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 Case Study: DCE(Distributed Computing

 Environment )
 builds a distributed computing environment
on top of existing operating systems.
 it was apparent that many the OSF consortium's
customers wanted to build distributed applications on
top of OSF/1 and other UNIX systems.
 OSF responded to this need by issuing a "Request for
Technology" in which they asked companies to supply
tools and other software needed to put together a
distributed system.
 Many companies made bids, which were carefully
 OSF then selected a number of these offerings, and
developed them further to produce a single integrated
package — DCE — that could run on OSF/1 and also on
other systems.
 provide a coherent, seamless environment that
can serve as a platform for running distributed
applications which is built on top of existing
operating systems.

 The environment offered by DCE consists of a large

number of tools and services, which work together
in an integrated way and make it easier to develop
distributed applications.
 The layer of DCE software on top of the operating
system hides the differences, automatically doing
conversions between data types when necessary.

 DCE makes it easier to write applications in which

multiple users at multiple sites work together and
also provides extensive tools for authentication
and protection.

 DCE has been designed to interwork with existing

standards in a number of areas.
 At the lowest level is the computer hardware,
 Next is the native operating system (with DCE additions) runs. To
support a full-blown DCE server, the operating system must either be
UNIX or be another system with essentially the functionality of UNIX,
including multiprogramming, local interprocess communication,
memory management, timers, and security.
 DCE threads package -If the operating system has a
suitable threads package itself, the DCE threads
library just serves to convert the interface to the
DCE standard otherwise it supplies a threads
package that runs almost entirely in user space,
except for a few in the kernel.

 RPC package - is a collection of library procedures.

A portion of the security is logically also in this
layer, since it is required for performing
authenticated RPC.
 DCE services - Not every service runs on every machine.
The system administrator determines which service to run
where. The standard services are the time, directory, and
security, with the distributed file service on top of them.

 Time services - The distributed time service is needed because each

machine in the system normally has its own clock.
 The directory service - is used to keep track of the location of all
resources in the system. These resources include machines, printers,
servers, data, and much more, and they may be distributed
geographically over the entire world.
 The security service - allows resources of all kinds to be protected,
so access can be restricted to authorized persons.
 Distributed file service - is a worldwide file system
that provides a transparent way of accessing any file
in the system in the same way. It can either be built
on top of the hosts' native file systems or be used
instead of them.

 Distributed applications.- These can use (or bypass)

any of the DCE facilities and services. Simple
applications may implicitly use RPC (via the library,
and without realizing it) and little else, whereas more
complex applications may make many explicit calls to
all the services.
 Users, machines, and other resources in a DCE
system are grouped together to form cells upon
which Naming, security, administration, and other
aspects are based.

Two cells organized by product. Three cells organized by

 Factors to group machines into cells

 1. Purpose. - machines in a cell (and their users)

should all be working toward a common goal or on a
common long-term project

 2. Security. - cell boundaries act like firewalls —

getting at internal resources is straightforward, but
accessing anything in another cell requires the two
cells to perform an arms' length negotiation to
make sure that they trust one another.
 3. Overhead.- putting distant users in the same cell means
that they will often have to go over a wide-area network to
communicate. If the wide-area network is slow and
unreliable, extra overhead will be incurred to deal with
these problems and compensate for them where possible.

 4. Administration. - every cell needs an administrator. If

all the people and machines in a cell belong to the same
department or project, there should be no problem
appointing an administrator. It may be harder to agree
upon one person to administer the cell and make cell-wide
decisions if cell is spread across different departments.
 A thread can be in one of four states
 single-threaded program can be converted into a
multithreaded one just by setting a parameter
indicating that more threads should be used.
 Problems
 Signals can be left in their default state, ignored, or caught. Some
signals are synchronous, caused specifically by the running thread,
Others asynchronous, caused by some external agency.

 standard library procedures are not reentrant.

 UNIX system calls return their error status in a global variable,

errno. If one thread makes a system call but just after the call
completes, another thread is scheduled and it, too, makes a
system call, the original value of errno will be lost.
 The scheduling algorithm determines how long a
thread may run, and which thread runs next.
 Threads in DCE have priorities(high -run first and get a
larger portion of the CPU then low)

 Scheduling algorithm
 1) FIFO - searches the priority queues from highest
to lowest.
 the selected thread can run as long as it needs to.
When it has finished, it is removed from the queue of
runnable threads. Then the scheduler once again
searches the queues from high to low and takes the
first thread it finds.
 Scheduling algorithm
 Round robin
 the scheduler locates the highest populated queue
and runs each thread for a fixed quantum.

