizard

Add a new column

{ Choose the first option and click on

Step 4: The Lookup Wizard

{ Choose the Supplier table to use
the values for your lookup field
and click on Next>

Step 4: The Lookup Wizard

{ o

Select the Supplier Name for a lookup column

Click on SupplierName [1] and that click on

button [2] to copy the field

Step 4: The Lookup Wizard

{ Click on Next>
Sort the records by SupplierName

Step 4: The Lookup Wizard

 The wizard asks you how wide it
should display columns. Leave the
widths as set and click on Next>
 Change the default label Field1
into SupplierName
 Tick the box next to Enable Data
Integrity – that will ensure that
you will not accidentally type in
the name of an unknown
supplier, without having their
details already entered in the
Suppliers table.
 Click on Finish.

Step 4: The Lookup Wizard

 Select the Database Tools
[1] tab on the Ribbon

 Locate the Relationships

group click on
Relationships [2]

Step 5: Display the relationship

 Now it's time to create forms. They make it easier and faster to
enter and understand your data. They also put an attractive
face on your database, and they let other users view only the
data you want them to see.

 The Form tool automatically creates a form that is connected to

a single data source, either a table or a query. You select your
data source, click a button, and Access creates the form. The
new form displays all the fields in the data source, but you can
remove any fields that you don't want to see.

Task 7 Creating Forms

 Step 1: Create the form
 In the Navigation Pane,
select the Products table.
 Click the Create tab, and in
the Forms group, click
 Save your form as Products

Create the form

Use the Products Form to enter
in five (5) products that the
suppliers from you Suppliers
table sell. You will allocate an
existing supplier to each
 Ensure that Products table is
 Enter the Product name
 Enter the price

Task 8: Using
 Select a supplier’s name from a SupplierName drop-
down list:

Task 8 Using Forms

 So far you've designed and built the tables for a
supplier-tracking database, and you've created
relationships that allow your tables to "talk" with one
another. Now it's time to create queries.

 For example, if you want to know who sells a

particular part that you need, you can build a query to
fetch that data. Queries can also provide data for your
forms and reports, and that can help make your
database easier to build and use.

Task 9 Creating Queries

A quick way to create a query
is using the Query Wizard.
 Click on Create tab
 Select Query Wizard, and
choose OK.
 The Simple Query Wizard
asks you questions and
creates a query based on
your answers.

Task 9 Creating Queries

After a few moments, the first
screen of the wizard is
displayed. In this screen, you
will tell the wizard which fields
from which tables will be used
in your query results.

 Select Suppliers table

 Double-click on
SupplierName, WorkPhone
and Email

Task 9 Creating Queries

 Select Products table
 Double-click on
ProductName and
 Click on Next> to

Task 9 Creating Queries

The wizard will than ask if you
need to see all fields or only the
 Choose Detail
 Click on Next>
 Type the name Supplies
 Click on Finish
 Insert a screen shot of the
Query into your workbook

Task 9 Creating Queries

The Report Wizard is a fast
way to create a report with a
large number of fields and a
complex layout.
 Click the Create tab, and in
the Reports group, click
Report Wizard.
 Select the Products table

 Double-click to select
ProductName and Price

Task 10: Create a Report that outlines products

and your suppliers.
 Select the Suppliers
 Double-click to select
SupplierName and
WorkPhone fields.
 Click on Next

Task 10: Create a Report that

outlines products and your suppliers.
 Choose to view your
data by products
 Click on Next
 Click on Finish and
Access will display you
Products report.

Task 10: Create a Report that outlines

products and your suppliers.
Task 10: Create a Report that outlines
products and your suppliers
You can share data between Access and Excel in many ways. You can
copy data from an open worksheet and paste it into an Access datasheet,
import a worksheet into an Access database, or simply load an Access
datasheet into Excel using the Analyze it with Excel command.

Suppose you use Excel to store information about your company's

computers. Over time, your worksheet has grown too big to manage easily
— you have to scroll through too many columns and rows to find data,
and that makes it hard to find answers.

Importing that data into Access will make it easier to extract those
answers because you can write queries, components that retrieve and
process data quickly.
The import process follows these broad steps:
 You start by cleaning up your data in Excel. For example, you
remove any blank rows or columns, you make sure each column
contains one type of data, such as dates or numbers, and you
fix any errors such as #NUM or #DIV.
 Next, you use the import wizard in Access to import the data
to a new table.
 Finally, you check your imported data for accuracy.
 Open the spreadsheet program on your computer and
create the following table:

 Save the spreadsheet

Step 1: Create a spreadsheet

 Create a new blank database.
 Go to the External Data Tab and select Excel

Step2: Import the data to the new Access

 Browse for a spreadsheet that you’ve just
 Click OK

Step2: Import the data to the new Access

 Click NEXT>

Step2: Import the data to the new

Access database
 Click to select that First Row Contains Column
 Click on Next

Step2: Import the data to the new Access

 Click on Next to skip the next two steps
 Rename the table “Customers” and then

 Click on Close

Step2: Import the data to the new

Access database
 Create a report, sorting customers by State
 Select only customers FirstName, LastName
and State fields for your report.

Step 3: Create a Report

 Select the State as a sorting field and sort
records in ascending order.

Step 3: Create a Report

 Select Tabular Layout
 Keep Portrait Orientation
 Click on Finish

Access will display your

Customers report.

Step 3: Create a Report

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