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Business Research & Intelligence


Uzair Younas

Dr. Salman Zaheer
Table of Contents
1. Purpose Of Life………………………………………………………………………………………… Slide 3-6

2. True & False Love ……………………………………………………………………………………. Slide 7-9

3. Allah & Size Of Universe ………………………………………………………………………….. Slide 10-11

4. Emotional Hijab ………………………………………………………………………………………. Slide 12-14

5. Awrah Levels …………………………………………………………………………………………... Slide 15-17

6. Evil Eye On Social Media ………………………………………………………………………….. Slide 18-19

7. Selecting Friends ……………………………………………………………………………………… Slide 20-21

Purpose Of Life

a. Think About It
Page 2 and 3 of talks about how everything in the
universe has a purpose, from the sky to animals to plants. It suggests that if everything has a
purpose, then humans must also have a purpose. The author argues that the purpose of
human life is important to determine one's value and importance. Some verses of Quran also
given that support the idea that humans were created with a purpose. The writer also
explains that the value of things is determined by whether their purpose has been fulfilled or
not. At last, the author gives an example of how destroying a book to warm up water would
be a waste of the book's purpose.
Purpose Of Life
b. Degeneration Of Society
The passage highlights the decline of moral values and
purposeful living in Muslim societies despite their
beliefs in Allah and the Day of Judgment. The author
laments the prevalence of evils such as arrogance,
envy, and backbiting and the loss of knowledge and
awareness of their rich history and legacy. The younger
generation is criticized for their ignorance of their
ancestors' sacrifices and struggles, focusing instead on
worldly desires. The author emphasizes the importance
of living a purposeful life through Dr. Iqbal's poetry,
comparing the purposeful lives of the Muslim
community's ancestors to the purposeless lives of the
present-day community. Rephrase this text
Purpose Of Life
c. Education
The main message of this passage is the importance
of education and the pursuit of knowledge in Islam.
The author highlights the historical significance of
education in Islamic societies, including the
establishment of libraries, schools, and universities,
and the dedication of Muslim scholars and rulers to
the promotion of education. The author also
expresses concern about the decline of education and
knowledge-seeking in contemporary Muslim
societies, urging readers to rekindle their love for
learning and prioritize education in their lives.
Ultimately, the passage emphasizes the importance of
education as a means of achieving the ultimate goal
of pleasing Allah Ta'aala.
Purpose Of Life
d. Purpose of My Life
My mission is to use my knowledge, skills, and
abilities to make a positive impact on society and to
support and care for my parents. I am committed to
seeking out opportunities to contribute to the
betterment of my community and to always act with
integrity and compassion in everything I do.
Through my efforts, I hope to inspire others to join
me in creating a more just and equitable world.

“We never know the love of a parent till we become

parents ourselves.”
True and False Love
Concept of Romance
The article "Romance in Islam" from Zaynab
Academy discusses the concept of romance within
the Islamic faith. It starts by clarifying that Islam
allows for romantic relationships, but with certain
boundaries and guidelines.