 If a thread blocks or exits before its quantum is up,

it is (temporarily) removed from the queue system.
If it uses up its entire quantum, it is suspended and
placed at the end of its queue.
 Scheduling algorithm
 Default algorithm.
 It runs the threads on all the queues using a time-
sliced round-robin algorithm, but the higher the
priority, the larger the quantum a thread gets.

 In this manner, all threads get to run and there is

no starvation as in the round robin algorithm.
 Scheduling algorithm
 FIFO, Round Robin, Default

A system with five

threads and three
priority levels.

Three thread scheduling algorithms.

 2 ways
 1) Mutexes - used when it is essential to prevent
multiple threads from accessing the same resource
at the same time.
Three types of mutexes
 2 ways
 2) Condition variables -are used in conjunction with mutexes.

 when a thread needs some resource, it uses a mutex to gain

exclusive access to a data structure that keeps track of the
status of the resource.

 If the resource is not available, the thread waits on a

condition variable, which atomically suspends the thread and
releases the mutex. Later, when another thread signals the
condition variable, the waiting thread is restarted.
1) Selected DCE thread calls for managing threads. All the calls in this
section are actually prefixed by pthread (i.e., pthread_create, not create),
which we have omitted to save space.
2) Selected template calls.
3) Selected mutex calls.

4) Selected condition variable calls.

5) Selected per-thread global variable calls.

6) Selected calls relating to killing threads.

7) Selected scheduling calls.
DCE is based on the client/server model.

Clients request services by making remote procedure calls to distant

 the RPC system makes it possible for a client to
access a remote service by simply calling a local

 It is up to the RPC system to hide all the details from

the clients, and, to some extent, from the servers as

 can also handle the message transport in both

directions, fragmenting and reassembling them as
 RPC system can automatically handle data type
conversions between the client and the server,
even if they run on different architectures and have
a different byte ordering.

 clients and servers are highly independent of one

another can run on different hardware platforms
and use different operating systems.
 server location is done in two steps:
 1. Locate the server's machine.
 2. Locate the correct process on that machine.
number of servers host
(a numerical address
on the server's
machine to which
network connections
can be attached and
messages sent.)

database of (server,
endpoint) entries
 The client stub marshals the parameters and passes the resulting buffer (possibly in chunks) to the runtime library for transmission
using the protocol chosen at binding time.

 When a message arrives at the server side, it is routed to the correct server based on the endpoint contained in the incoming

 The runtime library passes the message to the server stub, which unmarshals the parameters and calls the server. The reply goes
back by the reverse route.
 RPC semantics
 The default is at-most-once operation
 no call is ever carried out more than once, even in the face of system crashes. what this means
is that if a server crashes during an RPC and then recovers quickly, the client does not repeat
the operation, for fear that it might already have been carried out once.
 Alternatively, it is possible to mark a remote procedure as idempotent (in the IDL file), in which
case it can be repeated multiple times without harm.
 experiment succeeds or fails with the ability to synchronize remote clocks accurately.

 DCE has a service called DTS (Distributed Time Service), whose goal is to keep clocks on
separate machines synchronized.

 DTS must deal with two separate issues:

 1. Keeping the clocks mutually consistent.
 2. Keeping the clocks in touch with reality.
 Uses intervals instead of values which allows DTS
to provide the user with a precise specification of
how far off the clock might be.

Displaying time in DTS

 DTS supports 33 calls (library procedures) relating
to time. These calls are divided into the six groups
as listed below
 The time clerk is a daemon process that runs on client machines and keeps the local clock synchronized with the remote clocks.

 When the time clerk calculates that the possible error has passed the bound of what is allowed, it resynchronizes.

 After resynchronizing, a clerk has a new UTC that is usually either ahead or behind its current one. It could just set the clock to the new value.

 Even if the clock has to be set forward, it is better not to do it abruptly because some programs display information and then give the user a certain
number of seconds to react. DTS can make the correction gradually.
Computation of the new UTC from four time sources.

local - timekeeping within their cells

Time servers
Global - keep local time synchronized
servers in different cells
 directory service keeps track of where all resources
are located and to provide people friendly names for

 Each cell has a Cell Directory Service (CDS), which

stores the names and properties of the cell's
resources which is organized as a replicated,
distributed data base system.

