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- Heat is the transfer of energy between objects

or places because of difference in temperature.
- Heat exist as “energy in transit” and it is not
contained in an object.
- Heat measures how energy moves or flows.
Thermal Energy is energy that
comes from a substance whose
molecules and atoms are moving
or vibrating due to a rise in
Heat is the energy that is
transferred from a body with a
higher temperature to a body
with a lower temperature. Heat
always flows from warmer to
cooler materials.
Sources of Heat Energy
Temperature is defined as the quantity
that indicates the hotness and coldness
of a substance. Thus, if the average
kinetic energy per molecule of a
substance increases the temperature also
increases. Temperature is measured in
Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin.
A device that measures temperature is
called thermometer. The most common MERCURY
type of thermometer uses alcohol which
expands and contracts in response THERMOMETER
tochanges in temperature.
Temperature is defined as the
quantity that indicates the hotness
and coldness of a substance. Thus,
if the average kinetic energy per
molecule of a substance increases
the temperature also increases.
Temperature is measured in
Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin.
A device that measures
temperature is called
thermometer. The most
common type of
thermometer uses alcohol
which expands and
contracts in response
What is the
difference between
heat and
Three ways on how heat is transferred
Three ways on how heat is transferred
When two objects are in contact
with each other, heat transfers
(at point of contact) directly
from the object with higher
temperature to the system with
lower temperature. The process
of heat transfer from one object
to another when the two
objects are in direct contact is
known as conduction.
When two objects are in contact with
each other, heat transfers (at point of
contact) directly from the object with
higher temperature to the system with
lower temperature. The process of heat
transfer from one object to another when
the two objects are in direct contact is
known as conduction.
Heat conduction occurs because of the
collisions among the molecules within
the system. The molecules of the
system with a higher temperature move
faster. As these fast-moving molecules
collide with the slow – moving
molecules of the system with a lower Slow-moving
temperature, some of the energy of the
fast- moving molecules are transferred
to the slow-moving molecules until the
two systems reach the same Fast-moving
temperature. molecules
Heat conduction occurs because of the
collisions among the molecules within the
system. The molecules of the system with a
higher temperature move faster. As these fast-
moving molecules collide with the slow –
moving molecules of the system with a lower
temperature, some of the energy of the fast-
moving molecules are transferred to the slow-
moving molecules until the two systems reach
the same temperature.
Materials made of metals are commonly
used to cook food. This is because metal
is a good conductor of heat. Some
materials such as wood, paper, and plastic
are poor conductors. The materials that
do not allow heat to transfer are called
Heat is transfer is from a warmer object to
a cooler object or from higher
temperature to a lower temperature.
Materials made of metals are commonly
used to cook food. This is because metal is a
good conductor of heat. Some materials such
as wood, paper, and plastic are poor
conductors. The materials that do not allow
heat to transfer are called insulators.
Heat is transfer is from a warmer object to a
cooler object or from higher temperature to
a lower temperature.
2. CONvectioN
2. CONvectioN
Convection also occurs in the atmosphere which
causes different weather conditions. Wind is due to
convection in the atmosphere. The land breeze and
the sea breeze during nighttime and daytime,
respectively, are due to convection currents. The
air above the sea being warmer, expands, rises up
and convection currents of cold air flow from the
land towards the sea, forming land breezes. In the
evening, air above the land, being moreheated,
expands, rises up and the colder air from above
the sea surface blows towards the land to take its
2. CONvectioN
3. radiatioN
Objects radiate electromagnetic energy (radiation made
up of interacting electric field and magnetic field and
travelling at the speed of light) unless the temperature
is at absolute zero.
A hot object radiates more electromagnetic energy.
Radiation is caused by the movement of the molecules
of an object. The faster the molecular movement, the
more radiation is produced, and the more heat is
transferred to other objects.
Any material that is considered
to be a good absorber of heat is
also a good emitter of heat. In
colors, black absorbs heat
better than white. This means,
you will feel hotter if you wear
a black shirt on sunny day than
when you wear a white one.
Electrical energy or electricity is a form of energy that
comes from electrically charged bodies such as ions
and electrons. It is the energy required to operate
appliances, gadgets, and machines.
Electricity results from electrical charges. You have
learned earlier that an atom consists of charged
particles. The electron, the atomic sub particle found
outside the nucleus, is negatively charged. The
movement of these electrons causes the formation of
It was in the year 600 BC when the philosopher Thales of
Miletus noted that when an
amber is rubbed with wool, it would be able to attract other
objects. Twenty- two centuries later,
the court physician to Queen Elizabeth I named William
Gilbert made observations on electric
forces and found that many other materials besides amber
have the property to attract light
objects after being rubbed. He called those substances
electric from the Greek word electron,
meaning “amber”. This where the modern word electricity

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