In relationships, Islam Promotes

• Respect
• Honesty
• Chastity
True and False Love
Role of Love In Islam
love is not just a feeling, but a state
of being that requires effort and
action. Love, in Islam, is seen as a
means of drawing closer to Allah
and is rooted in the belief that Allah
loves and cares for His creation. The
article also notes that Islam
recognizes different types of love,
including love for family, friends,
and spouses.
True and False Love
Common Misconceptions
the article addresses common
misconceptions about
romance in Islam, such as the
idea that Muslim women are
oppressed and have no choice
in whom they marry. It
emphasizes that Islam
promotes freedom of choice
in marriage and that the
consent of both parties is
necessary for a valid and
successful marriage
Allah and Size of Universe
How Great Allah SWT is?
Human body consist of cells that are so
small in size, even we need to use a
microscope to see them. There are billions
of cells in just a body a single human. Infact,
all the living beings have their own qualities
and characteristics. Our thinking get stuck
and brain stops imagining the reason behind
the creation of all the living beings with just
these billions of small cells. These things
cannot be done by any small powers. This is
the prove that Allah SWT have limitless
Allah and Size of Universe
Super Cluster
A supercluster is a large group of galaxy
clusters or galaxy groups that are
interconnected by gravity. These structures are
some of the largest known structures in the
universe and can contain thousands of
Allahu Akbar
Normal size of a human is 7 feet but the earth
is billion times bigger than us. Sun is 1 million
times bigger than the Earth and some stars are
more than 5 million times bigger than sun and
the whole Glaxy is thousand billion times
bigger than these stars. This is the proof that
Allah is so much bigger.
Emotional Hijab
Sorat Noor
In the tafseer of sorat Noor Ayat 30-31, Allah SWT
instructed women to lower their gaze, guard their
chastity, and not reveal their adornments except
what is necessary.
About Video
1. The First Thing that I like the most was the
speaking style of Speaker Noman Ali Khan. He
reflect all the values and importance of hijab in a
very frank and light way. Video contains some
graphics that were properly reflecting the intent of
the Speaker
Emotional Hijab
2. There is a big misconception
about the Talking with Na-
Mehram. This video clear all my
thinkings and doubts related to
this topic. Moreover, as a boy I
come to know a lot about respect
of females and what is a true way
to deal with females in Islam.

The concept of hijab, or modest clothing and behavior for

Muslim women, can be viewed as a form of jihad, or struggle in
the path of Allah. In a society where beauty and physical
appearance are often prioritized, choosing to wear hijab can be
a challenge for many Muslim women.
Awrah Levels
The "Awrah Chart" is a chart designed to
help Muslim women understand the
Islamic concept of "awrah,“

X Axis
The X-axis of the chart represents
different parts of the body, from the head
to the feet, and is labeled with the
corresponding Arabic names for each body
part. Starting from the right side of the
chart, the body parts listed are the head
(ra's), neck (ja'b), hands (yad), feet (rijl),
and face (wajh).
Awrah Levels
Y Axis
The Y-axis of the chart represents different levels of
clothing coverage, ranging from "obligatory" to
"forbidden." The levels of coverage listed from top
to bottom are:

1. Obligatory (fard)
2. Highly recommended (mustahabb)
3. Recommended (mandub)
4. Permissible (mubah)
5. Disliked (makruh)
6. Forbidden (haram)
Awrah Levels
To increase awareness and understanding of the
concept of "awrah" and its implications for Muslim
women, we can take the following steps:

1. Education
2. Giving inspiration from Role models such as Hazrat
3. Providing a Peer support
4. Parental guidance
Evil Eye on Social Media
In the video, Mufti Menk explains how social
media platforms can be used to spread positivity
and connect with others, but they can also be a
breeding ground for negative emotions such as
jealousy, envy, and hatred. These emotions can lead
to the "evil eye," which is a belief in some cultures
that a person's envy can bring harm to others.
Mufti Menk highlights the dangers of comparing
oneself to others on social media, as it can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and envy. He also
emphasizes the importance of being content with
what one has and avoiding envy and jealousy,
which can harm oneself and others.
Evil Eye on Social Media
Convincing People
1. We can educate people and aware them about
the negative impacts of such acts.
2. We can also encourage people to share
positive things.
3. We also have to promote the benefits of
privacy because privacy is necessary for both
men and women in Islam.
4. We can set a good example that will stop our
Muslim brothers and sisters to use social
Selecting Friends
a. Food Friends
Food friends are those that are really think about you with
their heart. These friends are necessary for everyone
because they provide you with religious support.
My Food Friend
My elder brother is my food friend because he always take
care of me and try to correct me in a religious way. He
always push me to offer all the five prayers of the day.
How to Get More?
A religious friend can only made religious ways. It could be a
friend that you meet when you go to mosque everyday near
your home or may be you can find him in UMT Mosque.
Selecting Friends
b. What I am For Others?
For others, I am like a medicine that my friends
needed time to time but I don’t refuse to help
anyone because today, I will help them so
tomorrow they will also help me.
I can improve my level just by involving more in
Islam. I used to offer 3 to 4 prayers a day but
most of the times I left one prayer due to some
busy schedule or laziness. I think that Islam can
help me to convert from Medicine to Food.

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