 Each resource has a unique name, consisting of the

name of its cell followed by the name used within its
"native" DCE service for locating cells.
 DCE names can have up to five parts.
 The CDS manages the names for one cell.
 These are arranged as a hierarchy.
 The top level directory contains two profile files containing RPC binding information, one of them topology independent and one of them reflecting the network topology for applications where it is important to select a server on the client's LAN.
 It also contains an entry telling where the CDS data base is. The hosts directory lists all the machines in the cell, and each subdirectory there has an entry for the host's RPC daemon (self) and default profile (profile),
The namespace of a simple DCE cell.
 A CDS directory entry, consists of a name and a set of attributes. The entry for a service contains the name of the service, the interface supported, and the location of the server.
 Associated with each entry is a list of who may access the entry and in what way.
 CDS permits entries to be replicated to provide higher availability and better fault tolerance.
 One copy of each directory is designated as the master; the rest are slaves. Both read and update operations may be done on the master, but only reads may be done on the slaves.
 CDS is implemented primarily by two major components. The first one, the CDS server, is a daemon process that runs on a server machine. It accepts queries, looks them up in its local clearinghouse(A collection of directories), and sends back replies.

 The second one, the CDS clerk, is a daemon process that runs on the client machine. Its primary function is to do client caching.
 Two examples of a client looking up a name.

The CDS server first contacted has the name.

The CDS server first contacted does not
have the name.
 is used to locate remote cells, but can also be used to store other arbitrary directory information.

 it is the DCE implementation of X.500.

 X.500 uses an object-oriented information model. Every item stored in an X.500 directory is an object.

 Every object has one or more attributes. An attribute consists of a type and a value(C=US to indicate that the type is country and the value is United States)

An X.500 directory information tree.

Paths through the naming tree are given by a sequence of attributes

separated by slashes.
Eg Joe of Joe's Deli in San Francisco would be
 The structure and properties of an X.500 directory information tree are defined by its schema, which consists of three tables:

 1. Structure Rule Table — Where each object belongs in the tree.

 2. Object Class Table — Inheritance relationships among the classes.
 3. Attribute Table — Specifies the size and type of each attribute.
 The standard interface to X.500 is called XOM (X/Open Object Management).

 the usual way for programs to access the GDS system is via the XDS (X/Open Directory Server) library.

 When a call is made to one of the XDS procedures, it checks to see if the entry being manipulated is a CDS entry or a GDS entry. If it is GDS, it makes the necessary XOM calls to get the job done.
 The XDS interface contains only 13 calls, Of these, five set up and initialize the connection between the client and the directory server.
 The eight calls that actually use directory objects are listed as follows
 X.500 names are handled by GDS; DNS or mixed names are handled by CDS, as illustrated
 In DCE, a principal is a user or process that needs to communicate securely. Human beings, DCE servers (such as CDS), and application servers (such as the software in a automated teller machine in a banking system) can all be principals.

 Each principal has a UUID (Unique User IDentifier), which is a binary number associated with it and no other principal.

 Authentication is the process of determining if a principal really is who he/she/it claims to be.
 Authorization - Once a user has been authenticated, the question of which resources that user may access, and how, comes up. This issue is called authorization. In DCE, authorization is handled by associating an ACL (Access Control List) with each resource.

 Protection in DCE is closely tied to the cell structure. Each cell has one security service of which the authentication server is part, maintains keys, passwords and other security-related information in a secure data base called the registry that the local principals
have to trust.
A client sending an encrypted message to a server.
 As a consequence of this hostile environment, the following requirements were placed on the design of DCE security model from its inception.

 1) at no time may user passwords appear in plaintext (i.e., unencrypted) on the network or be stored on normal servers. This requirement precludes doing authentication just by sending user passwords to an authentication server for approval.

 2) user passwords may not even be stored on client machines for more than a few microseconds.
 3) authentication must work both ways. That is, not only must the server be convinced who the client is, but the client must also be convinced who the server is. This requirement is necessary to prevent an intruder.

