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Participate in Workplace

Learning Outcomes:
1. Obtain and convey workplace information.
2. Complete relevant work-related documents.
3. Participate in workplace meeting and
What is Communication?
● It is derived from the Latin word “communis” which
means to share something in common.

● It is a process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts,

feelings and emotion through speech, signals, writing and
Types of Communication:
1. Verbal Communication- message is transmitted verbally.
○ Oral Communication-spoken words
○ Written Communication- signs and symbols
2. Non-Verbal Communication- body language

It includes:
● Posture
● Facial expression
● Hand gestures
Elements of Communication
1. Speaker – the source or sender of information or message.
2. Message – the information or ideas conveyed by the speaker.
3. Encoding – converting your thoughts and ideas into content
that can be transmitted.
4. Channel- the means by which the message is communicated.
5. Decoding- the process of interpreting the encoded message
of the speaker by the receiver.
Elements of Communication
6. Receiver- the recipient of the message , or someone
who decodes the message.
7. Feedback – the reactions, response or information
provided by the receiver after receiving the message.
8. Context- refers to the environment where
communication takes place.
9. Barrier- anything that could impede the process of
Obtain and convey workplace information
Obtain and convey workplace information
● Specific and relevant information is accessed from appropriate sources:
⮚ Team Members
⮚ Suppliers
⮚ Trade personnel
⮚ Local Government
⮚ Industry Bodies
Obtain and convey workplace information
Obtain and convey workplace information
● Appropriate Medium to transfer information and ideas

⮚ Memorandum
⮚ Circular
⮚ Notice
⮚ Information discussion
⮚ Follow- up or Verbal instructions
⮚ Face-to-face communication
NOTE: Used of appropriate
lines of communication with
supervisors and colleagues
Obtain and convey workplace information
● Define workplace procedures for the location and storage of
❖ Manual-filing system
❖ computer- based filing system
● personal interaction is carried out clearly and concisely
Participate in Workplace Meetings and Discussions
Participate in Workplace
Meetings and Discussions
● Team meetings are attended on-time.
● Own opinions are clearly expressed and those of others are listened to
without interruption.
● meeting inputs are consistent with the meeting purpose and established
● Protocols
⮚ Observing meetings
⮚ Compliance with meeting decisions
⮚ Obeying meeting instructions.
Participate in Workplace
Meetings and Discussions
● Workplace interactions are conducted in a courteous manner
⮚ Face to face
⮚ Telephone
⮚ Electronic and Two-way radio
⮚ Written letters including electronic, memos, instruction and forms
⮚ Non-verbal including gestures, signals, signs and others,
Participate in Workplace
Meetings and Discussions
● Questions about simple routine workplace
procedures and maters concerning working
conditions of employment are asked and
responded to.

● Meetings outcomes are interpreted and

Complete relevant work related documents
Complete relevant work related documents
● Range of forms relating to conditions of
employment are completed accurately and legibly.
⮚Personnel Forms
⮚Telephone messages forms
⮚ safety reports
● Workplace data is recorded on standard
workplace forms and documents
● Basic Mathematical Process are used for routine
● Errors in recording information on forms/
documents are identified and properly acted upon.
● reporting requirements to supervisor are
completed according to organizational guidelines.

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