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Another feather in the cap of Indian scandal list is Commonwealth Games loot. Yes, literally a loot! Even before the long awaited sporting bonanza could see the day of light, the grand event was soaked in the allegations of corruption. It is estimated that out of Rs. 70000 crore spent on the Games, only half the said amount was spent on Indian sportspersons. The Central Vigilance Commission, involved in probing the alleged corruption in various Commonwealth Games-related projects, has found discrepancies in tenders like payment to non-existent parties, will-ful delays in execution of contracts, over-inflated price and bungling in purchase of equipment through tendering and misappropriation of funds

Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010: Main Concerns

The tournament underwent few transitions and phases where everything was quite well for us in the stated beginning but we went totally out of gesture in the mode of going about in Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010. There was a huge investment involved in the makeover of the CWG 2010, despite it received a very poor show among the poor people and several concerns raised over many issues. Issues that were brought into concern were involved for raising many political and administrative aspects that ruined the part of Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010. There are various other issues that were also brought into focus like maintenance of the venues were delayed and programme management had a flop show out of the desk to make a big mess of Commonwealth Games Scam 2010. There could have been no words to raise the ill works of the people concerning the big International Sporting Event in our country.

Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010: Socio-Economic Impact

The Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010 was mainly subdued to many reasons like heavy economic expenditure that were being severely criticized of. Since there was a huge expenditure that was being spend into such a big Commonwealth Games, so there was a complete serenity over the fact that though being spending so much money, yet things were not utilized for the proper ways. There were so much hush among the poor people to see such notion of huge expenditures being spend on CWG Scam 2010, but not helping and cutting out the financial costs over the period of time in India. This is not the only aspect, the strike over the issues that were certain to raise like slavery of people right out by bribing them up. There were huge volumes of children and people being hired on day night prospects which enamoured the worst part of using them up in CWG Games Project aspect. The Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010 was recommended to deteriorate the matter child labour being bombarded into the collaboration of making CWG Games 2010, a bigger success.

Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010: No Proper Organization

Another important reason why there was a big loss in collaboration among the people was the bitter poor show in terms of all organizing failures that crept into the walk of Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010. Various preparation delays were reported in accordance to the Commonwealth Games 2010. There were nothing, but poor support staff to look after the CWG Games 2010 schedule and places where there needs to be very proper attendance and has to be paid on a regular basis. Several officers that were attending the state of affairs regarding the concert came out to be much delayed since the CWG Games 2010 were of too much concern. Moreover during the events of CWG Games Scam 2010, the selling of the tickets were totally much to disappointed concerns since it looked like as if there were of no need to comply with the regulations that broke into Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010. Chairman, Suresh Kalmadi made and expressed the views over the concern on how tickets were being heavily bribed with money and therefore there had so less audience in CWG Games 2010. The CWG Scam 2010 was of the concerning issues on how preparatory management failed out to show the good performance.

Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010: Infrastructure Failure

Another important raising aspect of the Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010 was the infrastructural support that couldn't bear up the best part of the CWG Games 2010. Actually certain projects like Airport Metro Express construction delayed out because of various aspect and was unable to complete the project on time which gave a big issue again to Delhi Government. Various eventual problems like event analysis and improper functioning of the support of various games in CWG Games 2010 just did not give the best credit to side which had seen to be CWG Scam 2010. What hearted the main issue to CWG Scam 2010 was the various equipments and venues that were even not signed and maintained up even before the game so there were some horrible aspects of foreign sportsmen at the CWG Games 2010. The Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010 also gave inside into the various Spots Associations to pitch down the line in making the best out of the international event but before there could have any improvement in building up the CWG Scam 2010more, issues regarding Organization Committee saw a defending actions and saw a big loss in sporting events. Though the committee did not expressed the views right thought the event, it was later discover top meet the aspect of CWG Scam 2010.

Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010: Security Concerns

Since everyone knows the Commonwealth Games(CWG) 2010 to go international, therefore there Security concerns had a heavy issue raising to such aspects. The raising security issues have been tumbled out badly because there were a total wipe out of various issues and this did not give a good sights to measure up the CWG Scam 2010. Since New Delhi is renowned for all the activities of politicians and terror attacks sometimes, so there could be the possibility that we could have heard about the ramming terror attacks that could have broken into the city with the outraging Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010. There would have been total injustice if there could have been supported up with a good security support concerns without any rising issues of terror attacks in New Delhi during CWG Games 2010. Debacle of surprise was noted, in the swimming of CWG 2010, there were reports of many swimmers being fallen ill, it may be due to the quality of water or maybe due to some faulty works of swimming men. Whatever the reasons may be, we were reported not to have maintained the dignity of CWG Games 2010. This led to what is known to be the worst effect leading up for Commonwealth Games(CWG) Scam 2010.

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