 4) the system must have firewalls built into it. If a key is somehow compromised (disclosed), the damage done must be limited. This requirement can be met by creating temporary keys for specific purposes and with short lifetimes, and using these for most work.
Major components of the DCE security system for a single cell.
 three of the below servers run on the security server machine.
 Registry server - manages the security data base, the registry, which contains the names of all the principals, groups, and organizations.

 Authentication server(ticket granting server) - is used when a user logs in or a server is booted. It verifies the claimed identity of the principal and issues a kind of ticket that allows the principal to do subsequent authentication without having to use the password again.
 Privilege server issues documents called PACs (Privilege Attribute Certificates) to authenticated users. PACs are encrypted messages that contain the principal's identity, group membership, and organizational membership in such a way that servers are instantly
convinced without need for presenting any additional information.

 Login facility - program that asks users their names and passwords during the login sequence. It uses the authentication and privilege servers to get the user logged in and to collect the necessary tickets and PACs for them.
 Once a user is logged in, he can start a client process that can communicate securely with a server process using authenticated RPC.

 When an authenticated RPC request comes in, the server uses the PAC to determine the user's identity, and then checks its ACL to see if the requested access is permitted.

 Each server has its own ACL manager for guarding its own objects. Users can be added or removed from an ACL, permissions granted or removed, and so on, using an ACL editor program.
 Each user has a secret key known only to himself and to the registry.

 It is computed by passing the user's password through a one-way (i.e., noninvertible) function.

 Servers also have secret keys. To enhance their security, these keys are used only briefly, when a user logs in or a server is booted. After that authentication is done with tickets and PACs.
 A ticket is an encrypted data structure issued by the authentication server or ticket-granting server to prove to a specific server that the bearer is a client with a specific identity.
 ticket = S, {session-key, client, expiration-time, message-id} Ks
 where S - server for whom the ticket is intended.
 The information within curly braces is encrypted using the server's private key, KS.
 When the server decrypts the ticket with its private key, it obtains the session key to use when talking to the client.
establish the identity of
give the numerical values of
1 the sender.
user-id and group-ids that a
particular principal is
associated with.
generated by the
generated by the privilege
2. authentication server or
ticket-granting server.

authenticators can be attached to plaintext messages to prevent

active intruders from changing them.

An authenticator is an encrypted data structure containing at least

the following information:

authenticator = {sender, MD5-checksum, timestamp) K

 The steps in authenticated RPC
 The ACL tells who may access the resource and how.

 ACLs are managed by ACL managers, which are library procedures incorporated into every server.

 When a request comes in to the server that controls the ACL, it decrypts the client's PAC to see what his ID and groups are, and based on these, the ACL, and the operation desired, the ACL manager is called to make a decision about whether to grant or deny access.
 This ACL manager divides the resources into two categories: simple resources, such as files and data base entries, and containers, such as directories and data base tables, that hold simple resources.

 It distinguishes between users who live in the cell and foreign users, and for each category further subdivides them as owner, group, and other.

 Seven standard rights are supported: read, write, execute, change-ACL, container-insert, container-delete, and test.
 The change-ACL right grants permission to modify the ACL itself. The two container rights are useful to control who
may add or delete files from a directory

A sample ACL.
 Amoeba originated at the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands in 1981 as a research project in distributed and
parallel computing. It was designed primarily by Andrew S.
Tanenbaum and three of his Ph.D. students. By 1983, an initial
prototype, Amoeba 1.0, was operational.

 Starting in 1984, a second group was set up. This work used
Amoeba 3.0, which was based on RPC. Using Amoeba 3.0, it
was possible for clients in Tromso to access servers in
Amsterdam transparently, and vice versa.
 The primary goal of the project was to
build a transparent distributed operating
 An important distinction between Amoeba
and most other distributed systems is that
Amoeba has no concept of a “home
 A secondary goal of Amoeba is to provide
a testbed for doing distributed and
parallel programming.
Processor pool File
server Print server
 All the computing power is located in one or
more processor pools which consists of a
substantial number of CPUs, each with its own
local memory and network connection.
 The CPUs in a pool can be of different

 The user accesses the system through the


 Another component of the Amoeba

configuration consists of specialized servers,
such as file servers, which for hardware or
software reasons need to run on a separate
 The Amoeba microkernel runs on all
machines in the system.

 The same kernel can be used on the pool

processors, the terminals (assuming that they
are computers, rather than X terminals), and
the specialized servers.
 The microkernel has four primary functions:

1. Manage processes and threads.

2. Provide low-level memory management
3. Support communication.
4. Handle low-level I/O.
 Amoeba is based on the client-server model.
 The idea behind this design is to minimize kernel
size and enhance flexibility. By not building the
file system and other standard services into the
 bullet server. It provides primitives to manage
immutable files, creating them, reading them,
deleting them.
 directory server or soap server - manages
directories and path names and maps them onto
 The basic unifying concept underlying all the Amoeba
servers and the services they provide is the object.
  An object is an encapsulated piece of data upon
which certain well-defined operations may be
 To perform an operation on an object, a client does
an RPC with the server, specifying the object, the
operation to be performed, and optionally, any
parameters needed. The server does the work and
returns the answer.
 the client thread is blocked until the server replies
 Objects are named and protected in a uniform way, by
special tickets called capabilities.

 a client does an rpc with the appropriate server specifying

what it wants. the server then creates the object and returns
a capability to the client.

 A capability is just a long binary number.

 the client must present the capability to identify the object.

Bits 48 24 8 48

Server port Object Rights Check

All the rights bits in a new capability are initially on, and it is this owner

Generation of a restricted capability from an owner capability.

o To create a restricted capability, a client can
pass a capability back to the server, along with a
bit mask for the new rights.

o The server takes the original Check field from its

tables, EXCLUSIVE ORs it with the new rights and
then runs the result through a one-way function.

o Such a function, y=f(x), has the property that

given x it is easy to find y, but given
only y, finding x requires an exhaustive search of
all possible x values
o The server then creates a new capability, with
the same value in the Object field, but the new
rights bits in the Rights field and the output of
the one-way function in the Check field.

o The new capability is then returned to the

caller. The client may send this new capability
to another process
Age Perform a garbage collection cycle: starts a new garbage collection cycle to get rid of old
objects that are no longer accessible.
Copy Duplicate the object and return a capability for the copy: it is a shortcut that makes it possible
to duplicate an object without actually transferring it. Without this operation, copying a file
would require sending it over the network twice: from the server to the client and then back
Detroy Destroy the object and reclaim its storage: deletes the object

Getparams Get parameters associated with the server: allow the system administrator to read and write
parameters that control server operation. For example, the algorithm used to choose processors
can be selected using this mechanism.
Info Get an ASCII string briefly describing the object

Restrict Produce a new, restricted capability for the object

Setparams Set parameters associated with the server: same as Getparams

Status Get current status information from the server

Touch Pretend the object was just used: tells the server that the object touched is still in used.
 A process is an object in Amoeba.

 When a process is created, the parent

process is given a capability for the child

 The child can be suspended, restarted,

signaled, or destroyed.
 Process management is handled at three different
levels in Amoeba.

 1. At the lowest level are the process servers,

which are kernel threads running on every machine.

 2. At the next level up we have a set of library

procedures that provide a more convenient
interface for user programs.

 3. Finally, the simplest way to create a process is to

use the run server, which does most of the work of
determining where to run the new process.
 exec: to do an RPC with the specified process
server asking it to run the process.

 getload: returns information about the CPU

speed, current load, and amount of memory
free at the moment.

 stun: to suspend a child process. Two kinds of

stuns are supported: normal and emergency.
 When a process starts up, it has one thread.

 During execution, the process can create

additional threads, and existing threads can

 Each thread has its own stack, its own stack

pointer, and its own copy of the machine

 All threads are managed by the kernel.

 Three methods are provided for threads to
synchronize: signals, mutexes, and

 Signals are asynchronous interrupts sent

from one thread to another thread in the
same process.

 Signals can be raised, caught, or ignored.

Asynchronous interrupts between processes
use the stun mechanism.
 A mutex is like a binary semaphore. It can be in
one of two states, locked or unlocked.

 Trying to lock an unlocked mutex causes it to

become locked.

 The calling thread continues. Trying to lock a

mutex that is already locked causes the calling
thread to block until another thread unlocks the
 A call that tries to lock a mutex, but if it is
unable to do so within a specified interval,
times out and returns an error code.

 Mutexes are fair and respect thread priorities.

 The third way that threads can communicate is
by counting semaphores.

 These are slower than mutexes,

 They work in the usual way, except that here

too an additional call is provided to allow a
DOWN operation to time out if it is unable to
succeed within a specified interval.
 Amoeba has an extremely simple memory
 A process can have any number of segments
it wants to have, and they can be located
wherever it wants in the process’ virtual
address space.
 Segments are not swapped or paged, so a
process must be entirely memory resident
to run.
 Each segment is stored contiguously in
Process virtual
address space Memory segments


 Amoeba supports two forms of
communication: RPC, using point-to-point
message passing and group communication.
 RPC Primitives:
1. get_request(&header, buffer, bytes) –
indicates a server’s willingness to listen on
a port.

2. put_reply(&header, buffer, bytes) – done by

a server when it has a reply to send.

3. trans(&header1, buffer1, bytes1, &header2,

buffer2, bytes2) – send a message from
client to server and wait for the reply.
 If a server does a put_reply without having
previously done an
unmatched get_request, the put_reply fails with
an error.

 Similarly, two consecutive get_request calls fail.

 All trans requests use put-ports, so when a packet
arrives at a machine, the kernel compares the put-
port in the header to the put-ports in its table to
see if any match to avoid intruders from putting a
fraud get request.

 Each port is actually a pair of ports: the get-port,

which is private, known only to the server, and the
put-port, which is known to the whole world. The
two are related through a one-way function, F.

 Amoeba RPC supports at-most-once semantics

CreateGroup Create a new group and set its
JoinGroup Make the caller a member of a group
LeaveGroup Remove the caller from a group
SendToGroup Reliably send a message to all members
of a group
ReceiveFromG Block until a message arrives from a
roup group
ResetGroup Initiate recovery after a process crash
1. When an application process executes a broadcasting
primitive, such as SendToGroup
2. The user process traps to the kernel, passing it the
3. The kernel accepts the message and blocks the user
4. The kernel sends a point-to-point message to the
5. When the sequencer gets the message, it allocates the
next available sequence number, puts the sequence
number in a header field reserved for it, and broadcasts
the message (and sequence number).
6. When the sending kernel sees the broadcast message, it
unblocks the calling process to let it continue execution.
Application programs


Kernel S Kernel Kernel

Sequencer enabled Sequencer disabled

Broadcast network
Sequencer machine
M25 B
A A Last=24
A M25
M M25
Last = 24 Last=24 history S

for 24 A

Last=23 M25

 The sender sends a message to the sequencer and
starts a timer:
 (a) the broadcast comes back before the timer runs
out. (normal case).the sender just stops the timer.
 (b) the broadcast has not come back before the
timer expires. (either the message or the broadcast
has been lost).the sender retransmits the message.
 if the original message is lost, no harm is done.
 if the sender missed the broadcast, the sequencer
will detect the retransmission as a duplicate and
tell the sender everything is all right.
 (c ) The broadcast comes back before the
timer expires, but it is the wrong
broadcast. This occurs when two processes
attempt to broadcast simultaneously.
 If message A gets to the sequencer first,
and is broadcast. A sees the broadcast and
unblocks its application program.
 However, B sees A’s broadcast and realizes
it has failed to go first. B will accept A’s
broadcast and wait.
 If a Request for Broadcast arrives:
 (a) check to see if the message is a
retransmission. If so, inform the sender that
the broadcast has been done.

 (b) if the message is new, assign the next

sequence number to it, and increment the
sequencer counter by 1.

 The message and its identifier are stored in

a history buffer, and the message is then
 When the sender receives a broadcast:
 (a) if the sequence number is 1 higher than
the most recent one (normal case). No
broadcast has been missed.

 (b) if the sequence number is more than 1

higher (a broadcast has been missed), the
sender will send a message to the sequencer
asking for the lost broadcast.
 If the history buffer fills up, if the sequencer
knows that all machines have received
broadcasts, say, 0 through 23, correctly, it can
delete these from its history buffer.
 There are several mechanisms to discover this
 (a) each Request for Broadcast message sent to
the sequencer carriers a piggybacked
acknowledgement, k, meaning that all
broadcasts up to and including k have been
correctly received.
 (b) the sequencer can broadcast a Request for
Status message asking the number of the highest
broadcast received in sequence.
2 2 1 1 2 2

1 2 1 S 2 B

2 2 2 2
1 1

1. Message sent to the sequencer 1. A broadcast M

2. The sequencer broadcasts it 2. S broadcasts Accept
 each message appears in full on the network twice:
once to the sequencer and once from the sequencer.
Thus a message of length m bytes consumes 2m bytes
worth of network bandwidth. However, only the
second of these is broadcast, so each user machine is
interrupted only once (for the second message).
 In method 2, the full message appears only once on
the network, plus a very short Accept message from
the sequencer, so only half the bandwidth is
consumed. On the other hand, every machine is
interrupted twice, once for the message and once for
the Accept. 

 Thus method 1 wastes bandwidth to reduce

interrupts compared to method 2. 
 This protocol allows reliable broadcasting to
be done on an unreliable network in just
over two messages per reliable broadcast.

 Each broadcast is indivisible, and all

applications receive all messages in the same
order, no matter how many are lost.
 The protocol is also fault tolerant.
 When a processor crashes, sooner or later,
some kernel will detect that the crashed
machine are not being acknowledged. The
kernel will mark the crashed processor as
dead and initiates a recovery.
 In phase 1, one process is elected as
 In phase 2, the coordinator rebuilds the
group and brings all the other processes
up to date.
coordinator coordinator Sequencer dies

(a) 40 43 41 44 40 X
0 1 2 3 4 5

coordinator Dead sequencer

(b) 40 43 41 44 40 X
0 1 2 3 4 5

new sequencer

(c ) 44 44 44 44 44 X
0 1 2 3 4

(a) The sequencer crashes (b) A coordinator is selected (c) Recovery

 How does the coordinator get any
message it has missed if the sequencer
has crashed?
 The solution lies in the value of k. If k is 0
(non-fault tolerant), only the sequencer
maintains a history buffer.
 If k >0, k+1 machines maintain an up-to-
date history buffer. If k machines crash,
there is still one left to supply the
coordinator with any messages it needs.
 How to implement?
 In method 2, when the sequencer sees a
message, M, that was just broadcast, it
does not immediately broadcast an
Accept message.
 Instead, it waits until the k lowest-
numbered kernels have acknowledged
that they have seen and stored it. Now
k+1 machines have stored M in their
history buffers.
 Amoeba uses a custom protocol called FLIP
for actual message transmission.

 The protocol handles both RPC and group

communication and is below them in the
protocol hierarchy.

 FLIP is a network layer protocol.


RPC Group

FLIP layer
Create Create a new file; optionally commit
it as well
Read Read all or part of a specified file
Size Return the size of a specified file
Modify Overwrite n bytes of an uncommitted
Insert Insert or append n bytes to an
uncommitted file
Delete Delete n bytes from an uncommitted
Create Create a new directory
Delete Delete a directory or an entry in a directory
Append Add a new directory entry to a specified
Replace Replace a single directory entry
Lookup Return the capability set corresponding to a
specified name
Getmasks Return the rights masks for the specified entry
Chmod Change the rights bits in an existing directory
 Objects managed by the directory server can be
replicated automatically by using the replication
server. It practices what is called lazy

 when a file or other object is created, initially

only one copy is made. Then the replication
server can be invoked to produce identical
replicas, when it has time.

 runs the aging and garbage collection mechanism

used by the bullet server and other servers
 When the user types a command (e.g., sort) at the
terminal, two decisions must be made:
 1. On what architecture type should the process be
 2. Which processor should be chosen?

 Each run server manages one or more processor pools.

A processor pool is represented by a directory called
a pooldir, which contains subdirectories for each of
the CPU architectures supported. The subdirectories
contain capabilities for accessing the process servers
on each of the machines in the pool.
 The boot server is used to provide a degree
of fault tolerance to Amoeba by checking
that all servers that are supposed to be
running are in fact running, and taking
corrective action when they are not.

 A server that is interested in surviving

crashes can be included in the boot server's
configuration file
 To establish a connection, an Amoeba process
does an RPC with the TCP/IP server giving it a
TCP/IP address.

 The caller is then blocked until the connection

has been established or refused. In the reply,
the TCP/IP server provides a capability for
using the connection.

 Subsequent RPCs can send and receive packets

from the remote machine without the Amoeba
process having to know that TCP/IP is being
 Disk server
 I/O server
 A time-of-day server
 A random number server
 Swiss Army Knife server

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